• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Nitazenes Opioids Detection Test - HR


Mar 11, 2020
Has Marquis or similar tests been done with Nitazenes benzimidazole opioids? Or maybe something more specific for benzimidazole containing compounds. I couldnt find any literature whatsover on these. Anybody comes across any info? Thx


These opioids are now the most frequently seen dope aldulterants of any types in Canada and some part of US WCoast iirc. More than fentalogues, benzos..etc.. Crazy times! some of those compounds are like 1000xM!! Jeeeeesus!!!!
GCMS tested etonitazene did not react with mandelin and marquis reagent. I would guess that neither would some of the closely related compounds. But don't take that as fact.

Differentiating between the many nitazenes with reagents would probably be impossible.
Oh I see marquis doesnt react. Even if it does the problem with those highly potent OPs the concentration is so low it would be hard to detect color change just by naked eyes. Best would be a Immunoassay ELISA strip like fent strips. Fent strips wont detect nitazenes. They re very sensitive. Yeah as you said it would be very hard to detect all possible nitazenes. One would have to come up with a strip for each Nitazene which is not really practical (they're dozen of them).

Nobody is gonna put money in that (may be the Gov). The shitty thing is they'd be ILLEGAL at least in the US. I mean, people might not know it but Fent strips are ILLEGAL in the US (classified drug paraphenelia). Unbelievably stupid law!! Actually I am trying to come up with a general detection method. Shouldnt be that hard to detect presence of benzimidazole with UV or something .. They have very characteristic blue or green fluorescence...

But anyway I was actually shocked in Canada they're now spiking Fentanyl with Metonitazene (most frequent detected adulterant). Spiking fent with nitazene ffs!... I mean it used to be dope spiked with fent. Now that ppl are actually knowingly seeking fent(alogues), theyre spiking them with Nitazenes.. I mean ffs how deadly greedy can ppl get
I think an ELISA test id the only way to go because their are several homologues of the drug.

But they aren't that potent. Don't forget the original BDPC papers give a potency of >x10000 M but it turned out to have a potency of x504 morphine in man. It was tested as an opioid substituted and so orally it's x60 morphine. BDPCs affinity for MOR is almost exactly the same as BDPC. So I guess LogP might alter potency some, but it isn't as potent as initial sources suggest.

Of course, I did post a homologue that was x4 more potent than the parent in animal models. However, I think the increase activity was due to NOP affinity.
Ah by ALL ROAs, Etonitazene is calculated to be x60 morphine - not x1500.

BUT if you insist on a more potent analogue:

I should add that the extra chiral carboxamide seems to increase DOR activity. So it may still only replace morphine (for examples) at the same x60 rate. It's the difference between comparing for (very nasty) animal models of pain and PEOPLE.

so the isopentyl homologue of dihydroetorphine (x34000 M) is about the most potent.

Some fentanyl derivatives have been shown more potent in animal models, but it could be DOR again.

The key to designing a novel opioid is it's complexity/difficulty of synthesis & price of precursors / by activity.

That's why U-47700 turned up. Only x7.5 M (but euphoric) but 1 step from commercially available precursors.