  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

NFL Light Up TNF Uniforms


Bluelight Crew
Mar 14, 2016
What are your top 5 unis?

Here's mine.






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i have a real soft spot for the dolphins uniform but their 'color rush' version is all orange - not so keen:


this is cool:

I would prefer that they had Navorro Bowman pictured carrying a 49ers helmet instead of a falcons helmet, but considering the 49ers hate train everyone seems to be riding this year I was desensitized to this sort of thing a while ago.
I dunno, I kinda wanted to buy a Kaep jersey now...

man that picture with all of them together looks rather garish. however, most of the designs pass the mustard, some of them suck, and some of them are rather kewl

I am down with the All Black Steelers (and this means officially no more Throw Back "Bumblebee" Jerseys, woo hoo!!)

I always was down with the San Diego baby powder blue alt-jerseys. I don't get why the Color Rush Committee didn't opt to go for their throw-back baby blues? literally it would be so sick...

I dunno, I kinda wanted to buy a Kaep jersey now...

Honestly, I dont disagree with him standing up for his beliefs, I just wish he wasnt using my team as a platform to do it. The 9ers have had enough drama recently.
Check your white privilege care.

I'm disappointed that more white players don't kneel in solidarity. It shows how little team nexists in the nfl
it's funny how super fucking serious Americans take the National Anthem, 1KW. I was having this convo with Claire the other day - apparently that is not the case in Aus (or any other major nation, apparently)

it's fucking absurd. honestly, I am proud of Kaep. 1) he is finally making a name for himself, there was no way he was going to ever do so with such mediocre QB play ;) and 2) protesting the National Anthem is just something that doesn't come across most Americans' minds. for as radical as I consider myself, it never crossed my mind - but thanks to Kaep - why would I stand up for anthem? I feel like it should be protested...
Check your white privilege care.


it's funny how super fucking serious Americans take the National Anthem, 1KW. I was having this convo with Claire the other day - apparently that is not the case in Aus (or any other major nation, apparently)

it's fucking absurd. honestly, I am proud of Kaep. 1) he is finally making a name for himself, there was no way he was going to ever do so with such mediocre QB play ;) and 2) protesting the National Anthem is just something that doesn't come across most Americans' minds. for as radical as I consider myself, it never crossed my mind - but thanks to Kaep - why would I stand up for anthem? I feel like it should be protested...

I honestly could give a shit about the national anthem, and what kap does on his own time doesnt bother me. He has been posting pro Islam-anti cop shit on his social media for a year or two now and the media never picked up on it or made a big deal about it.

I just feel like when he is playing football, which is his job, he should be focused on that instead of making a political statement.

To me its a non-story, athletes are objects to me I really dont care about their lives outside of sports.
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There is a big difference between patriotism and nationalism. I never sang the Australian anthem because I'm not Australian.

I love my country, I support their sportsmen and their achievements but I think it's stupid the feel somehow part of the team when they win. I mean sir Ernest Rutherford was the first man to split the atom and pretty much invented nuclear physics as we know it, but despite being born on the same land mass as me I have no claim to his achievements. Ditto soldiers who murder other soldiers under the same flag we fly at sports events.

Americans argue that they owe their soldiers something when in actual fact it is the opposite. If the American people didn't allow their taxes to be spent propping up the countries industrial military complex, none of those poor, undereducated teenage males with nothing else to contribute to their community would not have had a job. Not one American citizen has been saved in the past 15 yrs. in fact the only thing your war on terror has given you is a boost in confidence that would have otherwise been crushed by the knowledge that a couple of box cutters owned your largest city and Lockheed Martin could stop shit.

If you truly wanted to protect your way of life start by protecting the hundreds of innocents killed by your police who are supposed to serve you.
There is a big difference between patriotism and nationalism. I never sang the Australian anthem because I'm not Australian.

I love my country, I support their sportsmen and their achievements but I think it's stupid the feel somehow part of the team when they win. I mean sir Ernest Rutherford was the first man to split the atom and pretty much invented nuclear physics as we know it, but despite being born on the same land mass as me I have no claim to his achievements. Ditto soldiers who murder other soldiers under the same flag we fly at sports events.

Americans argue that they owe their soldiers something when in actual fact it is the opposite. If the American people didn't allow their taxes to be spent propping up the countries industrial military complex, none of those poor, undereducated teenage males with nothing else to contribute to their community would not have had a job. Not one American citizen has been saved in the past 15 yrs. in fact the only thing your war on terror has given you is a boost in confidence that would have otherwise been crushed by the knowledge that a couple of box cutters owned your largest city and Lockheed Martin could stop shit.

If you truly wanted to protect your way of life start by protecting the hundreds of innocents killed by your police who are supposed to serve you.

Too much politics not enough football in this post.
If you don't want politics in your sport don't have token armed forces rounds or reward championship rings with a trip to the White House.
If you don't want politics in your sport don't have token armed forces rounds or reward championship rings with a trip to the White House.

You're right, how could I have been so blind, i'll call my people to get that changed right now.
Personally I cant watch most female spots. Glad you enjoy them though!