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Treatment New treatment for my addiction


Oct 9, 2019
Hello, today I saw my doctor together with my mother, basically I called yesterday and I told him that I had had a relapse, I am addicted to tramadol, not only did I relapse in that, also since the relapse a week ago I have been taking oxy and oral morphine , in the appointment with the doctor I was totally sincere, I was very ashamed to tell my mother that she had relapsed, but she really didn't take it badly, so ... the doctor gave my mother more medication so that she could give them to me supply so I feel more controlled
The new drugs are:
Methadone 10mg per day
Magnesium valproate 400mg daily
Diazepam 10mg per day
I have some questions, I never took Valproato, it always seemed somewhat useless to me, my doctor gave it to me for its "mood stabilizing" properties, I suppose there should not be a dangerous interaction here if I have been given these doses and these 3 medications together, what do you think? about this? I really want to quit my habit of opiates, so with methadone I feel more secure (especially since my mother has my medications) I just get a little scared of valproate, I hope this helps me, and I will get sick of that vicious circle what is life with opiates
Methadone with the Diazapam seems dangerous Becareful .

Yes, I know, but I have been taking benzos for 4 years
Basically they can't take my benzos, they didn't just add diazepam, they just added methadone and valproate
Hello, today I saw my doctor together with my mother, basically I called yesterday and I told him that I had had a relapse, I am addicted to tramadol, not only did I relapse in that, also since the relapse a week ago I have been taking oxy and oral morphine , in the appointment with the doctor I was totally sincere, I was very ashamed to tell my mother that she had relapsed, but she really didn't take it badly, so ... the doctor gave my mother more medication so that she could give them to me supply so I feel more controlled
The new drugs are:
Methadone 10mg per day
Magnesium valproate 400mg daily
Diazepam 10mg per day
I have some questions, I never took Valproato, it always seemed somewhat useless to me, my doctor gave it to me for its "mood stabilizing" properties, I suppose there should not be a dangerous interaction here if I have been given these doses and these 3 medications together, what do you think? about this? I really want to quit my habit of opiates, so with methadone I feel more secure (especially since my mother has my medications) I just get a little scared of valproate, I hope this helps me, and I will get sick of that vicious circle what is life with opiates
I've taken up to 4 diff psych meds when i was in rehab , levomepromazine, valproate, zyprexa AND some other shit i dont remember ATM. Apart from feeling like a zombie AND have no recollection of an entire month almost. U got it Easy, at least u can taper with methadone, i fking coldturkeyed an intravenous dependency becz those meds didn't do shit for withdrawals. Took me 2 months to feel normal. Tbh u can be More stable AND less anxious on methadone AND diazepam but thst Is not fixing the problem, it's just like putting a bandaid on it. If u really want to be clean Nico, dont spend to.much Time on methadone, the wds from it are just as nasty as Tramadol.
I've taken up to 4 diff psych meds when i was in rehab , levomepromazine, valproate, zyprexa AND some other shit i dont remember ATM. Apart from feeling like a zombie AND have no recollection of an entire month almost. U got it Easy, at least u can taper with methadone, i fking coldturkeyed an intravenous dependency becz those meds didn't do shit for withdrawals. Took me 2 months to feel normal. Tbh u can be More stable AND less anxious on methadone AND diazepam but thst Is not fixing the problem, it's just like putting a bandaid on it. If u really want to be clean Nico, dont spend to.much Time on methadone, the wds from it are just as nasty as Tramadol.

I know that it is a strong opioid, but I do not think it will take it for a long time, with the help of my mother and my doctor we will reduce it over time, I probably will not take valproate, my mother was reading about it and thinks that it is too much with the respiratory depression that produces methadone and diazepam and is not very convinced to use valproate, tomorrow I will talk to a doctor to see if they can change me to an antidepressant maybe, or just stay with methadone and diazepam, I decided to use methadone because I really leave in cold turkey alone leads me to relapse over and over again, methadone can help with cravings
I know that it is a strong opioid, but I do not think it will take it for a long time, with the help of my mother and my doctor we will reduce it over time, I probably will not take valproate, my mother was reading about it and thinks that it is too much with the respiratory depression that produces methadone and diazepam and is not very convinced to use valproate, tomorrow I will talk to a doctor to see if they can change me to an antidepressant maybe, or just stay with methadone and diazepam, I decided to use methadone because I really leave in cold turkey alone leads me to relapse over and over again, methadone can help with cravings
Tbh, I've taken 3 times a day valproate AND it doesn't do shit. Gabapentin Is More effective as a mood stabilizer or carbamazepine. Although, carbamazepine interacts with a Lot of medicines AND has some weird side effects too. I think u can be fine just on diazepam AND methadone.
I read that carbamazepine has a bad interaction with methadone, my mother thinks the same, I will only stay with methadone and diazepam probably