• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Neuroleptic neurotoxicity

Akathisia is the worst, even worse than the tremors! Well they are all neurotoxic no doubt, but I still hope to recover around 98%. It helped me to not be suicidal, but in the long run it is just terrible. Those drugs are the worst within the first few months and neurotoxicity goes down with time. I probably lost up to a max of 1,7% in a few brain areas and a total of .34 % total brain mass within the 2 months. I suppose it takes months to recover, a little bit like recovering from MDMA. The worst thing is that I didn't have Psychosis (I have severe depression) and still got neuroleptic treatment instead of antidepressants, which are not much better. I am going to ask my future neurologist about possible treatment for neurogenesis enhancing drugs, like the stuff in magic mushrooms.
They're all neurotoxic. I've been taking one or another typical or atypical antipsychotic for 19 years, and I can't stop. I've tried more than once. It's terrible. But at least I'm not in a psychiatric hospital. Plus, neuroleptics are great for toning down an amphetamine binge or aborting a psychedelic trip turned bad. I've been taking Haldol for 4 years. Just this past year, I successfully reduced my dosage from 20mg/night to 10mg/night, but it didn't help any with my 50 lb. weight gain. If 10mg of Haldol at night gave me akathisia on a regular basis, then I would force myself to go off it. I hate akathisia! Worst feeling ever. And I feel so sorry for those usually middle age men or women on the bus with obvious, uncontrolled, and socially debilitating involuntary muscle movements. I know it's tardive dyskinesia, which is one thing I've been lucky not to get so far. Knocks on wood.

Haldol is the worst besides maybe Pimozide or Clopixol for causing Akathisia and movement disorders like TD. No wonder you where getting Akathisia 10mg's of Haldol is a huge dose.
If the primary source of degeneration is a lack of stimulation, then maybe you should go find more stimulation. Climb a mountain, jump in a lake, play tennis, go to a concert, etc...
Abilify is the best for schoolwork imo.

I personally couldn't focus without a typical anti-psychotic, but to each their own.

The akathesia (as you describe it) is probably just restlessness. I had that. It actually went away. That was the major factor in me going off my medication in the past. Please give it a couple months. And perhaps ask about cogentin, though it will make you less cognitively adept. Right now, your health should come before anything else.

I woke up screaming multiple times last night from the akasthesia, shaking, had to get up and literally move all my limbs. So today my psych prescribed me some Cogentin, we'll see how it goes.