need q answered for tonight


Nov 23, 1999
i'm not sure if i remember correctly..but i think i had heard this on the message board it true that taking tums with the roll will keep u from puking...i puke every time and needless to say, while it does blow me up, it is not something that i enjoy....what can i do
I've heard the same thing, I think it has something to do with it being an antacid... I think that the best thing you could do to keep yourself from puking is to meditate when you get that feeling, take deep breaths, and focus on not puking...that works wonders for me, that and some fresh air.. When you get that queasy feeling in your stomach, just concentrate on your breath and that feeling should subside within 5-10 minutes.
Good luck & have a HAPPY & SAFE NEW YEAR
Yes, undoubtedly. So will eating something light and stomach friendly before, i.e. fruit, a banana, a little bread, yogurt, celery, you get the point.
Chew 1-4 antacids and drink with water. It will keep girls from puking their pillz, and it'll keep guys from being floored for those 20 minutes that e will make you sit out.
Yeah, as filter says, take deep breaths, sit outside somewhere, and focus, and you should be already to enter the state. Remove yourself from distractions, and minimize stimulation for a while, even if it means breaking off conversation.
Also, ginger or ginger ale helps. Also you might want to take 1/2 dose, then the other 1/2 a half-hour spaced apart, or you might want to grind your pillz and put them in a capsule and swallow, or as some people have tried, shove it up yo' ass.
If you go with an antacid, use Rolaids instead of has magnesium in it already and will help you to control jaw clenching. Tums has calcium, which could possibly make the clenching worse.
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