need help with starting my first cycle !!!


Mar 24, 2014
so this is my story... i've been training for 5-6 years on and off more like 5 years and 1 off cause i had injuries... first injury i had was when i started training i injured my shoulder then i had to go to physio and i got it sorted out ... then i started training again regained the lost muscle realy fast and broked my right foot or actually heel bone... and i layed of for another 3-4 months so i got back into training and regained the lost muscle and stopped working out for another 2 -3 months due to personal issues... anyways im back in to the gym hitting weights and regaining my muscle in a fast rate i have like 3-4 more kg to go... anyways my stats are 6.5 or 197 aprox... i weigh 100 kg i guess thats around 220 my max lifts are bench 120 kg for 3-4 reps... squat 120 kg for reps... deadlift 180 kg for 3-4 reps the thing is im qute strong but i dont look that big maybe beacause i started off way too skinny ... so to get to the point im gonna start my first cycle in a week or 2 as soon as i hit my max lifts ... so as ive read on alot of forums and researched i figure test enathate is the way to go considering is dirt chip and legal in my country so im planning to go for 500 mg a week maybe some dbol to kick start for 4 weeks 25 mg a day or something like that but im mostly concerned about the pct cause they dont have the adex and aromasin here ... i can only get my hands on clomid and nolva ...also i know that pct is a must i need ai too prevent bloating and combat gyno and to balance my hormones after the cycle what can you add in or change or advise me to do gonna do the cycle anyways like i said ive been training for like 6 years 5 consistant and i think im preety much close to my genetic limit...HELP a brother out ... :) i almost forgot my bf is around 12-14 im thinking to get around 10 % before starting my goal is to make as much as lean gains as possible and hopefuly keep some of it if not most of it... and my diet is on check if you want to start asking me about that i get around 3300-3500 cals a day of healthy nutrient dense foods and i dont drink shakes eat only real food 6-7 meals a day and im turning 23 on april the 5th ... and on my b-day im gonna start my cycle
Sounds like a healthy cycle, you know what your doing and your stats are pretty good.
The cycle you have laid out is good, maybe 30mg per day of dbol just to make dosing simpler unless your tabs are 5mg.

The adex is only used mid cycle, for estrogen issues, they shouldn't be a problem but for your peace of mind you can order liquidex which is adex in liquid form, quite cheap and does the job from RUIs brand. Worked well for a few of my buddies.
The nolva and Clomid is best for pct as they are serms and not AIs.
If you ecperiance gyno on cycle the nolva can be used to basically stop the estrogen binding to the receptors although it will not actually get rid of that estrogen, possibly causing a rebound effect when the nolva is stopped.

AIs are for during cycle
Serms are for pct.

Hope this helps
thanks bro... i guess my main concern is about estrogen rebound after finishing pct... because i had some gyno flare in puberty but it subdued so i think i may be gyno prone... also do you think i should take the ai during cycle aswell to prevent gyno or ?...btw i get baked everyday too lool :D do you think it will affect me during my cycle in therms of gains making :D
thanks bro... i guess my main concern is about estrogen rebound after finishing pct... because i had some gyno flare in puberty but it subdued so i think i may be gyno prone... also do you think i should take the ai during cycle aswell to prevent gyno or ?...btw i get baked everyday too lool :D do you think it will affect me during my cycle in terms of gains making :D

btw i get baked everyday too... I'm unsure what you mean pls clarify..?

Its always beneficial to have an AI on hand in case its needed, there is no need to jump on if there are no signs of E2 issues..
If your concerned about possible re-occurring gyno don't bother with the Dbol, also to keep plasma levels more stable pin twice a week rather than once with Enanthate...

Nolva and clomid are fine for PCT... two weeks after last injection of Test-E...

At 100kgs BW you should be lifting more on your squats than bench press.... There's a skinny little asian I know squating 220kgs at 85kgs and 19...
He means he smokes weed gf.
Smoking weed will lead to no issues as long as you can resist the temptation to eat shit and eat something high in protein and carbs. 1 small thing I have noticed with weed is that it doesn't do my sleep a lot of good I tend to not get as good of a sleep or as deep of a sleep and we all know gains are made during deep rem sleep.
Basically if you don't turn into the stereotypical stoner and your sleep is fine you will have no trouble getting baked. A lot of us aas users smoke weed as opposed to taking alcohol as alcohol is known to Fuck with everything and hinder gains whereas smoking a few spliffs does basically no harm.
Means he smokes weed :)
I don't think there's any interactions there but not 100% sure.

And yeah, the lifts are kinda low, especially the squat... I mean 100kg @ 12%-14% should be enough muscle for more. It's probably a mental thing (believe me I know about that, getting under a bar loaded with lots of weights can be a bit mentally challenging ).... The bench... well if your shoulder injury is still bothering you (either physically or mentally) then it's understandable.
Do you do lots of back work (rows, pull downs/pull ups, deadlifts, rack pulls, ....)? That will really help with stabilizing your shoulders for benching and keep the bar still on your back. You might also consider doing standing over head presses and push presses, both will do wonders for strength and stability.

Cycle looks fine, except that I'd do the dbol either in the middle or the end. Works better together with test.
i have very big legs man i dont want my quads to get any bigger i just wanna build a thicker upper boddy and add some slabs of muscle on to my frame i get baked= i smoke weed everyday :) plus i go high reps on the squats like 16 + let me see that asian dude doo 220 kgs for reps
If they are already big that just means you already have the muscle to do it, but just don't know how. Do low reps (1-3), you'll learn to move big weights + your legs shouldn't grow too much (though your going to be on steroids... everything is going to grow). And come on... it's fun to lift heavy shit man :D

I think they meant Frank Yang, couldn't find him doing 500 but here's 405 -
i squat 120 not 100 anyways thats why kinda i got the shoulder injury in the first place ... first when i started out i only trained chest ,frond and side delts.. and arms nothing else and thats why i snaped my rotator cuff after the physio my main foucse was to balance my physique went from not being able to do 1 pull up to 15 weighted pull ups with 20 kg ... started working alot on my rear delts i actually stoped working out my front delts for a year and avoided benching in order to fix the imbalances which got me in trouble in the first place... anyways i experimented alot thru my years started of with bro splits but found out that full body or push pull splits work better for me i got more gains that way... so know i only do high intesity full body workouts some days i focus on strength some days i do lighter pumping workout and more isolation with higher reps i never use machines i only do compound movements most of the time or dumbels and ocasionaly cables i actually dont use the lat machine cause i have long arms i do one arm rows with 30 kg for 12 reps i do barbell rows,under hand and over hand... rows... for my shoulders standing behind the neck militart or snatch grips and push presses also dumbel presses with 35 kg dumbells... the thing is when i started off i trained with ego i only cared about the weight but i realised i wasnt growing as much as other who where lifting as half as me so i cheked my ego at the dor and focused on perfect form. rest pause drop sets ,super sets u name it and i started to grow like weed... but due to the injuries i also had an issue with my biceps tendon cause of lifting heavy and i stopped so if i cant do the excersie with the perfect form i will lower the weights... i hope its not to long lool :D
Do you get a numb arm sometimes whilst lifting black? I used to have a problem like that my doc said I had tendonitis but he's a retard they all are. Could have been right, probably was, but I prefer not to believe him because doctors are wankstains
lol who cares how much who lifts man as long as i look like i can lift 500 is good enough for me im not trying to be a power lifter or anything like that plus im 6.5 tall man dont disregard that my range of motion is not same as someone who is let say 5-10 or something... i have preety long limbs thats why i wanna get on the sauce to jack up my arms and bring them up to pair with my legs
nah just one day i was training biceps really hard and they were like super pumped and on my left arm right above the elbow it was like a buldge and i had to rest then i went to physio about that too anyways... my arms do get numb but that usualy happens when sleeping or if i sleep on the side of the shoulder any shoulder it will go numb ... so thats they main reason now why i dont go really heave cause i fucked up all my joints while lifting stupid heavy weight with shitty form and cheat reps... thats why i do only full controled reps now and focus on the ecentric phase
and sometimes when i get a crazy pump when doing biceps it kinda bothers me but not to the point of not finishing my workout or anything like that just kinda nagging...
why not bother with d-bol coudnt i just use like ai during cycle to prevent gyno or something like that ? anyways ive alyways had huge legs especialy quads but my upper body was weak ... maybe its because i used to do a lot of running as a kid and played basket ball and rollerblading i was very active... who knows maybe its genetics my quads are almost to the point of rubbing against each other, dont know about you but i dont want to get rashes everyday just trying to get around :D lol. i used to weigh 85 before i even touched a weight i used to be skinny fat maybe my bones weigh alot i dont know im pretty tall too ... i will post before and after pictures soon like before after natural and then before after cycle :)
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Op, relax, man, I wasn't trying to insult you or anything... just saying that heavy lifting is much more fun than light (for me anyway). I agree about what you said about form. Good form is very important, especially so when lifting heavy, because one wrong move there can fuck shit up. Like flexing your spine on squats a bit? You can get away with that doing lighter weights (defined as lighter for the person doing it), try it on a 1rm and say hi to your pain medication (best case scenario). Or lots of other minor details. Heavy lifting (at least not in my head where injury = bad) isn't trying to lift as much as you can while saying fuck you to form, it's lifting as much as you can with proper form. And the closer you are to your 1rm the less bad crap you can pull without either injuring yourself or failing a lift. Or both. And full body workouts? With you there too, works better for me as well. Oh and good job on doing your back work/over head work like you should, lots of people skip that and then wonder why their shoulders are fucked and hurt all the time. Well, duh, your shoulders are going to hurt if you just bench. Maybe not this month, but they will eventually.

As for your cycle I believe you already got told it's fine? I mean personally I'd take the dbol later, but using it as a kickstart is just as valid.

Do you get a numb arm sometimes whilst lifting black? I used to have a problem like that my doc said I had tendonitis but he's a retard they all are. Could have been right, probably was, but I prefer not to believe him because doctors are wankstains

No, which lift did you mean btw? I've heart it happen to people on squats but it doesn't to me...

My left distal biceps tendon hurts if I do too much pull ups/pull downs, rows are fine. I guess I damaged it once at it never healed properly? Or some kind of overuse injury? Idk, not like there's much to do about it, rest didn't work, specific exercises didn't, seriously doubt hgh would so.... just don't do too much volume on pull ups/pull downs and it's fine. If it ever actually tears off I'll have it reattached and hope for the best.
do yoy think i should do a front loading or something like that ? for example first inj 1 gram then 500 mg a week ? or ?!?
I would if I had the extra test to do it. Wouldn't buy more test just to front load.
lol who cares how much who lifts man as long as i look like i can lift 500 is good enough for me im not trying to be a power lifter or anything like that plus im 6.5 tall man dont disregard that my range of motion is not same as someone who is let say 5-10 or something... i have preety long limbs thats why i wanna get on the sauce to jack up my arms and bring them up to pair with my legs

Your legs are
if you say so... if that makes you feel better at night ok then ... i bet they are bigger then yours tho...