need help with account


Dec 6, 2016
Hi... It is me... P0kemama. My regular user name and password no longer work.. I have spent couple of hours trying to wait the 15 minutes to log on... to no avail. Also, I was getting error messages stating "server is busy"... I am so Pi&%ed off!!! I will contact IT support her to see if they can restore my normal username.

TLD: What a handsome and also intelligent looking son you have... you must be so proud! Also, that fish... it is so big! You really are blessed! How wonderful he is to consider being of service to the USA. Good for him, staying away from drugs. You and your wife certainly did a fabulous job of parenting.

CD: You know how irritated I am right now!!! So, do not send me an PM's as of now. Let me see if tech support can get this mess straightened out. I remember when I went cold turkey in 2013 how easily I would feel overwhelmed.... of course, it was accompanied by anxiety. I think I would help calm myself by making simple lists each day, and starring one item that was a priority. That kept me moving forward and at the same time, got all that "stuff" out of my brain so that I was not going around in circles. You know the drill.... just breathe.....