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Need help to understand whats is going on after nbome use!


Sep 13, 2015
Hey, first of all i would like to apologise if i make a mistake grammatically speaking, im from Argentina but i make an account in this forums, because its more popular and have more users than Argies ones. Well i tripped on nbome with a friend for the first time i did about a half, then tree weeks later i did a quarter, then the other weekend i did another quarter and then the next weekend i did a quarter and half another quarter (2 out of 4 times i had a bad time). Its been almost 6 weeks from my last trip, and since then i been experiencing anxiety (and all its symptons), and weird sensations, just diferent (specially when i really pay attention to it) plus im having some troubles to fall sleep like insomnia, and i usually wake up before planned (like 5 or 6 in the morning for example) most of the times sweaty and sometimes shaking. Sometimes i also start shacking out of nowhere, and sometimes i feel my eyes like more sensible to the light (could be because of the anxiety?) and i am a little bit more distracted lately. Do any of you guys experienced something like this or know of someone, and most important, do you have any idea of what could this be? Thank you for taking the time to read it! :) :/

ps: when i eat food that increase the serotonin (like chocolate, coffee, tomatoes, tea, bananas, etc) i feel better for some time.
While I can't tell you exactly what's wrong, I can tell you what may help. Try to meditate for a half hour every night (or more if you can manage), keep your diet healthy and full of serotonin-increasing foods, exercise and find someone who you can talk about your bad trips with.
i think i actually only had one bad trip, the first one since Argentinian streets are not so safe at night. I was tripping and started going to the bus stop to go to a bar, i suddenly started feeling like i was being chased or watched, so i have to go home. The last time i dont know if it was a bad trip i think i just got an anxiety attack just in the middle, actually i was quite cool after the first 10 or 15 minutes of the attack. Right now i can remember my bad trips and i dont get anxiety from doing it, so i dont think that im like "traumatized" from them.. could be tho, ty for your reply. If someone else have any idea please share!
negative experiences with psychedelics tend to have lingering after effects such as anxiety - which can be very severe - and stuff. no need to go hyponchondriac and start thinking you fucked something up: after bad trips people always feel a little 'off'. it goes away with time.
I personally think these types of comedowns have to do with neurotransmitter imbalances (possibly adrenal fatigue) and your HPA axis getting out of whack, after reading about it.

Nbomes didn't treat me well either, try being sober from everything for a few months and getting good exercise and a balanced diet.

Hydergine also helped me.
ty both for your replies. And yes, Sonn, i've been sober for 6 weeks, since the incident started.
You should try magnesium and fish oil too. Use magnesium citrate or another form besides oxide (there is a bunch of different kinds). Epsom salt baths can help too. Some people can take up to 1 g a day of magnesium but not everyone can tolerate that much. If you start getting the runs you are taking too much. It should help with the sensitivity to light. Make sure the fish oil is decent quality too with no heavy metals. As said already, eat well, non farm raised fish is good, light aerobic exercise and meditation should all help you get back on track.

Also take it easy on the nbomes. Every week is a lot. People get a lot of weird side effects and lingering effects from them so I would avoid those. If you smoke weed, take it easy on that for a while too.

Cheers. :)
ty Jammin. Im not consuming nbomes ever again, and i havent smoked weed since the incident, and i wont keep on smoking, im done with drugs.
I experienced the same thing after a massive dose of DOC it lasted for about 5 months but I did eventually get better, just try not to use any drugs but alcohol should be ok in small amounts. Just gotta let your body and mind rest and get back to normal.

This may of happened due to the constant use of this substance over a couple of weeks.

Also so if it gets to a point where you can't deal with it I would consult your doctor about this, and dw most doctors won't judge you for your decisions I know they don't in Australia.
OP: sounds like the lingering malaise of a bad trip. Time and a good diet will fix that.

The comment you made about serotonin increasing foods is due to the placebo effect (other than coffee which is euphoric in its own right). None of these foods contain enough serotonin to raise serotonin levels, and even if they had shit loads of serotonin in them, they wouldn't increase serotonin levels unless they were directly injected into your brain. Neurotransmitters are regulated so that you don't get serotonin syndrome from eating too much food; the brain is very good at maintaining homeostasis which is why simply waiting and letting your brain get back to normal will always be the best treatment for post bad trip negativity.
ty all guys! i still just in case went to my best friend's mother who is a psychiatrist and she's helping me out, i did a blood analisis and a brain resonance to check everything is allright
I really doubt it has much to do with serotonin levels, but rather how your receptors react now since their function has apparently been influenced by these NBOMe drugs that work very selectively on them..

Yes sleep and many of the sensations you describe are majorly governed by serotonin or better yet, its action on the receptors it acts on..

Abstain from psychedelics, that includes weed.. I don't really care whether HPPD applies here or not, but recommended changes in your habits to help HPPD fade probably applies. Meaning: give your brain rest and good care by just healthy meals and try to get as much sleep as you can. Over time, I agree homeostasis and repletion of sero receptors that may or may not have been altered in conformation should help you return to normalcy.
Taking other drugs will likely only slow down this healing process or disturb it even.

Sorry you reacted this way, it appears you are extra sensitive... but combined with that NBOMe's are extra effective so to speak. I don't trust them tbh, even if it must be said that there are other drugs that claim way more casualties. I apologize if that is insensitive to you.
ty Solipsis, i dont think i have HPPD, i read the symptoms and i dont seem to have any of them, just the anxiety, and yea as i said, im not consuming nothing
This is really good advice - especially the meditation bit - hope things begin to improve for you soon - they will :)

While I can't tell you exactly what's wrong, I can tell you what may help. Try to meditate for a half hour every night (or more if you can manage), keep your diet healthy and full of serotonin-increasing foods, exercise and find someone who you can talk about your bad trips with.
My anxiety have improved a lot, still got some symphtoms, but its doing way better, and i've been feeling way better, almost there! :D ty all!! BTW if you're here because you suffered the same, i started walking like 40 minutes every day, eating better, and taking some vitamins.
I took Nbome thinking it was acid, and had a great time. After realizing it wasn't acid, I still did it again, this time increasing my dose by 2 (so 4 blotters instead of 2) I had a very fun time. My semi sober friend took me on some nice back road burn rides but I passed on the blunt the first trip. I put some shades on to hide my pupils and we went to a cool head shop to get some supplies. There was a very hot girl working who I talked to while my friend was perusing. My conversation was smooth, normal, and easy. We then went to a liquor store and got a bottle. Headed to a friends and nobody even knew I was tripping until I told them. I handle my shit quite well, however, only on one trip I experienced a... Feeling of dread? Paranoia, like I was a bad person and ppl would be dissapointed in me. I had to go to a friends and play with his cats to calm down. Idk man your Nbome was most likely different from mine, that stuff isn't good for you period. Haven't done it in months and had no after affects. Oh and I forgot to mention for the later trips I started adding 2-3 mg Kpins (Clonazapam a benzo) I was truly at peace with the world.
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I have found that nbomes are a double edged sword. They have the potential to be either A) incredibly insightful and useful or B) incredibly terrifying. Set and setting are most definitely of import when using nbome. I feel that because of the nature of the phenylthalmine's there can be a tendency towards paranoia if not used in the right context. For now i would definitely abstain from any use of all psychoactives and try to get back to base level before you experiment again. The nbomes can definitely throw you around a bit. Can i ask what type of nbome you had? I'll take a guess and say 25i-nbome, only because that's the one i've found the most trouble with.
heh its good to see people all over the globe that are into strange chemicals not just me ;)

seems like a pretty poor drug/ chemical to pick to go for that psychedelic experience :( sounds as if everyone has pretty much summed up your problems and what could be happening, abstaining will do alot of help, and keeping healthy concentrating on gym/ whatever you do in spare time u enjoy, eat well, try rest well, it can be some time u may feel alot better, but it will come soon enough, stay safe, bare_head

as said some psychotropics can help here, fish oils are definitely good, as are others reccomended here
. Can i ask what type of nbome you had? I'll take a guess and say 25i-nbome, only because that's the one i've found the most trouble with.

Sadly not even the drug dealer knew.. i know, i know, but i believe it was 25i a friend said it had way to much amphetamines (dont know what that means tho, or if he was right)