Neat-o thing to use instead of glowsticks


Oct 25, 1999
I haven't been to this site in about a month so I don't know if this has been a topic of discussion yet, or if this is even in the right forum, but my freinds have found some kickass light playthings in place of glowsticks. Don't get me wrong, glowsticks are really cool, but TENNIS BALLS are so neat. They glow so much brighter than glowsticks, and you only have to buy one canister that will last for a long-ass time. Dance with them the same way you would with glowsticks, you will blow (up) your friends minds, it's so cool. The light trails behind the tennis balls are a little brighter and longer too. I suggest you all try it sometime, if you haven't already!!! See ya
Hey well darn it just post the site or shop of it on the board if U can!
I just tried E for the first time this past weekend and the best toy I found was glow in the dark Play Doh.... Oh god.... it was really addicting.... you might not be able to put it down... Find it at any local wal-mart or target stores... =) Just thought I'd share. =)
my dad raided the dumpster of some closed-down toys-r-us or something and brought back a bunch of stuff including some soft foam orange footballs that have a battery and a light inside... they glow a very bright, intense red and leave trails when you're not on anything. the thing glows in blacklite too, so you get weird effects when you use them both together. i've yet to experience these things while enjoying a nice chemical, but i'll be sure to do it soon.. i don't think it would be too bad to maybe bring one to a party and toss it all over the place... im sure lots of people would get a big kick out of a fiery pointed ball flying around the party... and it wouldn't hurt anyone since it's nice and soft.
if you can get your hands on these and some 9-volts, you'll have some fun
also good things are bike lights just hold them in your hand and go nuts, and there are these kick ass things that i got a while ago, they take some getting used to unless you have small hands but they are these little glove type things with red lights at the ends of the finger tips, only problem is that they are made for little kids and it is a tough fit on my big hands, but they fit if you slide them on the side of the finger and dont hurt much that way, soon ill modify them so that they fit comfortable and will be able to go nuts with them
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"
- Buddha -