NE Raving Eskimos on the Board?/Igloo Rave?


Nov 30, 1999
Just wondering. That would be really Neat!
I think a Igloo Rave would be the bomb. If we could find some heat-radiating glow sticks!
And bake pies! and slide across the ice floor of the igloo. The nice frozen floor. AwwwHaHaHwwaAwwW. The laZZzzzZEEers across the ice! Can we say BTFU?
BTW its 85+ degrees today in Daytona. You can
see where I'm coming from.
And listen to some DJ. Icey?
Bliss Bliss...(st) >ate of mind...I'm BLiSSed.!/
"I wANt to kNOw wHAt yOUr fEElINg. ThERe are sOMe thINgs you can't hIDe!
"I wANt to kNOw wHAt yOUr thINkINg. TELl me wHAts on yOUr mINd!"
actually, you know what would be even cooler (but similar) is if they had a rave at that ice hotel that they make every year in iceland/sweden, somewhere. you know the one that they show in the volvo commercial. well, if its volvo i guess it must be swedish. anyways, every winter (at least according to the commercial
) they make some hotel out of ice somewhere in sweden near the arctic circle. then in spring it melts. i think that would be a phat party!!