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Misc Naproxen?


Apr 29, 2018
I'm not stupid enough to need to ask if Naproxen is recreational or if it can be abused.
I just wondered if it syngergizes with or enhances any other medications (such as other analgesics)?

I take Tramadol, Cyclizine and Bromazepam - will the Naproxen affect they way they work in any way (good or bad)?
In simple terms no. Don't know a lot about it but as you know it's not recreational and as for enhancing the drugs you listed I wouldn't think it would do anything. It's more the side effects of each medication your on that I would worry about but to answer your question I'd say take it as prescribed and stay with that.
Depending on the type of pain you are trying to alleviate then the opioid (tramadol) + NSAID (naproxen) can be more effective together because they are attacking the pain via two different methods. The opioids block the pain signals (or however it is they actually work - I'm no expert) and the NSAID helps by reducing inflammation.