• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Mystical Experiences


Aug 7, 2023
Hello! I am new here and have had many psychedelic experiences over the years. I have never talked about my experiences online but I feel I should share as I have a wide range as well as full blown ego deaths, being reborn, feelings of living in multiple dimensions, hppd, ect
Welcome to BL!!
Please share!!

I've done shrooms, acid, DXM & some deliriants.
And honestly, most of my "mystical" experiences came from the DXM. But I don't seem to get it anymore now that I'm in my 30's.
So I wonder if it's something that only happens to people in their 20's (who's view of the world is still kinda fresh) or if it's because I passed my 50 trip limit on DXM or what.

Shrooms just kinda make me feel poisoned & weird if i take too high of a dose.
And acid is amazing fun & can definitely make you feel enlightened a bit, but I've never had any truly supernatural or "mystical" experiences from it yet, like I use to get on DXM. I once had an out of body experience on DXM & thought I was dying. Honestly I thought I was dying on DXM quite often. Some times DXM trips were way more visceral & harder to go through than any psychedelic trip. But I'm also not accustom to higher doses of acid or other psychedelics like DMT.
Hey thanks for the reply :)

I think when I was younger I had these “mystical experiences” because I was new to psychedelics and did not respect the dosage like I should. I would take many times beyond the heroic dosage of mushrooms ( 5 grams ) sometimes as high as a half ounce of dried mushrooms

Now in life I can’t imagine taking the dosages I used to take earlier in life. Perhaps due to fear… I do agree that maybe it’s because of a view of the world being fresh but I have had beautiful profound trips when taken long breaks off all substances then having a psychedelic experience years later.

I have done DXM once but never experienced what it is all about honestly.
Hey thanks for the reply :)

I think when I was younger I had these “mystical experiences” because I was new to psychedelics and did not respect the dosage like I should. I would take many times beyond the heroic dosage of mushrooms ( 5 grams ) sometimes as high as a half ounce of dried mushrooms

Now in life I can’t imagine taking the dosages I used to take earlier in life. Perhaps due to fear… I do agree that maybe it’s because of a view of the world being fresh but I have had beautiful profound trips when taken long breaks off all substances then having a psychedelic experience years later.

I have done DXM once but never experienced what it is all about honestly.
My first psychedelics I ever tried were shrooms & MDMA (if that still counts).
It wasn't until into my 20's that I really started messing with DXM.

On some of my DXM trips, I would experience weird synchronicities, electronic disturbances & even "psychic" abilities, along with seeing strange things & having shared hallucinations with the people around me (who weren't even on DXM). Which I've never experienced on other psychedelics.

Though DXM technically isn't a "psychedelic", I still consider dissociative drugs a type of psychedelic, since they can alter your senses profoundly.
One time I thought I was dying on high dose DXM polisterex & a couple bowls of cannabis. I could no longer feel my body or my organs or anything & felt like I was floating outside of myself, watching the end of a movie (my life) play out. The only physical sensation I could feel was this gnawing sensation at the bottom of my spine & stomach. I thought it was an organ failing the whole time & laid on my couch next to my mom asking her if I was dying. She kept reassuring me that I wasn't. lol It was incredibly profound though. And frightening.

Another time me & my mom drove to a gas station around midnight in some dark windy fall weather to get some cigarettes.
And on the way back, I was riding passenger & just gazing out the window into all the side streets & when we passed a street right before ours, I swore I saw a giant boulder just laying in the middle of the road, but I didn't say anything cause I thought I was just tripping. Until my mom said "did you see that?" and I said "see what" and she proceeded to say she thought she saw some kind of boulder just laying in the road. I was like no waaaay, I swore I saw it too! So we even turned around & went back passed this street, but there was nothing there. lol I've had other weird experiences on DXM like that & always found it interesting that it seemed to induce weird stuff like that to happen, but regular psychedelics didn't.

And then another time, I had a chick friend over & we were bummed cause we couldn't get any heroin, so we got drunk & I took some DXM. And to make a long story short, at one point we watched a pair of my clothes start moving erratically by themselves & busted out laughing wondering wtf was going on & then I told my friend I felt like we were gonna hear from our heroin dealer. And then my phone went off & it was him telling me he was outside & to let him in (it was like after midnight too, so he's lucky I was still up lol).

That's just a few weird experiences I've had on DXM. I've had more that were while solitary & had a lot of "enlightening" times on it.
I felt like some times I could also concentrate really hard on an outcome I wanted or something I wanted to change about my reality & then I would do DXM & that thing would happen or come true shortly after.

Sure, one could say all the DXM trips were just making me delusional & that's fine. But it still doesn't explain the weird happenings where people were witness to it. Call it coincidence but that just reminds me of the Cosmic Coincidence Control Center. lol DXM is strange stuff. Sadly after you've tripped on it long enough though, the "magic" disappears & you just end up feeling sick & horrible.

Would love to hear some of your experiences OP!
I'm shocked people waited until their 20s to get into DXM, I did it from ages 14 to 17. I did it only a few times in my early 20s