My post being removed in CEP

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Jan 23, 2018
This is really the last straw for me (which I believe is the ultimate goal for some of the moderators).

I spend quite a bit of time writing my posts - they're often detailed, well researched, well-written, informative and (IMO) as accurate as possible.
I've admitted that I am wrong when I am and I argue in good faith.

One of my posts was removed for being "off-topic". I vehemently disagree and I see this just as an excuse to remove one of my posts for political reasons. Let's not beat around the bush.
Just because a topic being discuseed isn't the exact topic of the thread doesn't mean it is not directly related. We all understand this, and to ignore it in order to remove a post is bad moderation.

So why would I waste my time anymore? I would like that post to be re-approved, or I have no choice but to not post here anymore and I don't want that.
I'm not going to put up with such direct and blatant anti-truth censorship.

Thank you
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The post is not deleted, it is hidden from public view and can be restored if such a decision is made.

The decision to remove it for being off-topic is already under discussion by staff. We hope to provide a response shortly.
So my post will remain unapproved. That's all I was told.
I wasn't told exactly why - even tho my post (at least the majority of it) was on-topic.
So removing it for being "off-topic" was a lie.

So that's it for me, I'm not going to waste my time writing detailed and informative posts here that can just be removed on a lie and without justification - I see that censorship, and protecting the feelings of people who are wrong - is more important than truth, respect for others' opinions and open discussion.

Good luck enforcing the echo chamber (and being on the wrong side of history).
Peace and love (to the ones that value free speech and actual tolerance).

What was it about if you don't mind me asking im just bored been waiting 20 minutes for my weed guy ima gonna look for some nugs
So that's it for me, I'm not going to waste my time writing detailed and informative posts here

Try a new approach. Change your strategy. Find pleasure in developing more advanced skills in dealing with the underhandedness of your opponents.
Use this experience as motivation.
Just think, even in a heavily rigged game, outnumbered and overpowered, you can still win. The truthful position is that strong.
Keep a record of every unfair encounter. When they have added up, it will make an impressive presentation.
There is software you can install that will quietly take snapshots of everything you're writing or doing.
I recently downloaded one...haven't tried it yet.
Be like a cat lol
Try a new approach. Change your strategy. Find pleasure in developing more advanced skills in dealing with the underhandedness of your opponents.
I did this and massively curbed my behavior over the years so that I can operate within the "rules".

Use this experience as motivation.
I did, it's motivation to take a stand against blatant censorship and political attacks. Plus motivation to get on with more important things in my life.

Just think, even in a heavily rigged game, outnumbered and overpowered, you can still win. The truthful position is that strong.
I agree with this and that's why I stuck around and fought for so long. But when people can just remove an entire post using dishonesty to do so, that's where I draw the line. The rules can easily be interpreted for misuse while others members who have the correct political opinions are offered much more charitable treatment.

Keep a record of every unfair encounter. When they have added up, it will make an impressive presentation.
I've got plenty off the top of my head that you would not believe the ridiculousness of. But most people here know the score already (or very quickly learn) and I cant be bothered because any dissent is removed. Good luck.
This is a drug website, not a politics forum. Whatever you think you are fighting for/against or proving here- you're not. Staff here are volunteers on a drug website, not representatives of the global elite. If you wanna pick somewhere for your showdown against your oppressors, why choose here? I repeat, this is a drug website.

See you jgrimez, thanks for your contributions over the years. All the best fighting the power buddy ?
That's why it's disappointing, because drug users were generally considered free-thinkers who questioned authority and valued free speech and expression.
But the only way I can interpret what you're saying is that some drug users are so mentally fragile that they must censor opinions and views that challenge their worldview and beliefs (I personally think it's an ideology/psychology problem not drugs).
I was constantly challenged (and attacked) here, but some people cannot handle taking back what they dish out.
But really what's happening here is a microcosm of what's going on in the real world (a place some here aren't too familiar with).
Anti-leftist/controversial figures are incorrectly being labeled far right or conspiracy theorists in order to just straight ban/censor/deplatform them.

"drug website" my ass - this place used to be awesome and very different.

some drug users are so mentally fragile that they must censor opinions and views that challenge their worldview

You know what's best for you.
Just my don't seem especially vulnerable to being challenged & attacked.
If you can see someone being fragile, then maybe we can encourage that person to become more resilient.
I guess if all this is upsetting you, then get away from it. Sure.

I'm hoping you'll return with optimism.
But the only way I can interpret what you're saying is that some drug users are so mentally fragile that they must censor opinions and views that challenge their worldview and beliefs (I personally think it's an ideology/psychology problem not drugs).

I'm saying that you are picking a stupid place to fight your battle against censorship and global politics. We openly admit to removing content that break our rules. That's not going to change. We want to ensure that people feel welcome to come here and get HR information about drugs. That's the mission. Not CEPS or politics.

The overwhelming majority of our users have no trouble with this and do not get posts removed. It's obvious that claims of censorship are misguided when you realise this.

Anyway, I thought you were leaving. Once again, all the best for the ongoing fight ?
We want to ensure that people feel welcome to come here and get HR information about drugs. That's the mission. Not CEPS or politics.

If CEPS or politics are not the mission, why be so uptight about it? And btw...uptight is putting it mildly lmao
it's no big deal....I get uptight over ridiculous things too lol.
.I get uptight over ridiculous things too lol.

I had noticed that. ;)

I see what you are saying though, but the issue here isn't what you find 'ridiculous' or not. We have a user agreement that you agree to abide by, and that is the issue. If you don't like the rules or find them too restrictive, perhaps just don't post here? The fact is that most people have no issue with them and so we have no need, desire or intention to change them for a limited number of users. I think you and jgrimez are smart guys, I think (and hope) you can begin contributing in a smarter way.

Anyway, this thread doesn't really seem very productive. We've concluded that this one post is not going to be allowed. I'm not sure what else there is to discuss.

Of course, PM me or email us if you have any questions.
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