• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

My friend might be a mooch...


Dec 17, 2014
So I'm not posting specifically about drugs but more my friend. We've been friends for the past year or so, and he and I smoked enty of weed in the past, but I've always payed for it, and I never get any type of compensation, and now I'm buying mushrooms for the first time and the guy wants $25 a gram (way too much but it's my only option) and my friend wants to trip with me, he's my friend and i love him (not gay but in a human to human spiritual love) but I spent $85 dollars just to get this stuff, should I share the 3 grams still? Even though I'm not gonna get anything in return? I'm torn right now on what to do
depends on a couple of things

how do you get your money? does it come easily to you? do you have much to spare?

why does your friend never have money?

i would probably say if he has no way of accessing extra money, and you enjoy the friendship, share the love.

always using your weed though, that is kind of sketchy, i mean i would at least offer to bring some munchies or offer some money for the weed. does he do anything like that?
its poor form a bad vibe to be around ppl & not share
sure ratio
+ so; xept
But in generals
share & share alike -

if you sre lch then
be more general or if $ calls xtract
Seriously? No, just no. You smoke the dude out constantly and he has the nerve to sell you mushrooms at a rediculous price, and then expects you to turn around and split em with him? No... Sounds like you've already done your part "sharing the love", doesn't matter if it shrooms or crack... the dude already jipped you with these shrooms in the first place. Also, why did you pay $85 for 3g if they were $25 a gram, did you pay him an extra $10 on top of that scam of a price?

Honestly though, if he were a true friend he should have just split the shrooms with you free of cost instead of ripping you off and expecting a share of the shrooms since you've spotted him so many times. So yeah, your friend does sound a mooch. Helping friends out is a good deed, but some people will just flat out use you until you put a stop to it. Have him pay for his share, don't let this dude take advantage of you like that.

My 2c...
'the guy' who sold him mushrooms is not the same 'friend' who is constantly mooching weed of him.

i'm always the overly kind and generous friend, and sometimes i've been a dumbass and trusted that certain close friends wouldn't take advantage of me, then i'm proven wrong and get angry at myself. but moreso at them. thing is, it's just in my nature, i enjoy sharing. it makes me feel good, gives me some confidence in myself... and if karma is an actual thing, i'd like to be on the positive end of that. so it's kinda tough and really depends on some aspects. i've learned that even the coolest, chillest friends can end up taking advantage of your generosity. it's a really bad feeling. the object of all this would be adderall. i've been used for it before. i enjoy sharing with friends if we're hanging out or whatever. but if you feel like it's unfair then it probably is. realize your kindness and don't let people think you're aloof about it. if that makes sense.
Well this is our first time tripping and I feel like he should have helped out more, I mean he has no solid source of cash because he doesn't have a job right now but it feels like I'm being used for drugs sometimes. I'm tempted to just give what he thinks is a gram and I can have some left over for my own pleasure.
I was going to say go halves on it, but dude has no job? Either give him a pinch or give him a can of cream of mushroom soup. Sounds like he has his hopes up lol, don't shroom alone... though you could find someone else to trip with and go halves?
I was going to say go halves on it, but dude has no job? Either give him a pinch or give him a can of cream of mushroom soup. Sounds like he has his hopes up lol, don't shroom alone... though you could find someone else to trip with and go halves?
Sounds like a good idea
Alright, my buddy said he's gonna just baby sit me while I trip, I'm really thinking about eating the 3 grams myself for a first time trip, should I go through with that or go slower?
i always think its best to undershoot the dosage for psychedelics the first time
So how did you trip? If you didn't trip yet, I would recommend taking it slowly you never know how good the product is/or isn't. So if you need to redoes you can, but you can never undo taking too much. Enjoy.
So how did you trip? If you didn't trip yet, I would recommend taking it slowly you never know how good the product is/or isn't. So if you need to redoes you can, but you can never undo taking too much. Enjoy.
Yeah I'm gonna trip tonight, I'll take it slow and see how it goes
I hope it went ok. 3 grams at once on the first time sounds like way too much. Always take less than normal dose if you're not familiar with the substance.