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My Argument Against Karma

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Aug 12, 2016
Many Westerners are attracted to Eastern religions because they are intrigued by exotic and strange new ideas and they are disillusioned with Judaism/Christianity/Islam, which they find no longer credible. But while Eastern thought provides a number of ideas that constitute a considerable improvement over the teachings of the mainstream Western religions, it is permanently blighted by a truly Satanic concept - karma. In the West, the shameful slave trade represents, even to this day, an unanswerable indictment of the Christian capitalist values of the ruling order where their greed for profits was (and remains) much more important than people's lives and liberty. In the East, the fault would lie not with the evil masters, but with the slaves. They would be told that they were simply receiving their karmic due for their misdeeds in past existences. Imagine telling that to African Americans in relation to their enslaved ancestors. It would be an outrage. Slaves were victims of brutal oppression, not the authors of their own misfortune via wrongdoings in previous lives. Karma is one of the most triumphantly evil concepts ever introduced by the Demiurge. It's a shocking truth that a religion such as Hinduism, which has a number of good points, becomes one of the most hideous ideologies ever imposed on humanity as soon as karma enters the equation. The nauseating caste system, which Hindu apologists claim has nothing to do with Hinduism and is merely a "sociological" phenomenon, is in fact an inevitable product of the combination of power politics and the "karmic" mentality. As soon as the idea exists that misdeeds of the past determine someone's status in the present then it becomes all too easy to conclude that anyone suffering from any sort of misfortune in this life deserves everything they get. Slaves deserved their slavery, the Jews deserved being gassed in extermination camps, all the people who died in genocides were getting their payback for the crimes of their past lives, cancer victims deserve cancer, cripples deserve to be crippled and so on. This is an unpardonable Satanic ideology that encourages mistreatment of people and promotes injustice, inequality and bigotry, finally reducing some humans - the untouchables - to the status of pariahs fit only to clean toilets, eat rats and drink polluted river water. The only reason that Buddhism is not associated with caste is that it focuses on the individual rather than on society as a whole, thereby rendering itself of limited use to the ruling orders, who tend to ignore it. Yet several commentators have observed that the caste system is indeed practised in Buddhist countries such as Sri Lanka, Tibet and Japan where butchers, leather and metal workers and janitors are treated with disrespect and regarded as "impure". The Hindu caste system is even more sinister than the class system of the West (which serves a similar function) because it maintains that people bring their fate upon themselves through their past actions i.e. they are responsible for their own suffering. In the West, in the past, it was the "Will of God" that determined people's fate. Now the evils of karmic thinking are even spreading to the West. The Old World Order tacitly argue that they deserve to rule the world, and that the rest of us deserve to live permanently in their shadow, because they are so much more intelligent, hard-working and gifted than we are, so much more karmically deserving. I advocate meritocracy as the means to destroy class and caste systems. No one should prosper purely because of their social and family connections and no one should be penalised for being born into a deprived environment. A newborn baby is never guilty of anything. It is free of both original sin and accumulated karma. Christian capitalism: the rich are rich because God made them so. Hinduism: the rich are rich because Karma made them so. Gnosticism: the rich are rich because Satan made them so. So, which side are you on? Did the Wall Street gang become rich because of God, Karma or the Devil? Is excessive wealth in any way compatible with religious virtue, or is it the inevitable product of unashamed, selfish greed? It must be emphasised that Easterners, and a few Westerners who think they have a special relationship with Eastern thought, claim that Westerners don't understand karma. Don't let them fool you. Karma is not some baffling concept. It is the law of past deeds determining present outcomes. That's all that matters. What is baffling about karma is how tjat is it anyone on earth can take it seriously.
Please don't start threads with completely copypasted content. You have to add some of your personal thoughts, too.
I'm sorry about that, but it's not just a simple copy paste, that's the type of material we had on our old website Armagedon Conspiracy.Uk. I should probably just save these posts for our facebook group, my page, my website, and my YouTube channel. I'm new to Bluelight, and I'm still trying to figure out how the site works.
I'll check it out if you break it into paragraphs. I'm interested in the topic but can't deal with a wall of text like this. My eyes hurt.
How can you be against a force that acts to itself for itself? That's like blaming gravity for dropping the ball. It isn't someone came up and knocked the ball out of your hand and it dropped on your foot and then shout "Karma". No, it's more that you lost your grip and it fell and hit your foot. Karma isn't something you can blame someone else for having done.
Karma comes from the root Sanskrit word kar-, meaning action. All it defines is action and reaction. As we live in a complex interdependent world, it's difficult to know the origin of the karma that you are experiencing. Is it from a past life? Is it from something you did in this life? Is it individual or collective? Is it ancestral? Even certain cities, states, and countries have karma. In that sense, karma is unknowable.

It terms of what it is you are here to do, one might say that your fate is your karma. Like... if you remain poor your whole life, it is your karma in the grand scheme to stay poor; or if you have a natural draw to be an artist, musician, doctor, etc... that's your karma. But I find that the traditional expounding of karma to be incomplete and rather vague.

I don't know though... I think whatever's happening is just what's happening. It arises and dissolves without any input from a self. There is a co-creative aspect between the spirit and the active universe/God which is not karmically driven. There's nothing in here for karma to attach to. I used to live in a Buddhist community and I found it kind of trite that we did all of these meditations, sutras and prayers in order to "accumulate merit"... but there's no self in here, so what are karma and merit attaching to? It's just another form of illusory control... like if we work hard, gather merit, and do shit, we are somehow impacting a process that is actually just doing itself without and input from an ego.

The tl;dr version is... if karma exists, it's beyond our knowing, but I don't believe it exists. I'm not saying we shouldn't try to do good or follow our true virtue, I'm saying that there's no point in being attached to the idea of karma.
I have more to say on this subject. Is anyone here interested in the occult/esoteric?
I'm sorry about that, but it's not just a simple copy paste, that's the type of material we had on our old website Armagedon Conspiracy.Uk. I should probably just save these posts for our facebook group, my page, my website, and my YouTube channel. I'm new to Bluelight, and I'm still trying to figure out how the site works.

It appears to be lifted directly from a book call Eastern Religion for Western Gnostics. Are you the author?
Wall of text (use paragraphs next time), which is also apparently copypasted, is not a good starting point for a thread. Reform your thoughts and condense them a little, and make a new thread if you wish.
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