Mental Health My anxiety and obsessions?


Jan 18, 2013
When I went out to the beach with my parents last week I felt very anxious to begin with, ill going out and didn’t know what to expect or who I’m likely to meet like a new lady friend or something, I did see someone I liked but didn’t approach and made excuses in my head. Lately my libido has spiked and been using a lot of porn but not as bad as have been in past. But I feel so lonely it feels like I’ve lost a close relative or something and have a obsession with pretty women and reading articles about relationships and sex and can be toxic. I’ve been single 24years now after a bad break up and feel I’ve got no confidence. It feels I’m pressured into getting a women when I think it wouldn’t be good for me in my current state. I hardly go out and feel trapped. They say what you think you want is not nessecary what you really want or need.

What you think?
You got a lot of good advice in your many threads you posted in Sex, Love and Relationships.

What do you think about those suggestions? Anything stand out to you?

Do you see a doctor for anxiety?

My idea would be to not try and force a relationship but instead let it happen naturally. If you feel like approaching women just remember that in the worst case scenario they say no and you never see them again. Everyone gets rejected.

Alternatively, maybe you could get involved in the community? Meet people that way?