Must quit kratom cold turkey, advice for possible w/d?


Mar 2, 2018
Hello, I have been using kratom for a little over a year now. In that past few months I've had to start taking it daily, and recently once I start I can't seem to stop. I've been doing 30g a day for the last month. I have a prescription for gabapentin and valium and I hear those help. Any advice would be appreciated. I'm mainly worried about the psychological withdrawal symptoms like depression and not being able to sleep.
I'm not sure about kratom wds because I've never gotten there. I've used kratom to make it through other withdrawals.

From what I've read, you may experience the full spectrum of opiate/opioid wd symptoms.

For me, it always starts with physical discomfort. I have chronic pain anyway and the onset of wds makes them all worse. Especially my legs, sort of like the growing pains you had when you were a kid only worse. I get restless legs really bad. I also get this "jumping out of my skin" anxiety like I don't know what to do with myself and really really extreme mood swings. Not this last time coming off percs but when I was coming off H I had diarrhea and the vomiting was pretty rough too.

Good luck. I wish you success.
I am now 25 days clean from Kratom, same dosage as you. Stay on this site, wait for reply’s, read anything you can, google Kratom withdrawal support. People here will reply and help you, so reach out a gazillion times. First time in 47 years I’ve ever been physically addicted and it’s the last! First 10 days for me were hard with physical symptoms. I got a script of clonidine and Hydroxzine(for sleep). My anxiety and BP were through the roof FOR ME. My BP is usually 110/70. At one time during the first three days it was 140 over 100 pulse was 100 and seeing that freaked me out more! Feeling my heart do things I’d never felt was the worse for me. I have a blood pressure cuff so when that anxiety hits I take to reassure myself. I was taking Kratom for PTSD to stop the flashbacks and anxiety. When I stopped I had no control of the ptsd symptoms. Telling you this not to scare you but to know whatever you took it for you might have to deal with it too.
I will suggest take nothing that stimulates for awhile. 25 days clean I still cannot drink coffee nor even think of taking my ADHD meds. And I’m still getting cold and warm shivers. Good news is that’s the body returning to homeostasis. With the suggestion from another member here I replaced coffee with green tea and L-Theanine. I was severely dehydrated even though I am the queen of water drinking. I added some Gatorade which helped, but do not overdue it cause the sodium content is high. No junk food, I craved snickers bars, tried to take a bite and got sick puked. Also be prepared for the ALIENS ( diarrhea ). So fresh fruit, veggies, and protein, with vitamins. You need to make the decision either a Taper or CT. I was able to stay home so I did it Cold Turkey. Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises are a MUST, IMO.
With all the info I am reading depending on length of time and dosage it can take 30-90 days for 100% recovery. Just know you can do it and every day you get better. Again this is my experience and everyone will be different. Keep posting YOU CAN DO THIS and life will be BRIGHT AGAIN! ~XO
Thanks for the replies. I think I may attend some NA meetings for this, but I feel like compared to heroin or coke it's not as hardcore I don't know... I have beaten alcohol addiction and been through that, so I know I can do this!
If you've made it through alcohol withdrawals this should be no problem, though that is a highly subjective statement. I've been on kratom for long periods of time and never experienced any withdrawals, but have spoken to many people who do experience real withdrawals from it. I would second SaintCecelia on the advice - fruits, veggies, vitamins, etc. Benadryl has always worked better than Hydroxyzine for me. The valium will certainly help. The best advice I can give would be to taper down to a lower dose, if you can manage to. I could never do that with any opiate but YMMV... Good luck!!