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Recovery Morning commitment to stay clean/sober for the 24 hours ahead.


Bluelight Crew
Apr 26, 2006
I learned this once upon a time.
Each morning while we go around the group we all make a deep and personal commitment to not put any mind or mood altering drugs and or alcohol in our body for the 24 hours ahead, and I'll be damned if I let another man or woman ruin my 24 hours ahead.
If you truly want what clean and sober people want such as I ,because I don't want to die, I have to remind myself I can beat this beast, for at least the next 24 hours.
Tomorrow is tomorrow and I'll make another deep personal commitment, and so forth.

So I'll start, my name is D's, and upon awakening I made a deep and personal commitment that I will not get fucked up, and I'll be damned if someone ruins that for me.

It also helps us that are in recovery to give positive affirmation to someone, anyone, here or there, you don't have to but we sick, and it helps us get out of ourself to show love to someone. So today I'd like to give positive affirmation to my boy @deficiT for doing exactly what he had to do to get off probation and complete those silly 'court drug classes'. Love you buddy.

So that's it, name/alias and today you make a deep personal commitment to not get fucked up today.
I learned this once upon a time.
Each morning while we go around the group we all make a deep and personal commitment to not put any mind or mood altering drugs and or alcohol in our body for the 24 hours ahead, and I'll be damned if I let another man or woman ruin my 24 hours ahead.
If you truly want what clean and sober people want such as I ,because I don't want to die, I have to remind myself I can beat this beast, for at least the next 24 hours.
Tomorrow is tomorrow and I'll make another deep personal commitment, and so forth.

So I'll start, my name is D's, and upon awakening I made a deep and personal commitment that I will not get fucked up, and I'll be damned if someone ruins that for me.

It also helps us that are in recovery to give positive affirmation to someone, anyone, here or there, you don't have to but we sick, and it helps us get out of ourself to show love to someone. So today I'd like to give positive affirmation to my boy @deficiT for doing exactly what he had to do to get off probation and complete those silly 'court drug classes'. Love you buddy.

So that's it, name/alias and today you make a deep personal commitment to not get fucked up today.
I commend your commitment. you got this!
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that is a true fact, there are a lot of narcophiles here. I am one. I would like to spend some time at just food/water for an extended period over the next year. since I have no more ptsd, and am only habituated to nicotine i think i can do it. But i will still do drugs. I like messing with my brain, and i do not feel bad/ashamed of that. I 100% support you or anyone else that needs complete abstinence, and i hope it goes well for you. for me the goal is using chemicals as tools without having them use me.
My name is D's, well Drew, it's not Dick, but I can both be one and dick you down with it.
My sobriety date is 1/21/2023 and upon awaking I did make a deep and personal commitment that I will not get high, drunk, loaded fucked up on anything. I will go to a Drug Addicts Anonymous meeting or cocaine anonymous or alcoholics anonymous today.
I will call my sponsor if I want to get fucked up, and I will do my step work. Because I'm not playing with my life.
How did that 24 hr "break" go, D's?
Was rooting for ya but now wondering if ya made it through.
I like the idea

You the same D's that's been here forever? Why do i remember not seeing a post of yours since like ~2010 lol. Nice you're still making a positive contribution
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How did that 24 hr "break" go, D's?
Was rooting for ya but now wondering if ya made it through.
Well, it ain't 24 hours yet, I still got a few more hours til midnight, 1 hour at a time now my brother.

I like the idea

You the same D's that's been here forever? Why do i remember not seeing a post of yours since like ~2010 lol. Nice you're still making a positive contribution
I'm still the same D's with 13 infractions, I thought you died man, it's really great to see you around, and here in the recovery forums.
Well, probably because most of my post were racist and all the lounge mods at the time deleted them lmao.
You can actually use advanced search function and check 2010 posts of mine from then.
What the hell you been up to?
Had a rough night because of some medicine the doctors have me on. Zoloft and metropropol or something, gave me restless legs all night. I'm going to give it time because I honestly think I'm a quart low on oil and have high blood pressure and pulse rate, so these drugs have side effects just like heroin and meth have side effects, and I have to give the psych and heart meds a chance, regardless how they make me feel, and in about a month if I still these side effects then I'll mention it to my doctor.
Maybe I just need to limit my caffeine intake after a certain time.
I'm making my deep and personal commitment that today I will not get fucked up. I will get in my book, get with my sponsor and go to a meeting later.
I learned this once upon a time.
Each morning while we go around the group we all make a deep and personal commitment to not put any mind or mood altering drugs and or alcohol in our body for the 24 hours ahead, and I'll be damned if I let another man or woman ruin my 24 hours ahead.
If you truly want what clean and sober people want such as I ,because I don't want to die, I have to remind myself I can beat this beast, for at least the next 24 hours.
Tomorrow is tomorrow and I'll make another deep personal commitment, and so forth.

So I'll start, my name is D's, and upon awakening I made a deep and personal commitment that I will not get fucked up, and I'll be damned if someone ruins that for me.

It also helps us that are in recovery to give positive affirmation to someone, anyone, here or there, you don't have to but we sick, and it helps us get out of ourself to show love to someone. So today I'd like to give positive affirmation to my boy @deficiT for doing exactly what he had to do to get off probation and complete those silly 'court drug classes'. Love you buddy.

So that's it, name/alias and today you make a deep personal commitment to not get fucked up today.
That's beautiful my bro thank you so much for saying that. Really happy that you're seeing some positive stuff going on.