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Television Modern Marvels


Apr 23, 2011
This shows on all the different History Channels and it's filled with good information. They do so many random topics, some are really interesting

I think my favorite is the mold & fungus episode

Has anyone else seen this show
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Yeah, I used to enjoy that show for background noise--Sometimes it had some really interesting stuff! I've seen/listened to a bunch of 'em, I just can't remember which I found most interesting. 8)
Jeez people, get educated
Most people don't watch TV to get educated--They watch it for entertainment. I used to constantly have the TV on for entertainment, though I rarely watched it--I'd listen to it while doing other things *cough*Bluelight*cough*. :p
I used to be like that, but discovery, nat geo and history channel really switched their shit up. A lot of the stuff they put on there is pretty entertaining..and you learn somethin as well

Whatever I guess im just a nerd
Nah man, I hear ya: When I had TV on, it was for entertainment, but my type of entertainment was stuff like History, Discovery, TLC, ... Was looking into getting digital cable just for the National Geographic channel but fortunately I curbed my television addiction. I am finding life a lot more peaceful without it on constantly. No offense to those who choose to have it on 24/7--I was once like you, too. :p
If u ever end up gettin nat geo u shud check out a show called taboo. It's crazy they find these odd subcultures throughout the world. Like I remember one where they follow a guy around who eats roadkill, and another person who has relationships with sex dolls,

New season just started and shits weird
Lol, I highly doubt I'll ever get cable, let alone digital cable. But, if the person I live with decides to get it, I'll check it out if on some rainy day I am extremely bored. :p (I haven't watched History/Discovery/etc since abouuuut January. Have even gotten tired of the drama I used to turn in to every week.)

But yes, Modern Marvels is awesome. I've been trying to think of ones that stick out in my memory as being chock full of information, but I am drawing a blank. Maybe one of these days I'll remember. :p
I love this show, one of the best series history channel has.
I love Modern Marvels, I think I have seen just about all of them, the information is always intresting and it has a way of captivating your intrest for 60 minutes at a time.