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Mixing MDMA with Xanax?


Apr 15, 2019
I've heard people mixing MD with Xanax have had some sort of synergizing results, although it doens't seem to be very common.

I saw a few videos on it saying that the Benzo's cut down on the edgyness of the MD, just give you a feeling that you have no cares and are really confident all up. I guess this would make sense because MD provides the confidence and hypeness while the benzos would just add the extra "not giving a single fuck".

Anyone tried this and does it work like how i explained above? Sounds like an interesting mix and i might have to try it if anyone comes back with good things to say, cheers.
Every time I used too much benzodiazepine on the day that I was taking mdma, the roll was disappointing. Benzodiazepines always lower empathy and tactile sensations for me, and thus ruin the mdma experience.

Maybe if somebody is suffering from anxiety very small dose , like 0.25mg hour before taking mdma could help. But if one does not suffer from anxiety than benzodiazepines will only reduce quality of experience. I would use Xanax only if I was depleted, anxious and depressed once the mdma experience is over.

So, I do not think that this is good combination, unless used for comedown and sleep after roll is over.

Yeah i was kind of thinking that it would ruin the experience aswell but i'd heard otherwise n' was just seeing what people had to say.
Yeah the one time I combined (accidentally) it almost entirely killed my roll. Would never recommend.

But if your MDMA is edgy then it’s probably shit and cut with some kind of amph since it really shouldn’t be if it’s good product.
I only use benzos as sleepers if I'm doing MDMA. They kill the experience and often make me blackout even though I have a tolerance and hardly ever blackout from benzos normally... I do if I take them on top of MDMA.

If you want a downer to enhance the experience, codeine and MDMA is nice and synergetic imo.
Yeah the one time I combined (accidentally) it almost entirely killed my roll. Would never recommend.

But if your MDMA is edgy then it’s probably shit and cut with some kind of amph since it really shouldn’t be if it’s good product.

I've only got that "edginess" a few times and they were from shitty (def cut) capsules and some green heineken pill which made me feel like i wanted to crawl out of my skin at a live show.

The shit i'm using now doesn't give me that at all really.
Tried lorazepam once back in my early days of rolling, in place of alcohol that I’d normally drink, and as others have said it negates the roll a bit compared to other gaba drugs.

There’s much better synergy with alcohol and even BETTER with phenibut and GHB.
