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Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
I bought a bunch of size 00 capsules I find them to carry about .13- .19 approx is this effective of a microdosing. I do not want a threshold I don’t wanna experience anything, I’ve recently came off oxycodone and marijuana and I’m trying to find something to help boost my mood. I use 5htp but idk if it works. I been trying to find what works best. I recently tried Wellbutrin because I often lack drive, perhaps it’s just my situation which I’m working to change. But I have to make a decision with these soon before I can change my environment. I’d like to see if it would be of any use. Cause the only thing that’s been working was opiates or adderall like medications. I feel confident on adderal or cocaine. Happy and assertive. I’m able to focus on task. But I can’t do adderall or cocaine my entire life. I am otherwise healthy. I do not work out although I have plans to begin walking and getting in better shape. So would these doses be of a good range? I want to avoid any type of psychedelic effect as I’m still really nervous and not ready to trip or be out of my mind to any degree. Mainly based on my faith and the it entailing being of sober mind. Also if anyone can offer from a Christian perspective if this is a sin. I personally feel no conviction from microdosing only the notion that if I begin to trip I’m opening spirtual portals. Which is why I ask that someone Atleast with a background versed in Christianity will contribute. I’m stuck I wanna feel better I wanna feel the happiness I know lies there. I’ve prayed over it and my spirit says to try it but yet I remain scared it will be like trips before which I don’t know if that caused the issues I face now.
Lots of information here :
A 10th of a gram of shrooms, or 5-8 micrograms of an lsd analog is a good place to start.
You’ll create new pathways in your neural net, and even MD’ing has lasting, profound effects.

Spiritually, in Genesis we learn that God gives us every herb and tree and fruit. As long as you keep your faith, these things (psychedelics) can be in harmony with a Christian life. I feel that the message of sober mind applies also to information and discernment; one can easily be convinced of things if they have no kind of grounding. So to keep sober is to keep grounded - to be able to see when you’re being scammed or lied to. Microdosing is not going to get in the way of your relationship with God.

But just listen to your heart - it’s usually right!
I find psychedelics firmly root me in the belief of a being than which non greater can exist. And each time I partake, that appreciation deepens. Opiates, alcohol and the like do the opposite for me, when I had tried them: further distance God from self. Pain-numbing does that - pain-facing, however, can be healing.
A 10th of a gram of shrooms, or 5-8 micrograms of an lsd analog is a good place to start.
You’ll create new pathways in your neural net, and even MD’ing has lasting, profound effects.

Spiritually, in Genesis we learn that God gives us every herb and tree and fruit. As long as you keep your faith, these things (psychedelics) can be in harmony with a Christian life. I feel that the message of sober mind applies also to information and discernment; one can easily be convinced of things if they have no kind of grounding. So to keep sober is to keep grounded - to be able to see when you’re being scammed or lied to. Microdosing is not going to get in the way of your relationship with God.

But just listen to your heart - it’s usually right!
I find psychedelics firmly root me in the belief of a being than which non greater can exist. And each time I partake, that appreciation deepens. Opiates, alcohol and the like do the opposite for me, when I had tried them: further distance God from self. Pain-numbing does that - pain-facing, however, can be healing.
So your saying is if I truly believe in Christ. These tools can be used like any other to gain in Christ things I may not be ready to deal with now.. I got you. I just don’t wanna do as some and see shrooms as God when God is the one that created the mushroom with a chemical that He knew we would eventually find and eat. I get it thank you for helping me feel better about it. Ima keep praying and asking but I feel no conviction about microdosing so that may be a good place to start considering all I want is a re wire of my brain to learn more openness, happiness and appreciation. I’m still to scared to trip but it’s waiting I know where it’s at at all points. Thought about last night while sleep deprived 30 hours of taking a microdose or macro but ehh I always gotta push it and ask for more then I should. I guess I need to work on greed to before I take part. Thank you so much for this ima screenshot your reply
A 10th of a gram of shrooms, or 5-8 micrograms of an lsd analog is a good place to start.
You’ll create new pathways in your neural net, and even MD’ing has lasting, profound effects.

Spiritually, in Genesis we learn that God gives us every herb and tree and fruit. As long as you keep your faith, these things (psychedelics) can be in harmony with a Christian life. I feel that the message of sober mind applies also to information and discernment; one can easily be convinced of things if they have no kind of grounding. So to keep sober is to keep grounded - to be able to see when you’re being scammed or lied to. Microdosing is not going to get in the way of your relationship with God.

But just listen to your heart - it’s usually right!
I find psychedelics firmly root me in the belief of a being than which non greater can exist. And each time I partake, that appreciation deepens. Opiates, alcohol and the like do the opposite for me, when I had tried them: further distance God from self. Pain-numbing does that - pain-facing, however, can be healing.
I am totally scared to face my trauma. But I’ve talked to my doctor about it. He seems on board. Everyone in my life does I think they are tired of seeing me hate myself for no reason. I cry in appreciation of the smallest things
I am totally scared to face my trauma. But I’ve talked to my doctor about it. He seems on board. Everyone in my life does I think they are tired of seeing me hate myself for no reason. I cry in appreciation of the smallest things
And everything I consider as a message from God. Every good and every bad is by Gods work in my life. I just learned to respect mushrooms and I guess part of that respect turns to a fear. I’ve always abused them in the past. I always thought I was a hardass and “I can handle it” I never can. As with a portrait of my life. You see over analyzing every single aspect and fashion of life I analyze to it’s very core. Perhaps I need to stop looking at it as a curse and apply it to things that will make God happy. Cause if I did. I’d be an absolute mercenary for Jesus.
Don’t over-analyze if you can manage it.
Since you’ve taken them in quantity before, you’ve already done some network rewiring.

You can handle a microdose for sure - you prolly won’t even notice it until the next few days after.
I find my stuff will sit there in storage unless I actually make a plan to take it, days before.
Set a date, set the mind, set the scene and this intention can help you actually do it.

Keep us posted!
If it's a microdose you won't feel the psychedelic effects. Experiencing a psychedelic often refers to the dosage. Sure you take a psychedelic drug but they are not themselves psychedelic until you reach a particular dosage. LSD at a microdose level is not psychedelic in that, like explained just now, is not at a dose considered pushing through into a psychedelic experience, not even close. So long as you maintain a microdose level what you take will be hugely reduced in potential for maximum effect (hence why we microdose in the first place). However, these substances do have beneficial properties at these levels and that's why psychedelics ARE microdosed, because whether you're tripping on 500ug or you're on 0.1g of mushrooms the potential for the properties of these substances to be present and be beneficial exist.

Don't worry about tripping. It's not possible at these dosages. If it is then you're not microdosing and/or the substances you are using are not measured correctly and/or not the substances you assume they are. I would say microdose with mushrooms because you can see what they are about to consume unlike with acid where if you have in blotter form could have more or less than you estimate for. Some blotters are not evenly laid so you may get considerably more one day if you so happen to consume the more densely saturated blotter in LSD that got better exposure at time of laying. And on another day you'll get the lesser dose, if the other side is not evenly laid. Mushrooms make it easier because you know what you're getting and you know you've measured it being able to actually see the weight AND the drug in question. Well, you don't see the drug because it's only active when consumed and is a byproduct of metabolism but you see the mushrooms, which is what counts!

As for your religious beliefs. I can't really answer because I'm not a Christian although I understand the psychology of religion and it's implications on the individual to live a life congruent to the scriptures professed and their way of life by the religion they follow. There's a lot of compelling evidence to suggest religion has strong links to psychedelic drugs and that includes Christanity. If you study the history of Christanity you'll see there is reference in the early days to powerful plants and experiences people had in connection to them. Religion and psychedelics go hand in hand and it's only in the Western world where we tend to deny that the two have gone together throughout history, and that's because of persecution. I believe it was the Spanish conquests that outlawed mind altering substances when they took over foreign societies and forced them to adopt their customs. It's been a part of history for a long time for a particular paradigm shift (usually invoked through religion) to demonize particular experiences over others, but it doesn't take away the fact that before these monumental changes in society, the norm WAS to have these experiences, particularly in parts of the world where the material was readibly available for you to do so. You will find religious artefacts that go back tens of thousands of years that included some sort of ritual with psychedelic material. Whose to say that Christanity wasn't influenced by psychedelics? If you do your research you will see there is compelling evidence to suggest it was influenced, at least at the very beginning, to particular usage of certain sacraments. Besides, man has been using psychedelics for TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS! Perhaps even longer! Way before modern religion. We evolved alongside psychedelics. We obviously leveraged their potential because our affinity to interact with psychedelics is something that forms part of who we are as humans today, which means we interacted with them for prolonged periods of time throughout our evolution, otherwise we would not have the makeup in our brains to synergize with them like we do. The drugs themselves are neither good nor bad. It is the individual who corrupts themselves using the drugs. And that is where personal responsibility is key.

Hope this helps :)