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Methylene and my very abnormal experience.


Jan 2, 2015
I have been trying to get a hold of some MDMA for my very first experience with absolutely no luck. Anyways, my boyfriend and I came across some methylone. I read up on the drug and did a lot of research before taking it. We confirmed it to be methylone with marquis and mandelin tests. He used a scale to measure out the first dose for us. We initially dosed at 200mg, and he had a 100mg redose, and a 60mg for me. He had had 3 slices of pizza about 3 hours prior, with me eating dinner about 6 hours prior. He dropped about 45 minutes before me, and was already beginning to feel it when I dropped. I waited for what felt like forever and he was already redosing before I felt anything. He absolutely could not stand still. He began cleaning and examining things while talking a lot. His feet just shuffled back and forth while he smacked on his gum to help with the teeth clenching. I, on the other hand, had zero desire to move whatsoever. At this point, I had a strange reaction, instead of feeling the nausea that is usually present (from what I've read and his nausea), I had the intense need to use the restroom. My body was ridding itself of waste. I had explosive diarrhea and urinated quite a bit. Weird, I thought the ability to urinate was almost impossible at this point.
After I came out of the bathroom, it felt like my feet were glued to the ground and I had to use the counter to hold myself up. I got an insane body high. Tingly, nice feeling all throughout. He was intent on convincing me how great he felt, but I was not feeling all that. It felt nice in my body, but not in my head at all. Not like when I take about 20mg or so of hydrocodone (I can't stand oxy.)
He encouraged me to redose, so I did. At this point it felt like a small hot bubble was forming in my brain around the backside on the right....it was building up, then I literally felt a "pop" and it felt like from that spot a wave of what I describe as a "hot acid" slowly consumed my brain from back to front. this felt awesome. My pupils were ridiculously huge and noticeable since I have blue eyes. I felt the need to chew the gum slowly and meticulously, but not chomp on it because of my jaw. I also noticed that I had zero taste. The first dose tasted horrible, the second, I could only tell was bitter, but no taste. And my soda chaser had zero taste as well. I thought senses were heightened?
Anyways, my limbs began to get extremely cold. It was a chilly night in the low 30s and the house was in the mid 60s. Of course I also wasn't moving around, and it felt like I had to think about breathing. So, I'm sure the cold limbs were due to vasoconstriction and slight cyanosis from not breathing properly. I normally have extreme anxiety about my body, but was in a "fuck it" kinda mindset and didn't care too much. I was more focused on him and what he was doing and saying.
My vision didn't change, but the lights definitely hurt my eyes and I preferred the dark room over the bright one. Also, the TV had zero interest to me.
I felt like the nice feeling was coming in waves, with every wave taking me a little higher, then plateauing, then higher. This lasted about an hour. He was still moving about, unable to stand still and talking. At this point, I had had 2 more episodes of diarrhea and urinated at least 5 more times. He was still unable to go. After about an hour of the waves, my brain felt completely sober, however my limbs felt very heavy. He redosed about his 4th time (against my advice). He was starting to comedown and wanted to stay up. I stood there intent on him, but sober feeling for a good 2 hours after my redose and then began to feel the second. THIS was my peak. Delayed, but def my peak. I thought I was completely down then BAM. Mind you, this is over 3 hours after 200mg. He again encouraged me to redose at 100mg.
My peak was happening as his not so nice comedown was. He told me initially this drug was awesome, but after he began to feel the comedown, he said he wouldn't do it again for a long time. At this point, he wanted to lay down while I was intent on just laying there feeling the "tingle" of my body high. After about 2 hours of him sleeping and me just laying there completely motionless in the dark watching tv, I had to go home. As soon as I stood, I was sober. I drove home and took 2 Tylenol pms to sleep, curled up in my bed and passed out. I awoke 7 hours later with zero hangover feeling. No comedown to speak of. And the lingering headache I almost always have, was not there. I had slight "cloudy" feeling in my brain. It was actually quite nice. He was hung over, sick as a dog. I went into work and was completely fine. I worked a full 8 hour shift and right as I was going to leave, I popped a 10mg hydrocodone. Then I ate for the first time. About 15 minutes later, I was horribly nauseated and began to feel the small bubble form and it pop. I was feeling like I was coming up again. Crazy. This feeling lasted about 2 hours. Then it was gone.

Is this weird? From everything I've read and what I saw with him, it was completely opposite. And is it possible to feel my 2nd redose approx 20 hours later? I'm a medical professional and could only justify thst maybe it was still in my system and hadn't metabolized until I ate, which jumpstarted my intestinal tract. I just had to write this down and see if this was completely abnormal? Def was a nice trip, and wouldn't mind doing it again. Would love to try real MDMA and see if my reaction is to stand like a statue again, or if it'll kick me into gear.
Anyways, any feedback would be awesome.
Thanks for reading my ramblings, I know it was long. ;)
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Everyone reacts differently to chemicals. Maybe you under or over dosed? The GI stuff is normal. Urination is odd I'll admit, but maybe further reassuring you under dosed for you body? Methylone isn't a horrible chemical. I had fun on it for a little. IMO it's no replacement for MDxx. There's just something special missing from a methylone/ethylone roll.
Well.. I have known quite a few people that cant urinate or have a bowel movement, Me, I urinate a lot while on it. Like once every 45 mins to an hour sometimes more..

Also, try a warmer environment. Even on nice clean MDMA a cold night will make me feel stone sober till I warm up again. Some of the issues that you had might be temp related.

As for the rest.. not really ever seen or heard about any of it before.. Maybe change you ROA next time. Sublingual is really good. Put in under your tongue and try very hard to keep it there and not swallow your saliva for about 15 mins.. It can be really hard and you want to talk and to just make it go away, DONT, hold out the longer then better then just swallow and chase with what ever you like to drink. The come up is faster as well.. Plus as an added bonus you really don't have to worry about how long ago you ate since its bypassing your digestive system.
gotta say as for putting it under your tounge, methylone, mdma and others are corrosive to your teeth and skin. doing it once wont hurt but just keep it in mind.

also if you take certain medications or consume certain health suppelments or special herbs and things, they can effect a roll immensely.
Also, try a warmer environment. Even on nice clean MDMA a cold night will make me feel stone sober till I warm up again. Some of the issues that you had might be temp related.

very very interesting. good information, it makes sense.