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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Methcathinone hydrochloride - Experienced - 'Cat' (trip report and summary)


Dec 25, 2009
Hey, hi. I don't often write on Bluelight, but I read a lot.

To fill you in: I've eaten and snorted my way through an alphabet soup over the years, like many of you. And, of allll the various molecules, I tend to prefer stimulants that are euphoric.

I've had a monumental love affair with ecstasy, but we don't see each other much anymore, though we love each other dearly and have the best time ever when we get together, which is rarely but always incredible. And I have also read up about, and found and consumed, every last damn stimulant I've ever been able to find over the last 25 years. Some have charmed me into seduction; many not. I also had a huge and biblical love affair with psychedelics in the mid-90s and early 2000s, but not much of those have called to me in the last decade or so. The force is strong with them; as tempestuous as it was, we parted ways on good terms. They said they'd call me when the time's right. In between, I also explored every opiate and opioid I could get my mitts on (or get off my tits on), but none ever really appealed to me much. Thankfully, considering...

I've also dived into some pretty esoteric molecules, including dissasociatives and sedatives and entheogens in their raw form that I've grown or harvested or tracked down. I'm a curious omnivore: I've had at least a nibble of everything that's seemed interesting, within reason. And for various reasons, I always seem to come back to those molecules that work best for my body and mind. Strokes for folks, all that. And of all the options I've come across, the euphoric stimulating ones hit the right notes for me.

This brings me to the cathinones, which many of you may have become aware of over the last 10 years (if you hadn't already known about them). Specifically, methcathinone hydrochloride.

And the reason I'm providing this report is to give those of you who, though you've been exposed to the (many) cathinone analogues out there that have cascaded over the years since The Golden Age of Mephedrone and its end, chances are that most of you may not have come across the original cathinone, which in my country is simply called 'cat'.*** There are geopolitical, botanical, cultural and historical reasons why it's known in some parts of the world, and others not.

Where I am, it's pretty common, and is almost (99% of the time) synthed from ephedrine or psuedo-ephedrine, or the d-nor- isomer (is that correct? I believe it may be). Is it legal? Oh hell, no, it's as illegal as cocaine - but it is quite common. It comes in various shades from pure white in a rock / cake form, which is likely the purest, right through the pale spectrum of cream to beige to a pale - or, mayday: dark - brown colour. Like many of the cathinones and like many have noted in their own reports, it has a fairly agreeable smell. Slightly sweet, slightly creamy, a hint of something vaguely citrusy? And its taste is typical of an alkaloid: bitter, but not too bad.

While I'm banging on about cathinones and regarding possibly the best-known or notorious one (save the PV's, which are just pure evil): mephedrone. Oh my fuckin' granny, did I love it. Jesus christ on a stick, I loved that shit. And then it was over. Which was no bad thing: on one occasion right at the end of the honeymoon (and its availability), three friends and I caned half an ounce in 3 days. Which should speak for itself. Well, it would have to: after 3 days, I couldn't talk as my throat was so inflamed. Anyway, enough about my glamorous early years. Around about that time, I chose to investigate cat, which has worked out well. As in, it has not fucked up my head, life, marriage, body, work or pocket.

Which, as far as boxes to tick go, is right fucking up there.

So, I'm no chemist - but after looking over some resources about the chemistry involved, it seems that the browner that cat (in powder or rock/cake form) gets is an indication of impurities from the synth process, which makes sense. At least, for me, the pure white version that I seek out and can get fairly easily has the least bodyload and side effects. And by side effects, I mean vasoconstriction and cramps in the legs, arms, hands (extremities), and the day-after feeling of being wrung out wrong. 'Ridden hard and put away wet'? Yeah, that feeling. All of which I have experienced from other cathinones, and also from badly-cooked cat, which squares with what I know about residuals from the (relatively simple) synth. I'm not going to get into synthfo, but what I can say is that I understand it's not rocket surgery. I would probably be able to do it, but...I have a life full of preferable priorities that I'd like to maintain balance with. But back to the cat.

Cat's a stim, of course, and a very good one in my opinion. It's an amphetamine-class stimulant. How strong, on a scale of coffee to MDPV? Somewhere around dexedrine or amphetamine sulphate.

And so for reasons personal and rational, it totally replaced coke for me as a social lubricant and recreational. And I really really REALLY liked coke. In fact, eventually, too fucking much. Was it possible that my career as an underground event organiser and DJ might have led to too many late nights and one too many mornings and too many 4-day weekends on cocaine which I can't really even remember, apart from the sessions where everyone spoke at once and was fighting for airtime while circling the airport? Could be, could be.

But since 2011, I actually haven't bought cocaine for myself (which, for those who have ever developed a coke...eh...tendency, should speak volumes). Happily - and I mean that - I was able to replace cocaine with something less self-destructive, less environmentally destructive and a whole lot cheaper. And because it's cheaper, inevitably (unlike coke, which is cut to fuck where I am with meth, caffeine and hell knows what else), cat isn't cut with adulterants at all, mostly.

This is because where I live, cat is 1/5th as expensive as coke, and is cooked up by numerous clandestine chemists - and some of them evidently know their way around a molecule. As in, the gear you get if you're discerning and ask for it upfront and in the right way, and turn away stuff that doesn't look or smell or feel right, can end up being as near to pharma grade as possible. All of which is to say, there's no money to be made in cutting cat, so it's almost always cleaner, which is never a bad thing. Or at least, what I seek out when I'm inclined doesn't appear to be cut with anything much else at all. I'm lucky: I have access to a harm reduction organisation in my area who have tested the gear I get using complex reagents and tech for both primary and adulterant compounds and it comes up...just methcathinone. So, and I guess I'm preaching to the choir here, but on the off-chance there are others who don't know this: it pays to know and test what you're taking. If you're going to repeatedly and habitually return to a specific compound, that is. If it works for you in all the right ways, lock onto that beam and source the real deal. Just say know? Yeah, just like that.

I find that on cat I'm able to be sensible on it, am able to call it a night when I want to, and when I need to sleep (or eat, or fuck - or not, and just cuddle), that's all possible. OK, the sleeping is made easier by a benzo and a whisky and a spliff on the tail-end, as with any stim. Will you struggle to sleep if you cane it on cat, like other stims? Is this your first upper rodeo? Uhuh. But it doesn't nearly have as sharp a set of claws on it like coke, crack, meth, 4-FA - all of which I've tried but pushed to the side - or (god forbid and thank fuck I have never messed with them) a-PVP, MDPV and all those Other Fucking Potent Cathinones. Ain't nobody got time for the Spun & Tweaky Show.

Oh and one other important thing that made me choose it more than other stims: I make better quality bad decisions on it. Kidding: what I mean is that I make way fewer bad decisions. By which I mean, far less muppetry when on it, and far fewer regrets in the post-session period. And that, as far as reasons go, and a little thing called self-love, really matters.

Other notable info: music is amazing, later into the experience. As is sex. And so is writing (if you don't get too drunk), which is nice. And drawing, painting etc. It's great for concentration (quell surprise) too. And the next day? Well, if you eat some (which you can do during the experience), and you you rest / sleep some, the after-effects are manageable.

It definitely helps if you take care of your body's needs, and your neurotransmitter needs, before, during and after the experience. And of course, it also very much helps to ease yourself down gently, whether with a glass of wine, a shot of whisky or a toke or just by taking your time and chilling. Obviously it doesn't help to cane it and stay up for days on the stuff without food, drink, rest etc.

Can you? Uhuh, yep, plenty. Don't get me wrong, you can, and I have - including daily for 10 days on the trot, 12 hours a day, but with sleep every. single. night...because work. And in that regard it's a clearer and cleaner fuel for long-distance marathons than many other stims - IF you listen to and care for your body's input and rest. But any sensible adult wouldn't want to run hot that long on it, or for that matter anything.

Jesus, did I just hint that I might be a sensible adult? Fuck me gently, I believe I might have. Bonus: turns out, I think finally I know what I want to be when I grow up.

Anyway, that's the summary (and for our viewers who have despaired about our Summary's length, thank you for tuning in and hanging on; we're almost there) - and here's the report.



Make the call to the guy, he comes by in 5 minutes, so by


It's time for first lines. I make 4, not too big, not too small. Probably 40 - 50mg each. I have two to start, as does my wife (who matches me pace for pace in all ways), and they don't hurt my nose at all, much, compared to...well, it's relative, isn't it?. Certainly nowhere near as stinging as so many other powders.

It arrives as a rocky pure white powder in a small baggie. The rocks are hard, and if you cut through them with a razor, are pure white throughout. And I always, always always make sure this is the grade I buy, because harm reduction.

Within a minute or two, I'm up, by about 20%. Nothing huge, just...pleasantly up. It's Friday, time for music, and with these rails, I have officially declared weekend.


Two more up the hooter, this time the same size as before. Again, my wife has hers at her own pace. I have half a beer and take a short drive to the beach. My driving isn't impaired at all (if anything, it's sharper and my alertness helps avoid some muppets on the road).

En route to the beach, I bust out into spontaneous singing (Modest Mouse's '3rd Planet' this time), and all is well in the world. I find myself thinking about work, and Tetris-ing some puzzle pieces of my week's work, with a couple of nifty pieces of info suddenly seeming to fit in new ways. I love it when cat brings the plans together like that.


Park the car, walk the beach, looking for driftwood, and still singing. I have another bump (brought some with me) in the fog, and find some great fishbones and hardwood to make art with and greet a few beach walkers politely. I feel great, and all is well in the world, very well. I head home after stretching my legs.


Back home, I lash out a few more lines, again around 50mg. I smash two right away, and I feel the shift from mild to solid stimulation. I proceed to have a very engaging conversation with my landlady (no kidding - this stuff keeps you clear and present, without being tweaky or obvious). Retire for a cold beer, and start making supper.

Still singing (it does this to me; I'm not a musician, but it...makes me musical?).


Time to perk up the music some. I slap on a killer playlist of very eclectic electronic stuff, upbeat and right across the spectrum. It all sounds fucking great, and I feel superb.


Feeling a pleasant mild euphoria run through my body, but nothing like a rush. Just...definitely present and pleasant. Have a bump and sit down to dinner, and smash that dinner into oblivion in 5 minutes (said no stim lover ever, right? Well...cat's like that, for real).


Now at around 3 beers, have had a bong, and another bump...and I feel fantastic. Very chatty: my wife and I have an in-depth chat about our travel plans (remember travelling?! Yeah, we had our jab, and my country's on the mend, so we're planning to travel at year-end).

Ever-so-slight tightening of the jaws. Not massive, not gurning, just noticeable. Then my mother calls to catch up. And you know what? I take the call. And we chat like old friends for 10 minutes. She mentions that I'm chatty, and I let her know that would be because I've had a great week, and because I've had a few bumps. She approves and tells me to enjoy my night (she's not judgy like that, my old duck). I ring off, and turn up the volume for some very bassy tunes. Jamie XX 'Gosh', and some of the tracks by Gil Scott-Heron he remixed, which goes down like a homesick mole.


Another line, still at around 50mg, and I break out into a little dancing. Which feels amazing. I'm properly up now, my body is pleasantly carrying a low buzz, and my mind is electrified. My neurons are on fire, loads of information coursing through my brain, some of it work related, some of it new ideas for creative projects around the house. This is the point at which I usually start feeling a little tweaky, which for me is a sign to ease up and channel the energy into something useful. Which, I'm pretty sure, many of you will find familiar. So I do the dishes, pack them away, and sweep the house. My wife is impressed (and she's matching me line for line as she always does, and is happily busy with some homecraft; this time it's a cross-stitch gift for a friend).


Now, after (ehh, I kinda lost count, but probably 8 or 10 lines of around 50mg), I'm fully stimulated and find myself putting on some pretty full-on music (Elite Force breaks circa 2010) to match the mood. Bass sounds a.m.a.z.i.n.g (and with a quick whiff of amyl, the subtleties of music really truly stand out in new and beguiling ways). Predictably, the wife's not keen on banging tunes; she's more of a rocker, prefers to listen to the extended discography of Ry Cooder or JJ Cale...even when stimmed up to the gills. Go figure. Anyway.

I do pick up some very very gentle heart action: very light flutters, but not palpitations or any cause for alarm. As it happens, I have had my blood pressure tested after doing a line - by my doctor, no less, 25 minutes after snorting a mid-size line because I had a check-up - and my BP was ever so slightly elevated, but of no real significance.

I'm listening to the tunes outside (now Her Ladies' Choice, which is always tasteful) while I chop firewood and do some evening gardening, whistling as I go and bobbing and weaving to the music. Life is gooood. At this point, my jaw is discernibly tight, and I have to remind myself to relax my jaw muscles, as this can and does give me a headache sometimes.


The wife calls it (she always does) by suggesting one more, before we tap off. We smash the last of the night, and nibble on some snacks while we chat pretty non-stop about our plans, about work, about music (I correctly identified an off-beat rimshot, which she congratulates me on - and this is a big deal, because she studied music). Everything is peachy and I'm very content.

(at the back of my mind there's a small little troll who's going "Hey bro, feeling good, right, know what you need to feel better, riiiight? Oh go on - have another bump, go on, you know you wanna, go for it, it'll be great", but I pack that dangerous little fucker away, because I know that little bastard too well and that way lie tears and broken promises).


We each have a loprazolam, 2mg, which we swig back with a whisky. It's at this point that we're now committed to putting the cat away (the powder, not the pet) and easing our way down. And here's the thing with this stuff (at least for me and my wife, and for that matter our friends) - WE DO ACTUALLY PUT IT AWAY AND KEEP IT AWAY. For true.

I make a spliff of some tidy outdoor Gelato, and we have a few tokes on that. I can feel my body easing up, and the clenchy jaw is ebbing away as the cat's stimness fades gently. The food helped, as does the spliff and whisky.


The wife and I have a teeny tiny intsy wintsy bump of K (as in...probably 20mg), added to another whisky and a few more tokes on the spliff. Everything is easy and super-chill, though we're both still quite chatty, and music sounds faaahking amazing. Bill Laswell's edits of Marley & Wailers classics are profoundly deeply dubby. Perfect evening, really.


Into bed, after swigging back a lot of cold water and one last shot of whisky and a(nother) small bump of K. And once in bed, a hit of Amyl nitrite poppers. Everything is perfect, and warm, and lovely, and we proceed to [THIS REDACTED BECAUSE].

And yes...you can and do get very, very physical and horny on it. It's...um...rather good in that area.




And that's it, really.

Wake up at 9am, feeling really quite fine. No hangover to speak of, just a mild tiredness, but actually quite fine and nothing a coffee doesn't take care of.

And then we get busy on some DIY, ably assisted by a few bumps along the way.

Now, I realise that this might sound like a slightly boring experience, but let me clarify: this was a Friday night in, at home, with commitments the next day to attend to. But in case you were wondering, cat as I get it (and as is very available across the whole of my country) can be and is very compatible with a fucking wild night, and crazy dancing, or serious binges. I have binged like bastard on it (3 days, no sleep - and hell yes that Amphetamine Psycho came knocking, of course he did), but I prefer not to.

But there you go folks: that's methcathinone hydrochloride for you. Yes, you can eat it (parachute, capsule etc), you can also plug it (stings a bit) and you can also smoke it in a spliff, which ramps up the stimness quite a bit. Can you IV it? I have no fuckin' idea, and I've never been inclined in that direction. I generally just do it the old-fashioned way in lines and bumps, and I must say, it works for me. I don't crave it (clarification: it can be fiendy, when you're on the sesh, but not the day after or down the line - at least, that's my experience), I don't ever feel like doing it during the week, and I often go a couple weeks without, even though one call and I could have it in my hand in 5 minutes.

Works for me.

p.s: got questions? Fire away, I'll answer what I can with what I know.

***Yes, there is a plant drug known as 'cat' or 'khat' or 'chaat', which would be the tender shoots and leaves of the Catha edulis tree. That's very well known in east Africa, and diaspora communities of Somalis, Ethiopians, Kenyans, Yemenis and others around the world. The tree contains the same molecule, cathinone - but the synth'd powder is almost always not extracted from the tree (apparently because enzymes in the leaf oxidise the cathinone into a much milder compound, cathine).

Tagged by Xorkoth
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This must be the first methcathinone report I’ve seen in 20yrs lol, much appreciated man. I’ve always been curious about this one myself.

This must be the first methcathinone report I’ve seen in 20yrs lol, much appreciated man. I’ve always been curious about this one myself.

Pleasure @G_Chem - I was always puzzled how so many variations on the cathinone molecule could have washed up amongst the mad experimentation with RC's, and so many trip reports have been written here (and also on Erowid) about them - yet there are so very few reports on the first-known one, which has been around way longer than all the new tweaks on it.

Thus my submission: I thought it was missing from the field of reference, against which the others (like mephedrone, butylone, methylone, and sooo many others) could be compared.
Thanks for the report my man! I have a little over a gram of some whiteish/beige Methcathinone HCl laying around at home which I will try in a couple of weeks so this report came in handy. :) I have a few questions though. How does the oral ROA differ from intransal? With Mephedrone for example I usually combine oral and nasal because it brings out the best of the substance imo, so I wondered if it would be similar with MCAT. Also how serotonergic is it compared to things like 3-MMC/4-MMC/MDMA/4FA/etc.? You compared it to coke so I imagine it's primarily dopaminergic? And if you only snort 1 line how long is the duration of the experience (similar to cocaine?)?

Thanks buddy, have a good day!
Hey @Psychestim - some answers for you here:

- oral ROA vs intransal

To be honest I've only ever eaten it (in rolling paper parachute style, or in capsules) a couple times. It definitely works, and is smoother and longer lasting. That said, it lacks the good-feel body lift compared to nasal. Obviously nasal's also got the swifter arrival and announcement aspect, and the perkiness. I've no doubt that at large enough oral doses it will provide the energy of nasal; just never really bothered too much with large doses oral. On the few occasions I've eaten it, it's been one third of a capsule, for daytime weekend chores and that kinda thing, for which it's useful in the same way that Ritalin, Adderal, etc work well.

- how serotonergic is it compared to things like 3-MMC/4-MMC/MDMA/4FA/etc.?

I'm aware that (and my experience confirms) that cat is primarily a dopamine agonist, but it does also have some serotonergic action, but far less than 4MMC did as far as euphoria and a capacity to provide a rush. I guess it's important here to point out that though I did experience significant steaknives from mephedrone in the days after, with cat, not nearly as much. Am pretty sure that if you IV it (again, not my style and I don't know anyone who has or does do it that way), you'd get a slamming rush. I just don't have data on that end.

- You compared it to coke so I imagine it's primarily dopaminergic?

Correct - and totally, it compares well with coke on this front, and I meant to add in my report that that's the main reason I chose it over coke, because it delivers nicely in this area. However, it doesn't come on full blazing guns I-can-t-stop-talking-even-for-a-single-moment mental like coke can and does. Which again is another reason I chose to put the coke to one side, and choose something that has less of a 'steep up and fiendy redose with non-stop-high-energy-and-endless-babble' effect on me.

- if you only snort 1 line how long is the duration of the experience (similar to cocaine?)?

One line (of reasonable size - let's say 40 to 60mg?) would last about an hour and some from onset, and onset is about, eh, 5 minutes max, possibly less. Depends on purity of course, but one fair-size line, after an hour or so, that would be an easy smooth landing with little residual background stimulation. Obviously, the more you smash it...predictably the longer the tail on it.

Good questions all, keep on swinging me any others I can help with.
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