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Methadone is a VERY effective, potent, long acting, euphoric opioid. I love it :)

Dextro .45

Apr 15, 2017
Methadone was synthesized in NAZI Germany prior to WWII, due to blockade’s, potential shortage of Morphine, raw opium poppies, etc. So these brilliant scientists/pharmacologist’s synthesized this fully synthetic molecule acting as a POTENT Mu-Opioid receptor agonist with great oral bioavailability, and a very long half-life and decent duration of analgesic effects.

Levo-Methadone is still manufactured & prescribed in Germany. All the Mu-Opioid agonist properties reside in this isomer. Racemic Methadone HCL has other MOA and has MNDA receptor antagonist properties, etc ….however in doses 100mg + can be problematic to the cardiovascular health, with the potential to cause heart palpitations, and electrical rhythmic beating of the heart

Levo-Methadone 40mg is equal to Racemic Methadone 80mg in their analgesic properties

I started on oral Oxycodone (Oxy-IR 5mg tablets) TEC’s 5mg Oxy + 325mg Tylenol (Most EUPHORIC opioid Hands Down)
Dilaudid 2/4mg tablets & Hydromorph-Contin 9mg XR beads

Short acting opioids are best suited for short term pain relief, and recreationally speaking, best suited for fast C-Max / T-Max, but for long term chronic pain…..oral Methadone 80mg has been Amazing, plus I get a handsome surplus of tablets for any breakthrough pain

100 tablet sealed bottle of Metadol 25mg tablets every month (25-26 days)

I DEFINITELY feel my morning dose creeping in 30-45min, and in an hour or so, I’m pain free and feel great (combined with prescribed Methylphenidate (Ritalin) 40-60mg IR, Pregabalin 300mg, Diazepam 10mg. Enjoying my breakfast sandwich and a nice coffee as I enjoy a fresh Belmont premium cigarette ($20 pack of 20 regular size, not king size) on the package it states “Taste Matters” lol and they’re totally right. Like a shitty coffee vs a premium dark coffee that smells like heaven. That coffee & Belmont cigarette are pure heaven after I’m peaking on morning cocktail

Long story short…..Methadone HCL is an AMAZING Opioid analgesic pain killer ….either to wean a Heroin addict off by gradually reducing oral Methadone until dependant patient is on a single mg of Methadone

For a long term chronic pain conditions, Methadone 25mg (Methadose 40mg cross scored white wafers, A+++) tablets are probably the best opioid analgesic for long term treatment. 10-15 years I’ve been on Opioids, Ritalin, Valium, depo-Testosterone bi-weekly)

Methadone 80mg is a perfect dose taken 7am morning with breakfast….. with another 25mg dose when I get home at 5pm from work

Methadone 25mg
Ritalin 40mg
Valium 20-30mg
Lyrica 300mg
Indica oil 5-10mg under tongue
Jin 2oz cocktail X 2-3 when having a Belmont on the patio (sometimes after blasting a line of Cheech-Cho.

Fireplace is crackling, I’ve melted into the couch, warm & cozy, sometime I’ll go to my 500lbs Vault and take out a toy to field strip, oil it, reassemble it and cycle the action and it feels like warm butter, so slick and smooth. Polished blue steel shines like a piece of jewellery. To me, it’s actually a work of art. Tastefully engraved, beautiful blued finish that I polish to make it shine like a diamond.

Over 100 years of service at Americas side.

Forget about apple pie lol. The flagship of the U.S.A is the legendary Colt M1911-A1 Government Model .45 ACP combat pistol

You could Legally purchase Bayer’s brand of Diacetylmorphine under the trade name ‘HEROIN’ soluble tablets for intravenous administration when the Colt M1911 .45 existed in the world. What a trip.

What’s your Opioid of choice ?

Oxycodone (Eukadol) IV ampoules & raw powder
Dilaudid IV vials & raw powder
Diamorphine IV vials & raw powder
Methadone tablets & raw powder
Demerol IV vials

Methedrine (I would Soooooo IV inject Methedrine & Diamorphine (or Oxycodone) in the same 1cc 30gauge needle) ohhh the pleasure lol


LSD & Psilocybin
Cannabis Indica & Sativa
I only do Kratom but stopped yesterday no w/d only 1.5 days/ week average for 6 weeks. Don't trust oxy pills after cartel fakes. Snorted oxymorphone once awhile back. Not preferable imo but dope is the best but I'll never do street stuff when cartels pumping fake shit everywhere.
I.V. "#3" Afghan brown heroin for me mate. Not come across pharmaceutical diamorph YET lol.

Never really got much off diggin' oxy, and that's not for lack of trying. I swapped 10 red 60mg O C tablets for one .1 bag when I was selling years ago. p
My mate was priscribed them so used them loads when I had no H. Could never seem to see what the fuss is all about with oxy, I think it's better sniffed.

Methadone s great I think too.
I think codeine is better than oxy. I know oxy is stroger and increases more dopamine and stimulates more. But actually that is the problem. It feels too synthetic. Codeine on the other hand feels natural (and it is natural alkaloid made by God) so it is soothing, relaxing and activates mesolimbic dopamine pathways enough for me. Nice to relax and watch a movie and eat.

With oxycontin it is more intense and unnatural. With codeine it is more down to earth. Of course, after oxy you have to use naltrexone to sense that natural goodness again.

I value Tramadol and Oxycontin about the same. Both are very good for daytime but codeine is much better for evening bed. Only it is major minus that both oxy and codeine has so short half lives. That is why I nowdays prefer Tramadol even for evening bed..