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Meth just isn't fun anymore

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Oct 7, 2016
When I first started using, every time was fun, energetic, entertaining, new. Up until about a year and then it slowly stopped being what it used to. I realize there's many factors as to why that could be, tolerance, receptors downregulating, quality, etc. I took about 2 months off and after using it was slightly fun, but nowhere near what it used to be like. I would have so much fun just cleaning the house and listening to Music. I was super creative with my Snapchats and looking back at them they're funny af haha! Now all that's gone. No creativity, no fun in cleaning or fixing things around the house, video games will always be enjoyable but not like they were during that period. My concentration and focus is still there but no noticeable high really. Either that or I'm just not noticing it because I'm so used to it. I wish I would've known about all this going into the drug. It was the best thing ever because it made everything new and exciting. I figured that would just stick around but boy was I wrong. Now I do believe quality is a huge factor here because I get it through a middle man so I can't directly speak to the people selling it. But I definitely know the quality is lesser than it was before from different people (they got in trouble so had to find another source). But ever since that switch of suppliers was made it seemed to slowly go downhill. Either that or it was just my brain downregulating. That's the thing about this drug, the suppliers probably know the whole works when it comes to this. They can easily chalk it off to tolerance or telling one to take a break for a while and still sell you bunk shit because the consumer (unless educated) would never know because there's all those variables. Or they could really be selling you legit shit and it really is your brain and body that's getting in the way of enjoyment with the drug. I guess I'll never know. If only I could deal with them directly I guess. But anyways, I'm so bored on Meth now it sucks. How come the fun high just stopped after a year and a half of regular using? You'd think it would've dropped earlier than that right? It was like one day it just got less and less euphoric. I only ever got the rush once, and that was my second time using it. I snorted it. And it was a total buzz kill because I had to act straight in front of some people when really me and my buddy were buzzing. The only other times I felt that instant rush of euphoria was when I snorted a line and there was a cut in my nose so I'm guessing that increased it's absorption into the blood stream. And it was for like 10 maybe 15 seconds. And then maybe a few other times down the road when hitting the pipe that lasted for like a second. I don't get it. But the most enjoyable part about Meth is that high that lasts all day and how entertained and happy you are with everything. Now it's nothing. Maybe a small fraction of that if I'm lucky. I hate this drug. But I love it to. Wish it wasn't so god damn easy to mimic and that there weren't so many variables at hand that could be affecting ones experience. This is bull shit ??
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BDD is for harm reduction questions, which this isn't, so I'm closing this.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with your supply or the quality mate. Clearly it's still having potent effects - I mean look at that giant wall of text/stream of consciousness you just wrote ;)

2 months is no where near enough off-time to 'feel good' again either. Try taking a year off. And even then, there's no guarantee you'll have that honeymoon glow you once had at the beginning. This happens to a lot of (ie most) people I'm afraid. Nobody can spend their entire life feeling great on a drug - it just doesn't tend to work out that way.

Meth now sucks [...] I hate this drug.

Remind yourself of this. Try to get off of it for a long while.

Good luck! :)
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