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Meth high

You could feel sober but people you run into realize how intoxicated you are , chattering teeth bugged out eyes etc
This really worries me. In the last week I did one Zoom academic conference after 0.5g/24 hours and another at 1.0g/48 hours. I could see my own video and it seemed to me I didn’t look like a deranged tweaker and I was careful not to say anything unless somebody asked me a direct question (which only happened once and I said almost the opposite thing I intended to say but it was not a mission critical point so nobody cared). Total time on video while super twacked 6 hours.

I did have 100 mg Seroquel the night before I started the binge though and feel that it kept the next 2 days reasonably constrained .
Why am I not getting high from meth. It's my first time and there's no Euphoria.
Because it’s made in Mexico, or access to quality ingredients is very difficult. Biker dope(p2p) is about the best you’ll find… if you’re lucky enough to even get it. P2p is not crystalline, but a chalky, white meth that is so smooth and not gritty.
Because it’s made in Mexico, or access to quality ingredients is very difficult. Biker dope(p2p) is about the best you’ll find… if you’re lucky enough to even get it. P2p is not crystalline, but a chalky, white meth that is so smooth and not gritty.
Note: this information is factually incorrect on all counts (sorry @FallenOne86). Mexican meth is normally very high purity and has decent potency due to the fact that even if it is racemic it is still 50 % d-meth. P2P which is the most common Mexican method does produce racemic meth however there is a lot of DEA and other evidence that suggests the Mexicans are adding additional processing isomer conversion steps to turn the l-mth into d-meth. P2P meth is a crystal when pure because meth is a crystal (?!?!). However it may vary in quality, density, clarity etc if it has been rerocked with a cut like MSM.

Meth is meth regardless of the method used to produce it. It may vary in isomer proportions and adulterants as well as density and appearance depending on how it was made. But meth is meth.

This issue has been extensively discussed by some of the sharper minds on BL in this thread: https://www.bluelight.org/xf/thread...and-why-does-it-test-positive-as-meth.896131/
It could be several things which people have mentioned previously but it can also simply be your neurochemistry, biology, etc. Not everyone reacts the same to every drug including meth.

In addition, not all meth is equal. Even when I first started using, there's been meth that has been so overly euphoric and other times where it's been disappointing, regardless of dose.

Which brings me into the next potential factor which is dose. My first time using I smoked a good amount and had a relatively euphoric experience. However, if I just stopped after a couple hits, it wouldn't have been very euphoric.

Lastly, just your overall mental situation.
What about this info on reddit:

Found this on Reddit.. your welcome!

The shit we're currently seeing has three components:

  • Dextromethamphetamine hydrochloride (25
  • Levomethamphetamine hydrochloride (25
  • n-isopropylbenzylamine hydrochloride (50
Both n-iso and levo-meth have unpleasant effects. Levo-meth's effects are typical of norephedrine-releasing stimulants: clenched jaw, hypertension, ears ringing, sweating, etc. Unpleasant, but manageable.
N-iso isn't a stimulant, but the effects of levo-meth are sometimes assumed to be from n-iso. N-iso's effects are more insidious, and take about a day and a half to kick in. Lethargy, listlessness, inability to focus, horrible brain fog, depression, procrastination, sense of uneasiness and fear, feeling like you're unable to leave your room for days on end. That sort of shit.
This is why some people who just take it for one day often feel okay afterwards. N-iso didn't have the chance to build up in their system.
If it does build up in your system, then you're basically a useless husk of a human being until you allow your body to remove that poison from your system. That might take some time, and it won't be pleasant at all, but nothing can be gained by continuing to put more poison into yourself.
There's this organized disinformation campaign, that's been trying to discredit anyone discussing how highly-cut meth is. Typical things you hear from this campaign, and why they're misleading:
N-iso isn't a stimulant
No shit, that's why it's mixed with racemic methamphetamine, which is a stimulant.
It tests as meth with a marquise test
Yeah, both levo and dextro meth test positive with a marquise test, and this concoction contains plenty of both. N-iso does not react to the marquise test.
It forms crystals, so it's pure
These are weak, hydrated crystals that incorporate both water and both enantiomers of methamphetamine into their structure. Notice how they always seem damp when you crush them? That's because water has to be incorporated into these otherwise-weak crystal structures in order to stabilize them. Real meth, on the other hand, does not form hydrates.
People who make meth are idiots, and could never figure this shit out
They're a lot smarter than most users, and learn by trial and error. Most are pretty bright, but were born into shitty situations, and learned chemistry as a way out of poverty. Also, these guys pass down their techniques, which aren't hard to learn if you have someone who knows their shit instructing you. Think Walt and Jesse.
This is all just crazy tweaker talk!
Yeah, it's really easy and lazy to assume all meth users are paranoid and prone to conspiracies. So far it's been really effective as a means of discrediting anyone who discusses it. But the evidence indicates that the tweakers are right this time. I'll get to that later.
Meth is a poison that's destroying your brain, and those effects you're noticing are symptoms of that
This one is really common to hear, but it's not entirely true. It's possible to use real methamphetamine responsibly (hell, it can be prescribed in the US, under the name "Desoxyn"), but this shit that's being sold as meth now is a whole different animal. So people who have been using methamphetamine responsibly for years are suddenly getting really fucked up, and are having a hard time explaining it. This tends to work psychologically, because meth users often feel guilty about their use, and assume that if they're experiencing problems, it's their own fault.
All tests we know of PROVE it's methamphetamine!
Yes, because it contains racemic methamphetamine, so will test positive for that. However, there is one test that this concoction can't fool: the melting point test.
Get a stainless steel digital thermometer from Harbor Freight or Autozone or whatever. They're like $5. Make sure they can measure past 200°C. Then put a bunch of your shit in a vial, using a double-boiler type setup, with some kind of oil in the outer container. Vegetable oil, mineral oil, motor oil, baby oil, whatever. Anyway, heat the oil, which will then heat the vial, and its contents will melt. Insert the thermometer, and make sure the vial contents are completely melted. Then remove the outer vessel (with hot oil in it) from the heat.
Everything will cool down very gradually. Watch the thermometer, and watch for crystals forming in the inner vial. As soon as a crystal forms, take note of the temperature. More and more crystals will form. If you have real meth, the temperature will hold during this process, at somewhere between 170°C and 175°C. The temperature will barely change during the crystallization. It might fall 1-2°C, due to minor impurities, but the less it changes temperature, the purer you can expect it to be.
But since that's not something that anyone has these days, you can probably expect crystals to start forming at maybe 160°C, and for the temperature to drop maybe 10°C before it's all solid. This proves that you have a mixture on your hands, not a pure substance. This is the best way to test this shit by far, since there's absolutely no room for interpretation.
The ghetto version of this is "crackback", where users watch how the molten salt solidifies. If it solidifies in a wave, starting from one or two points and radiating outward, that indicates purity. If it forms slushy crystals around the edges first, and leaves a liquid pool in the center that emits vapors as it solidifies, then that means you have a mixture, and not a pure substance.
This "crackback" nonsense is like reading tea leaves
People assume that "crackback" means looking at the patterns in the solidified substance. That's wrong. Actual "crackback" means observing how the molten salt transitions from liquid to solid as it cools. You have to watch it in real time. While it may not be scientific, per se, it's actually a pretty useful observation.
There are plenty of other observations that are useful for identifying it. This n-iso concoction crystallizes in plates, whereas real d-meth crystallizes in shards. So when crystals crack, they often have plate-like surfaces visible. This makes it pretty easy to recognize once you have some experience.
If this were a mixture, you could separate the components by recrystallization
Yeah, if the meth was d-meth. But since you have both isomers, that greatly impairs their ability to form crystals, so instead it gets incorporated into the n-iso crystals. Levo meth can form crystals with other levo meth, and dextro meth forms crystals with itself too. Think of them like those zigzag shape pieces in Tetris. One is a mirror image of the other, and if you got just one or the other, you could stack them easily. But if you have both coming at you, it's a lot harder to stack them in nice solid shapes. That's why it gets incorporated into n-iso crystals instead.
But meth chemists couldn't have figured all this out! They don't know a damn thing about crystal lattices!
They learn by trial and error, mostly. And all they would have had to do is try combining n-iso with racemic meth, and letting it crystallize.
You don't know anything about chemistry and used the wrong word somewhere, therefore this invalidates everything else you've said
I'm sorry you feel that way.
What do you mean, "organized"? Coming up with conspiracy theories like that is a sign you need to lay off the pipe.
Yes, meth users are known for being paranoid and coming up with crazy conspiracy theories, but they don't tend to all point in the same direction, and start at the same time. This shit began in full force at some point in early 2017, and has remained consistent ever since. Thousands of anecdotes scattered all over the internet, all describing the same symptoms starting at roughly the same time.
It's not crazy talk. It's real. And we need to start treating this problem with the appropriate level of seriousness, unless we want to keep funding these cartels that are poisoning people.
I've tried to provide the best harm-reduction information I possibly can, but there's so much misinformation out there that it can be hard to sort truth from nonsense. So it's really important that we take on this misinformation that keeps being spread about what's going on. They think you're stupid enough to believe their bullshit. Prove them wrong"

I know good meth.. and today's meth sucks ass... just my opinion! It's why I'm quitting this shit once and for all. It ain't doing it for me!
^^ Please don't do reddit dumps here. This is pure conjecture that is definitely not backed up by the numerous credible reports in the thread I linked 2 posts back.

Edit: also just about everything in the above nonsense can be explained by basic meth chemistry. Each time a batch of P2P meth is produced the resulting product will be a crystal-like rock that contains three basic things: d-meth, l-meth and a range of contaminants left over from production. Some of these products are liquid which are locked into the crystal structure of the meth. Depending on dozens of factors (temperature, duration of reactions, relative amounts of pre-cursors and other ingredients etc) every batch will vary. There are also different reaction routes to P2P meth, again resulting in products that differ in several ways. These ways are principally: density of the rock, the stability of rock including its propensity to appear moist, and the strength of the product (which is influenced both by the % of d-meth and the relative proportion of l-meth - while some people claim that contaminants from manufacturing may also impact the subjective experience of meth).

To make it even more complicated, the l-meth in P2P meth can be subjected to further reactions turning into a d-meth.

When law enforcement seizures report that meth is 90 + percent pure (as they usually do in Australian seizures) it may not be 90 + percent potent because some proportion may be l-meth. However the DEA reports potency (measured as d-meth) and those numbers are usually pretty high (80+ % although both purity and potency measures vary widely in different areas of the US. However the main reason for variation in the appearance of meth and the different performance when subjected to heat is the around 10+% or more of residual substances remaining from manufacturing.

Of course the further down the line you go, the absolute % of any kind of meth (d- or l-) in the rock may decrease as dealers re-rock the product with different substances. Most commonly in Australia at least being MSM. Which also accounts for significant variations in taste as well as potency.
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I agree with Atelier3. Theres a lot of speculation going on. Nobody here has run a lab test on OPs products, so we cant say where it came from or what it contained. Reddit is hardly reliable information.
Why do people get so addicted to it then? It doesn't even feel so great to begin with.

Why do people get so addicted to it then? It doesn't even feel so great to begin with.
This is just my understanding of it, and I'm still learning about all the science behind it but...

Because Meth hijacks the nervous system and sends it into over drive as if you've slept a full 8 hours and eaten a hearty meal, after each dose.
Which can be quite enjoyable, to say the least.
The trap occurs which leads to addiction, is that meth also triggers the brain to release high quantities of feel good chemicals, like dopamine, and keep the user awake for say 12-24 hours.
Even if the user get's some sleep, which they probably did not, they still feel like shit the next day because those feel good chemicals are gone and the brain has very little left if any at all.
A common cycle is is to use more meth to cure this low, depressive feeling.
But your brain has very little dopamine left to release at this point, therefore you may temporarily feel better for a few hours by using more and more meth, but then the cycle just repeats itself until the user just uses meth to feel anything.
This is what leads to addiction.
We are literally tricking the brain into releasing it's resources all at once, and it takes time for those resources to build back up.The brain can't release what isn't there.
The longer you keep your brain from being able to renew it's resources, the more you risk addiction and possible long term brain damage.
This is why people who use daily cannot get a "good high" anymore, their brain started making dopamine at slower rate.
Your brain can adapt and change in ways you cannot imagine, but you do not want it to change in this way.