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Meth binge followed by ecstasy binge


Mar 26, 2021
My friend has been quite busy.. He went on a 4 day crystal meth binge (intranasal) of 3.5 grams total, spaced out as follows: .5 day 1 and 1g each on days 2,3 and 4.. 3 days later took 3 ecstasy pills followed by a week of rest, then another 4 day ecstasy binge of 17 pills total for the 4 days, spread throughout random redosing time frames ranging from 1-6 hours.. as follows 2 on day 1, and 5 on days 2,3 and 4... I'm also certain somewhere in the week of "rest" he did about .5g of cocaine somewhere in the middle for 1 day...

I'm sure he's screwed himself up with all these drugs in the quantities he has taken and especially in such a short span of time..

I'm wondering what type of damage might he be looking at as a somewhat experienced, albeit reckless, user...

He already suffer from manic bi polar disorder and generalized anxiety..
It's usually the other way around--MDMA binge followed by methamphetamine binge for some reason.
I'm wondering what type of damage might he be looking at as a somewhat experienced, albeit reckless, user...

He already suffer from manic bi polar disorder and generalized anxiety..
I did similar things a long long time ago and also have bi-polar. He’s doing all kinds of damage, some of it long term and some of it short term. The immediate concern is just how big the comedown crash is going to be and is he prepared to go through it. Benzos or seroquel would be very helpful.

Meth and MDMA both cause cognitive damage, Probably most notably in working and long-term memory and executive functioning (impulse control). They also damage the way people respond emotionally/ affectively in different circumstances. He’ll possibility come out of this with symptoms that look like a mood disorder (depression, worse anxiety, anhedonia etc). Those symptoms may be short lived. It’s hard to tell. There are a lot of stories on BL of people having such symptoms long term after a single pill of MDMA.
When I was in my late teens and early twenties I preferred the effect of MDMA mixed with meth. I'm 36 now and a couple weeks ago I consumed 17 pills over three or four days. I haven't rolled like this since I was in my twenties.

Had four pills so far tonight and 5 more on reserve. Blame it on me recently finding out my weed man has cheap pills. I can get 10 pills for $50 and they're good pills leading to me rolling more than I have in a decade.