Hopeless Memantine and Dissociatives


Aug 11, 2019
I feel like maybe a dissociatives like memantine (it's all I can get) might be enough to help me check out. I'm old enough (mid 40's) and don't have any hope. I'm not doing anything right now but I am too much of a coward to do anything most times.
I'm not doing anything right now but I am too much of a coward to do anything most times.
What does this indicate; that you are unemployed, no socialization etc?
I can attest that downers (CNS agents) rarely helps one when already feeling low but on the other hand it has helped me in the past to "reset" my current state when I get "buggy".

might be enough to help me check out. I'm old enough (mid 40's) and don't have any hope.
This is a sad statement to read. I wish you not to "check out" and give life a little time to reveal your worth if it is unknown at this time.
Anything change recently by chance?
Home life?
Love always,
What does this indicate; that you are unemployed, no socialization etc?
I can attest that downers (CNS agents) rarely helps one when already feeling low but on the other hand it has helped me in the past to "reset" my current state when I get "buggy".

This is a sad statement to read. I wish you not to "check out" and give life a little time to reveal your worth if it is unknown at this time.
Anything change recently by chance?
Home life?
Love always,
Thank you for your reply. I am a hermit and have chronic illness so not able to work and I don't see that changing in the near future. Even if it did I cannot cope in the real world and have never fitted in since I was a kid in school. I would hate my life more if I was around people. I can't handle it.

Are there any medications or supplements that you find has helped you reset by any chance? I would try anything. Other than that I was thinking of just telling my doctor and trying antidepressants again but I have been down that path many times in in the past and it never helps long-term.

Thank you for reaching out and your concern.
Thank you for your reply. I am a hermit and have chronic illness so not able to work and I don't see that changing in the near future. Even if it did I cannot cope in the real world and have never fitted in since I was a kid in school. I would hate my life more if I was around people. I can't handle it.

Are there any medications or supplements that you find has helped you reset by any chance? I would try anything. Other than that I was thinking of just telling my doctor and trying antidepressants again but I have been down that path many times in in the past and it never helps long-term.

Thank you for reaching out and your concern.
Is anything better?
There’s a lot of medicine that might help you, hell I would even say there’s a lot that’ll help you for sure at least to some extent and for some time.

What’s your previous drug experience? Are you diagnosed any mental illness? I’m asking so I can start throwing “reset” options. Sure you could ask some doctors instead me too but..
Is anything better?
Thank you for checking in. Not much has changed really. Still trying to find a supplement, medication or nootropic that will help. Today I took 2 x 10mg memantine for depression but I don't take it every day. I have 6 x 250mg phenibut left so that's enough either for one big dose or two smaller doses. But the days after dosing phenibut can be rough to get through with the comedown or whatever so I am putting off taking it. I don't have the money to buy any more and not sure it's worth it.

Other than that I have Phenethylamine (PEA) powder, DLPA and L Dopa Mucuna supplements. They all do things to dopamine and I don't want to overdo anything so I space them out. Not sure anything works. The PEA gives a bit of a boost but too much can be unpleasant so have to keep it at around 50-100mg even though the dose on the packet says 300mg. I used to take that and it was too unpleasant.

And I have piracetam and noopept.

Not sure what else I can try.
There’s a lot of medicine that might help you, hell I would even say there’s a lot that’ll help you for sure at least to some extent and for some time.

What’s your previous drug experience? Are you diagnosed any mental illness? I’m asking so I can start throwing “reset” options. Sure you could ask some doctors instead me too but..
Thank you for your reply and trying to help. My previous drug experience is not much to be honest. I was addicted or reliant on prescribed opioid pain meds at one point but been off that for a few months now. I haven't drunk alcohol in nearly a year now but before that I was drinking a lot. I don't want to get back into alcohol again. I don't do street drugs or anything. Just supplements/nootropics and I now have prescribed THC oil and flower but they are only low dose and I don't do them much - just to sleep or relax every second evening or so.

Diagnosed illness are depression, anxiety disorder, PTSD and I also have chronic fatigue syndrome but not diagnosed as it's hard to get one. They just keep doing blood tests and trying to rule out everything else before they diagnose it. I have to see my doctor again soon to get a script refilled and get more blood tests as it's been a while.

I appreciate any help or advice.
Thank you for your reply and trying to help. My previous drug experience is not much to be honest. I was addicted or reliant on prescribed opioid pain meds at one point but been off that for a few months now. I haven't drunk alcohol in nearly a year now but before that I was drinking a lot. I don't want to get back into alcohol again. I don't do street drugs or anything. Just supplements/nootropics and I now have prescribed THC oil and flower but they are only low dose and I don't do them much - just to sleep or relax every second evening or so.

Diagnosed illness are depression, anxiety disorder, PTSD and I also have chronic fatigue syndrome but not diagnosed as it's hard to get one. They just keep doing blood tests and trying to rule out everything else before they diagnose it. I have to see my doctor again soon to get a script refilled and get more blood tests as it's been a while.

I appreciate any help or advice.
You are in a great position. Don’t get me wrong but more so than bigger part of planet, even when it feels like “checking out”. Not that that doesn’t speak more of how bad is generally than how good is on your side, but still not bad :)

I think you are on a potentially great place as you haven’t really abused drugs much but can benefit from same, hugely. You know there are some of us who can hugely benefit from drugs but by the day, well lets face it, if we reach any older age we can only hope for pumps direct to the brain will be available in post-apocalyptic scenario. I’m joking, but damn, would it be better if I spread out those hundreds and thousands of experiences over life-span instead over decade(s) Sorry for that whining part, it is what it is.

Anyway I think you should go with either some candy psychedelic or a proper disso. If candy stuff (2c-b, αMT, foxy and similar) ain’t around plain old acid or shrooms or DMT will more than do. I would suggest some candy stuff as an entry to world of psychedelics anyway but following that I would suggest some classic anyway. As for dissos, hell, even nitrous can be and interesting start, and more so. Just for any serious use rather proceed from there with K and from there again watch out if you like it too much, cuz of bleader n stuff. But that’s an secondary issue, it really is. I think you can have a good time with memantine BUT if you happen to really love stims. Memantine is cool for it’s purposed benefits but it’s cold, washed out disso. I do like it tho, only disso I’ve done beside nitrous for quite a while. It lacks euphoria totally so for non-disso-lovers I can see that any serious dose becomes on a, errrr, uncomfortable side. If you love weed def do it with edibles. If you can get nitrous def get and well you got your self some pretty interesting day or two but bare in mind if you don’t like it you would still probably love K or relatives.
You are in a great position. Don’t get me wrong but more so than bigger part of planet, even when it feels like “checking out”. Not that that doesn’t speak more of how bad is generally than how good is on your side, but still not bad :)

I think you are on a potentially great place as you haven’t really abused drugs much but can benefit from same, hugely. You know there are some of us who can hugely benefit from drugs but by the day, well lets face it, if we reach any older age we can only hope for pumps direct to the brain will be available in post-apocalyptic scenario. I’m joking, but damn, would it be better if I spread out those hundreds and thousands of experiences over life-span instead over decade(s) Sorry for that whining part, it is what it is.

Anyway I think you should go with either some candy psychedelic or a proper disso. If candy stuff (2c-b, αMT, foxy and similar) ain’t around plain old acid or shrooms or DMT will more than do. I would suggest some candy stuff as an entry to world of psychedelics anyway but following that I would suggest some classic anyway. As for dissos, hell, even nitrous can be and interesting start, and more so. Just for any serious use rather proceed from there with K and from there again watch out if you like it too much, cuz of bleader n stuff. But that’s an secondary issue, it really is. I think you can have a good time with memantine BUT if you happen to really love stims. Memantine is cool for it’s purposed benefits but it’s cold, washed out disso. I do like it tho, only disso I’ve done beside nitrous for quite a while. It lacks euphoria totally so for non-disso-lovers I can see that any serious dose becomes on a, errrr, uncomfortable side. If you love weed def do it with edibles. If you can get nitrous def get and well you got your self some pretty interesting day or two but bare in mind if you don’t like it you would still probably love K or relatives.
Thank you for your reply and excellent suggestions. I do have other physical health problems besides what I said and am held back by them also but I won't go into them right now..

I forgot to mention I have also tried ketamine a couple of times and nitrous laughing gas also. I love them (dissassociates) which is what led me to want to try memantine. I have only done smaller/recommended doses of memantine but I read some stories of people reporting "life-changing" reactions to larger doses of 60-100mg. I haven't done that and don't think I want to. It might be too unpleasant for me to tolerate and it's so long lasting that it won't be a good time.

I will look into the candy psychedelics you mentioned. The ones you said kind of scared me a bit as I was scared of those "research chemicals". I'm not even sure how to do them or where to get them. If I could get more ketamine I would but I don't have the knowledge to try to navigate the dark web any more. Too much bad stuff there I don't want to stumble on.

I went shopping with my older brother yesterday and it was triggering for me. He kept trying to trigger me by bringing up things to upset me or make me jealous and at the end of it he asked me to go with him to the nearby liquor store to pick up an online order he had made weeks ago that he just wanted to pick up with me at that time. He lives 5 minutes from the place so it's a bit suspicious given he knows I have an issue with alcohol. I went in and looked on my own but didn't buy. I am wanting to take my phenibut today but wondering if 1.5g is too high of a dose.

Thank you for reading.
Thank you for your reply and excellent suggestions. I do have other physical health problems besides what I said and am held back by them also but I won't go into them right now..

I forgot to mention I have also tried ketamine a couple of times and nitrous laughing gas also. I love them (dissassociates) which is what led me to want to try memantine. I have only done smaller/recommended doses of memantine but I read some stories of people reporting "life-changing" reactions to larger doses of 60-100mg. I haven't done that and don't think I want to. It might be too unpleasant for me to tolerate and it's so long lasting that it won't be a good time.

I will look into the candy psychedelics you mentioned. The ones you said kind of scared me a bit as I was scared of those "research chemicals". I'm not even sure how to do them or where to get them. If I could get more ketamine I would but I don't have the knowledge to try to navigate the dark web any more. Too much bad stuff there I don't want to stumble on.

I went shopping with my older brother yesterday and it was triggering for me. He kept trying to trigger me by bringing up things to upset me or make me jealous and at the end of it he asked me to go with him to the nearby liquor store to pick up an online order he had made weeks ago that he just wanted to pick up with me at that time. He lives 5 minutes from the place so it's a bit suspicious given he knows I have an issue with alcohol. I went in and looked on my own but didn't buy. I am wanting to take my phenibut today but wondering if 1.5g is too high of a dose.

Thank you for reading.
Hey no need for quotes in “life-changing” even with 60 – 100mg. I took 40 or 50 mg the other day, tho with some weed and booze and some other things but it was somewhat life-changing!
Hey no need for quotes in “life-changing” even with 60 – 100mg. I took 40 or 50 mg the other day, tho with some weed and booze and some other things but it was somewhat life-changing!
Wow that's interesting. Can you let me know what happened or how you felt maybe? It's okay if you don't want to.

I only put it in quotes because it's such a cliche phrase that cracks me up a bit. I find it amusing when people use it for the most mundane item or thing. I don't discredit you having a life changing experience at all or anyone else saying it. I'm just a cynical person probably.
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Wow that's interesting. Can you let me know what happened or how you felt maybe? It's okay if you don't want to.

I only put it in quotes because it's such a cliche phrase that cracks me up a bit. I find it amusing when people use it for the most mundane item or thing. I don't discredit you having a life changing experience at all or anyone else saying it. I'm just a cynical person probably.

Oh, I get it. Yeah in that case quotes do apply. As it’s not life-changing in a sense that high dose psychedelics and dissos, even emphatogens can, and even than just sometimes be. Like I could say for myself that over hundreds and hundreds experiences of those I had dozen(s) that were truly life-changin but out of many thousands of drug experiences I might say hundred(s) were life-changing, with quotes, and also not really for the better every time. In that sense even 50 – 50 might be true, but with a trick that you don’t get that sense right away but, lets say, every line of K feels like it’s for the better but it isn’t at all. Psychedelics I think gravitate toward mostly positive life-changing and when not it’s usually more of neutral change, hardly ever truly negative. Than emphatogens, this is tricky, curing some trauma is definitely positive but countless great, fantastic experiences all might seem like a positive thing, at the given time but mostly it a fake-positive if that makes sense.

Now for the memantine. It’s the first NMDA antagonist I got in a long time, beside nitrous. I knew I wont get wow effects like from K. But I also hoped and felt I can get some of that NMDA antagonist feeling, healing.. O yeah, I’ll rather describe you high dose experience combined with only some weed a a couple drinks max as 40 – 50mg dose involved quite a bit of other things so it wouldn’t really be description of memantines effects.

I took about 140mg at the start but once the effects started to kick in I kept adding more. It takes a long time to kick in and longer for the peak but once it starts adding 20, 30 or so mg makes a difference quite fast (again at least 30min for any real change and a lot longer for full add-on so to speak). Cumulatively I took well above 200mg before next sleep, it’s been a while and I treated it like safe and easy drug but won’t try to guess exact dose even I maybe noted it somewhere here. It felt kind of like K stripped of most of the effects but with cross over with 3-meo-PCP again stripped out of most of it’s effects. Even with cumulative doses over 200mg (or one try with 170mg at once) it was hardly visual, I would say visuals were closer to low dose of nitrous (nitrous for me sometimes, but only sometimes gets pretty visual if I keep pushing it) than other dissos I tried but still..that’s just to give you a feel how it’s weak in that aspect BUT even visuals are very weak they are there at big doses and now when I think about it, they are maybe even closer to low dose mushroom visuals. But not pastel but more sharp when it comes do details, and no breathing of things but rather some crispiness. Well I’ll stop trying to describe visual aspects but it’s nice, really even a bit cartoonish but also like it shows cold, clinical aspect even in the visuals.

And visual aspect doesn’t follow head-space as on low doses there’s little mental effects but no visuals, at high dose mental effects are there and can be even strong but you hardly get any visuals. Similar is with body high, wonkines and numbness are there, but again just slight compared to mental effects. And mental effects are clear. Clear-headed but heavy. I describe it as such because lack of euphoria, basically total lack of it. So you end up dealing with pretty pronounced, even clinical and in a sense like just a few compartments of self are really dissociated if that makes any sense.

But given memantine showed up in my life as I was having to deal with some not so nice things in life. A loss and inability on one side for some things and forbidnes to get back some things and people on the other. So dissociation really made me good. Made me look at all of it like I should have been perceiving it even sober, but didn’t. It also gave me comfort via fact that I’ll be in a sense without obligation to deal with it directly for probably over 24h, and have that time to prepare and to dissolve a lot of negative feelings. And that pretty much was like that. I drank some wine and smoked a joint during peak (when I was peaking from initial 140mg or so dose and added at least 40mg more). That intensified it significantly, without adding euphoria so it made me think for a moment, this is not good. I must admit I even panicked a bit, and I rarely panic even on heavy doses of whatever. I finished joint anyway and sat on the summer Sun to meditate a bit and was soon back in a no-feeling-fantastic but feeling-weird-in-a-good way. From there I enjoyed it, added some more and stopped as I didn’t want bad insomnia for days. I very much enjoyed some whiskey with some good people. They weren’t aware how high I was, at least I think. Whiskey was making it somewhat euphoric too, and acted in a some kind of good synergy rather than just getting drunk on top of memantine. I also drank slower than I usually do. Not sure was it on that occasion or when I took 170mg at once I figured out being in public and adding just a drink too much can make you zone out or dissociate enough that it’s inappropriate. Didn’t got me aggressive or anything but was I alone I would have trouble getting home and not bringing attention to myself cuz walking than wasn’t that easy (even tho usually such impact of memantine alone doesn’t seem to be strong at all). Still I was having a good time and I love demanding mental experiences and this was such. In a sense it was as demanding as 3-meo-PCP (K, Ether, nitrous don’t feel very demanding for myself and even hole doses are usually very pleasurable while Salvia is another league all-together) but without most of the effects BUT without real euphoria so drawing parallel with a lot more stronger, like magnitudes stronger experience all-together makes sense. I could keep describing it but I’ll conclude -

It was life-changing in a sense it gave me more positive outlook on things happening to me and a sense of hope I’ll be able to deal with it. And a bonus of 24h of pause with mundane aspects of life hardly anyone can enjoy.

Beside that and couple more medium – high doses of memantine I kind of keep it for lowering tolerance and for neuroprotective effects but have plans to incorporate it in some combos once I acquire other material or maybe share it with a romantics partner as I feel that in that case clinical and cold aspects would be lowered a lot if some erotica is added.