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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Mdxx+2C-B?) First time: Dark and peculiar, late onset.


Apr 5, 2012
So four friends and myself went to a trance event the other night. One of my friends and me decided to take these pills tested with mdxx. There are a few batches of these pills going around in my city and one which is mdxx+2cb. I’m pretty sure this is the one I had.

10:45pm: Me and my friend both drop our first dose. She does 1 pill I double drop. The last meal I consumed was also about 5 hours ago.

11:45: It’s now an hour after double dropping and I still don’t feel anything. So 15 minutes later we decide to redose and I take the third pill and my friend does another half.

12:00-1:30am: About thirty minutes later I get pretty charged up. Very speedy effect. I’m an idiot at this point, and take another pill I buy from a mate, not knowing what’s in it except that its mdxx. I consume it at around 12:15. Until around 1:30 I’m pretty chargy and have got a strong urge to dance. But no euphoria at all. I have noticeable jaw clenching, lighting is slightly trippy and I have significant eye wobbles. I also get a slight out of body experience and I feel like I’m not in my body. But rather kind of behind it watching it perform whatever its doing. This goes in waves where I feel it and I don’t. Doesn’t last for too long but reoccurs later in the night.

1:30-2:15am: In this time frame the chargy/speedy effects start to wear off a lot. I still have urge to dance but feel like something just isn’t right considering I did three pills and this is all I felt for the night.

2:15am-3am: Now this is where things start to get interesting. I’ve figured my nights pretty much over so I don’t anticipate any new experiences or sensations coming from the pills. So I just try and make the most of the time I have left and keep dancing and take in the music. I start to close my eyes a lot. It feels better with my eyes closed.

And then I start to realize intense visuals with my eyes shut. The lighting and lasers create various geometric patterns and intense visuals when I close my eyes. I don’t experience this when they are open however. So I continue to keep my eyes closed and just enjoy this new experience. Most of the visuals are black and white unless the lighting/lasers are really strong. Later on I also get geometric patterns in the form of demon cartoons. I’m not scared because it’s rather funny then frightening. As I continue to explore this new visual experience I begin to enter an utterly different experience, and I begin to sense the entire world differently.

I suddenly begin to delve into my own little world. Everyone else is just morphed into MY world. Then I enter a persistent trance whilst listening to the music. My friends are kind of blocked from my experience, and I am not social at all. I don’t want to talk to anyone. It’s an effort to do so really.

As I close my eyes I start to get hallucinations. And before I know it I start to experience the world in two different realities. Where my eyes are open the world is in its original and normal reality. But when my eyes are closed a new reality is created where I also see images of people and my friends around me. They begin looking at me in this alternate reality and I begin to nod back at them as if I’m saying hello or just acknowledging their presence. My friend begins to talk to me in my normal reality. But then I begin to talk to him back in my ‘closed eye’ reality. Then I open my eyes and I’m not looking at him. I realize I begin to muddle these two realities a lot because I’m always opening and closing my eyes. So I frequently don’t know what my friends are talking about and they don’t know what I’m talking about either. So I try to keep to myself. Overall the whole experience just feels ‘dark’. It’s not frightening, but it is a bit eerie. It’s like I’ve entered into another world.

3:00am: The event finishes and it’s time to go. The lights come on and I still feel very tripped out. As everyone huddles to the exit we become very squished together. I feel quite claustrophobic at this point and have to get out asap. I feel like the people around me are planning to close in on me. So for reassurance and to feel more comfortable I ask my friend if he’s there to keep my back.

I’m outside now and my heart is beating rapidly. I have a smoke to relax and then feel fine. We get in the taxi and start going home. But I start to feel sick. And I feel like I need to munt. Time is also warped. Everything is MUCH slower. The taxi ride feels VERY long. I also start to get weird hallucinations as if the taxi driver keeps staring at me, with his head twisted around, and yet he’s still driving the car. It gets too tedious for me, with the time warp and the feeling of munting, so I get out and tell my friends to go home and that I’ll get the next taxi. I wait about 30 mins and then call another taxi and go home. I relax for a bit and then go to sleep.

So overall I have to say it was an interesting enough experience. But it just wasn’t really the type of experience I want to have in a club again. Now I don’t think I did too much of the mdxx+2cb pills because I have a high tolerance, but that last pill I bought from a friend somehow may have suppressed some of the 2cb effects and instead created a new experience with the 2cb.
also how likely is a pill with mdma and 2cb- more likey its was 6apb or mda

the no euphoria sounds consistent with some peoples experience of 6apb, not mine though
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