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MDMA Urgent Help needed!!!!! [[Paranoid]]


Feb 5, 2016
So you guys must've read my trip report, Had a good time on it.

3 days later, Today, Been getting brain zaps going on and off...
Is this normal?

I took 250 MG Tramadol 24 hours before taking MDMA because I heard it could potentiate it effects.
I only took 130 MG MDMA for my body-weight, Didnt re dose, And havent taken any since, I was planning on taking it after 3 months.

Now Im just really paranoid as people say that you can take even 400 MG MDMA and not feel brain zaps.. But only took a low dose and Im feeling it.. Its been becoming worse and worse since morning and they last a good 3 or 4 Minutes on average..

Apparently this only happens if you cause permanent brain damage by taking MDMA to your serotonin receptors..
Do I have permanant brain damage now?

I need urgent help as the brain zaps returned when i was typing this T.T
Do i need to go get a brain scan now?
The comedown was smooth as hell, i dont know why this is happening.
Is it because of the tramadol or????????
I need urgent help guys. Thanks T.T
I've heard of people getting them days after and lasting 4-5 days to a week. Polypharm use def didn't help and it is likely dou to neurotransmitter depletion and your brain trying to reset itself. I have heard some anecdotal evidence that what you're experiencing isn't totally abnormal nor permanent. Problem is my eyes aren't magnetic resonator or CT-scan capable so I obviously can't say for certain what's going on with you. I will ALWAYS reommend that if someone thinks there's something going on with them that isn't right to seek medical attention, but you are not the first person to experience this and to my knowledge often is just temporary.
Probably from the combo with tramadol but, like stated above, we aren't doctors. That said, even if you went to a doctor they most likely wouldn't be able to tell you anything since the cause of brain zaps is really unknown. Not to mention you don't want illicit drug use on your medical history.

It's listed as a common symptom from anxiety disorders or when coming off SSRI medication.

It's likely not due to brain damage and even if it was, nothing you can do about it now so I'd just let it ride and see if they go away in a week or two.
I too had bad brain zaps for about a week and it eventually came right but it can be terrifying!
Just to put your mind at ease - brain zaps are actually a phenomenon of the peripheral cranial nerves and are not to do with the brain itself. They commonly occur with movements of the head/neck/eyes for this reason. They are commonly reported after using serotonergic substances like MDMA and SSRIs and aren't a cause for concern, although they can certainly freak people out (people will think they are having seizures et cetera)

It typically just takes a few days to settle down.
Brain zaps are a totally normal after effect of having taken an active dose of MDMA; 130mg is more than enough. Just search google/bluelight and you will see that this is true.

They are also a completely normal part of the human experience, and can happen when sober, especially when drifting off to sleep. They seem to corrolate with the sleep state, hypnagogic jerks and sleep paralysis (you probably don't usually remember them), as well as stress. The idea that they are related to MDMA induced brain damage is completely unfounded, and they should dissipate within days.

That said, they can be indicative of seizures (especially if they frequently happen within a waking state), if you are on the verge of actually having a seizure. I don't know how often you take tramadol but it is known for causing seizures, and if you are in withdrawal then it could be a a related sort of coincidence. However, under normal circumstances this is not the case; they will simply dissipate over a matter of days and you will be fine. Having experienced them, withdrawal brain zaps are a slightly different t beast and feel far more disconserting to me.

MDMA is generally a pretty forgiving substance so long as you treat it with respect, but if you're prone to heavy anxiety and/or paranoia then it's probably worth giving psychoactives a miss.
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