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mdma sadness?


Nov 10, 2018
This may be a silly question but has anyone ever felt very sad when taking MDMA or can that never happen? Thanks
I think you need to elaborate more on this question. Is this something you've personally experienced or just heard about? If it has happened to you then is it during the come up, the roll or the comedown? MDMA and Sadness are two worlds that very rarely collide, but anything is possible so please be more specific.
I've experienced not really sadness but inability to experience pleasure on the comedown. Not depressed or anything but emptiness I'm pretty sure it's common as a few people I know experience the same as me. Some people get it worse than others that's for sure.
It just comes with the territory on occasions I'm afraid to see what goes up must come down yin and yang equalisation balance etc. Not always and to a varying degree at at different points of time and the experience and the comedown depending on your emotional mindset and physical and mental condition and simply the "weather" of your destiny and feelings at that time, as decreed by the great cosmos.
Is this a paradoxical feeling like people can sometimes get with narcotics, or making someone who took 200 mg of caffeine sulphate want to lay down and take nap?

Or rebound from the E, maybe enough is being taken to cause a mild abstinence syndrome like with slamming down dihydrocodeine cough syrup* with carisoprodol and tripelennamine every day for a three weeks or about 16 shots of Miss Emma or The Big D through an IV in hospital?

Or is this the neurotransmitter and receptor down-regulation and/or burnout from semi-regular, high dose use? That is the toughest nut to crack and appears to be part of the reason that a lot of E people feel rotten on Mondays and even worse on Tuesdays (or whatever their schedule allows.)

* Of course it could also be codeine, dionine (ethylmorphine) , peronine (benzylmorphine), hydrocodone, nicocodeine, nicodicodeine, hydromorphone, opium, tipepidine, methadone, levo-methadone, propoxyphene, levopropoxyphene, dimenoxadole , normethadone, thebacon, dipipanone, acedicon, thebacon, racemethorphan, benzhydrocodone, phenadoxone, noracymethadol, dihydromorphine , . . . or, back in the good old days, heroin (it even came in lozenges for both adults and kids) as well as acetylmorphone, dibenzoylmorphine, and acetylpropionylmorphine and other heroin analogues from the 1920s.
Freudian slip?


As in, when the gendarme is speaking you, do not say "I smell bacon" or anything about "the pigs."

Thebacon in an acetylated variant of hydrocodone, Acedicon is the dihydrocodeine analogue, smack is the morphine analogue, acetylmorphone is the hydromorphone variant and they in turn have oxymorphone, hydromorphinol, oxymorphol, 14-hydroxydihydromorphinone,,oxycodone, metopon analogues and so on
I was looking up information on the brand name levopropoxyphene cough syrups, drops, and tablets, and other dosage forms -- the original trade name for that was Novrad -- Darvon spelled backwards!
As in, when the gendarme is speaking you, do not say "I smell bacon" or anything about "the pigs."

Thebacon in an acetylated variant of hydrocodone, Acedicon is the dihydrocodeine analogue, smack is the morphine analogue, acetylmorphone is the hydromorphone variant and they in turn have oxymorphone, hydromorphinol, oxymorphol, 14-hydroxydihydromorphinone,,oxycodone, metopon analogues and so on
man i just love your posts, can i lick your brain?I'm super serious.