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MDMA - Possible Marijuana Induced Bradycardia?


Sep 19, 2021
Hey all,

Last night I went to a show and took roughly 60mg of tested MDMA. Roughly an hour passed and effects were subtle until I took a hit from a cart. I should add that I'm incredible sensitive to THC. It usually results in anxiety or incapacity to communicate for me, and I definitely overshot how much I pulled from the cart. After about 3-4 minutes I started to get lightheaded, and went to go lay down. I immediately broke into fractals and can only most closely relate the experience to a very positive and enjoyable salvia trip.

I ended up being taken to the medical tent as I was practically unresponsive to my friend's repeated pats to the face in effort to make me come to. This state lasted for roughly 20 minutes. My heart rate was ~50 (someone said the medic said it was sub 50, another said it was in the 50's), and my O2 was around 94%. I am relatively athletic, so my sleeping heart rate occasionally dips below 40. This is the second time I've gotten light-headed/faint from MDMA (I've only done it twice in the last 3-4 years), but this experience was far more dramatic.

The medic was concerned about the heart rate dip, however, I imagine I just drifted off in a trance-like state. I wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience, or might be able to speak to whether there are genuine grounds for further cardiac review. I do find it odd that my pulse was so low, but it wasn't a remarkably high dose either.

Thanks for any insight and stay safe y'all!
Have you gotten the product lab analyzed for fentanyl? That’s an odd reaction that I’ve never heard of from 60mg, no matter how sensitive to cannabis. Get it checked out cuz that’s my best guess.

there is no biological explanation for that, except if one considers the case that eventually you have a very rare ultra sensibility to cannabis, something which is uncommon and as rare as hen's teeth. 60 mg MDMA, if it is MDMA in fact, is a relatively low dose, you should be good even smoking tons of cannabis. But this may be psychological stress-induced, I had a bad trip induced by cannabis on mushrooms and it was terrible. Cannabis can be nasty when mixed with other drugs, specially when one is at the limit on account of the effects of the other drug in question, be safe, be BDSM
Is bradycardia even a problem at all? I am seriously asking this question because I've got tachycardia (resting BPM of 85-100) out of the blue and persisting for years now so I started on beta blockers which push it down into healthier ranges but now people keep telling me that I needed to be careful with these pills / that too low pulse/BP was similarly dangerous like too high one. I guess if it's serious then maybe the brain and body could get depleted of oxygen, is that so?

But to the topic, serotonin which MDMA preferently increases, can indeed lower physical excitation but I guess I have to agree to G_Chem that there might have been something else god knows what in that pill, maybe they used something as MDMA replacement which is known for hypertension and put in some beta blocker?

Cannabis potentiates some drugs a lot, I nearly passed out from smoking two or three hits of a lower strength joint when I was in my deschloroketamine addiction and on my usual dose of it (which means that I didn't actually feel it but more the absence of negatives, so I didn't think twice and agreed to smoke with them). Was quite strange but didn't check my values.

Recently shared one 40mg propranolol pill with somebody I know, she had bad migraine like pain from too much green tea and asked me. Thought that 40mg won't hurt given that I take two, sometimes three of them and read of people taking 360mg's but it made her very sleepy yet pulse even went up as the body compensated for less pressure.