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MDMA and Long Term Immunosuppression


Moderator: OD
Staff member
Apr 17, 2015
I always thought MDMA was a safe drug, having done all the research necessary I felt into the neurotoxicity aspect of this drug.. Never did I think it’d be dangerous via long term immunity alterations.

Here’s the data I could find. Most of it is from early 2000’s back when research was less trustworthy IMO everyone at the time being deathly afraid of “ecstasy.”

It seems with a single 75 or 100mg dose immunosuppression only lasts max 24 hrs. They tried with multiple doses with longer lasting effects still noticeable at 48hrs.

Here’s the study I’m worrying about...

There’s reason to doubt this study. It’s non-controlled in early 2000’s with users of that time using more often than now. They try to make long term conclusions but from what I’m reading these recreational users hadn’t stopped. My biggest question though is what dosages and how often...

I guess I’m curious of people’s opinions here, is this drug safe for people with compromised immune systems so long as the dose is kept reasonable or am I just not accepting what needs to be accepted?

Indeed, this has been known for a long time. It's the reason you get sick so often after a roll at a party (well, that and the fact that there are lots of people there)

I find the below to be the most concise summary study. This is the one I refer to when talking about this with someone
A quote from that one:
The first demonstration that MDMA had immunosuppressive properties following in vivo administration came from a pre-clinical study where MDMA (20 mg·kg−1, i.p.) was shown to profoundly suppress lymphocyte proliferation in response to the T-cell mitogen concanavalin A, and this suppression of T-cell function was accompanied by a large reduction in circulating white blood cell numbers in rats which persisted for at least 6 h following drug administration (Connor et al., 1998). In a subsequent study, it was observed that MDMA, its major metabolite MDA and also the related serotonin-releasing amphetamine derivative fenfluramine, suppressed circulating lymphocyte numbers, mitogen-stimulated T-cell proliferation and cytokine production, with MDA and fenfluramine being more potent than MDMA with respect to their immunosuppressive actions (Connor et al., 2000a).

And another interesting quote, unrelated to the immunosuppresion
recent evidence indicates that MDMA induces an inflammatory reaction in the brain by activating microglia and that microglial activation contributes to the neurotoxic actions of this drug.

Here is another, a bit older but also a pretty good summary
A quote from that one
Research conducted over the last number of years has clearly demonstrated that the administration of MDMA to both animals and humans has profound immunosuppressive effects

Also, to respond to your question
I guess I’m curious of people’s opinions here, is this drug safe for people with compromised immune systems so long as the dose is kept reasonable or am I just not accepting what needs to be accepted?

It is very hard to answer this with any certainty because there are a huge amount of factors that influence the outcome. It suppresses the immune system but does not permanently damage it as far as we know, so in theory you could roll alone and isolate yourself for a while afterwards which would make the danger negligible. However there are of course differences between theory and practice so the risk in practice will be higher. Also, so much is unknown that it is very hard to say if, while it doesn't permanently alter someone's immune system in normal circumstances, the same goes for people that have a compromised immune system. I don't think anyone can answer this question with any certainty, except perhaps an immunologist. All in all, I don't think I would take the chance if I had a compromised immune system, I don't think I would roll in a crowd in that case, though I would perhaps try it a few times on my own and with isolation afterwards if I was really curious,

This is the reason I am holding off for a while on rolling until this COVID situation has passed. I don't want to know what would happen if you catch it while your immune system is profoundly suppressed
Doesn't alcohol also lower immune functioning?

I suffer from regular outbreaks of HSV-1 (herpes simplex oral) and an outbreak of herpes zoster (shingles) every 3-5 years. I can correlate with some confidence the severity and regularity of these outbreaks with my binge drinking.

In fact, my pre-binge drinking days when I was doing meth and before that only MDMA and mushrooms were almost entirely devoid of outbreaks, so I would go ahead and claim, anecdotally at least, that the immunosuppression caused by alcohol (albeit heavy af, not gonna lie..."20 drinks? Nah, 20 litres!") use would be worse than that caused by MDMA.