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mdma and amphetamine , differences? being drugged?

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Mar 31, 2015
so, I have to admit I am a complete newbie to all this.
alright so my boyfriend gave me mdma, (2 pills) which I did and ended of loving. very loving and touchy feely, sex for a couple hours, then went to bed.we did this three days in a row and the effects were the same
now, a month or so later hes been giving me the same looking pills (from the same dealer) and saying they are mdma , but the effects have been VERY different for me.

the differences are ,on these newer pills, I don't have a heightened sense of touch, im much more energetic, on it, we have sex for 10 hours straight , no breaks, having a much harder time falling asleep, no jaw clenching , more of a dry mouth than the original , loss of appetite (much more than the original), less shivers, almost no "loving, caring" feeling compared to mdma.

so this thing happened with me, we did this 3 days in a row (the new pills)(about 4-5 pills a night) , by the last day, I got a horrible "cramp" in my heart and the middle of my chest, it felt like it was on fire and beating so fast, my whole body started cramping and I couldn't control my fingers and hands , my lip was twitching and it was so absolutely horribly scary to the point where I wanted to go to the hospital. this lasted for 20 ,minutes and went away. later he mentioned it may have been amphedamine but he had "no" idea.

so what my question is, was this still mdma? was it amphedamine? and could someone explain what their differences are? is there amphedamine in mdma? id love to know if im actually being drugged , hes been doing "mdma" for over 10 yrs from the same dealer .

I appreciate any answers!
What you're doing could be really dangerous, you need to educate your self! :)

First of all, you take a large amount of unknown substances. Secondly, you do it several days a row...

Simple rules for MDMA:
1. Test your product, preferably with at least 2 different tests
2. Keep the dosage as low as possible, 1-2 mg/kg, with 0-2 redose. It's absolutely best to avoid redosing.
3. At least 1 month between every roll, but 3 months or more is even better.

Since you haven't tested your drugs, there is no way of telling what you took. It could be anything.

What you took the first time sounds like MDMA, but since you didn't test your product, there is now way of knowing. MDMA does not contain amphetamine (MDMA is MDMA), but it's commonly cut with amphetamine, meth, caffeine, and such.
MDMA lasts 3-5 hours, so what you took the last time was not MDMA. Could be amphetamine (typically have the dry mouth, but also jaw clenching, impossible to sleep after, lots of energy), could be methamphetamine, and it could be a lot of other stuff as well.

If you have money to buy drugs, you also have money to test your drugs. You can buy test-kits on ebay containing all the common tests (Marquis, Mandelin, Mecke, Simons), it's not expensive and they last a long time (80 tests I think). Stay safe!! :)
thankyou for the answer, unfortunately I know nothing about drugs, just starting my research. these were all given to me by my boyfriend , I wish I would have tested them before hand.
Sounds like the newer pills are methamphetamine. You're basically taking a pill of crystal meth which is extremely addictive and dangerous, much more so than MDMA.
I've heard they cut it with MDPV and such as well these days. Very lucky to live in the Netherlands. High quality pills, free lab testing!
Your boyfriend sounds like a douche.

Sean is correct, sadly.


Worst case scenario: your boyfriend doesn't give a shit about you (or himself)

Best case scenario: your boyfriend is a moron, and will probably win a Darwin award at some point in his life.
that is scary. what makes you think they were meth and not amphetamine? what are the differences?
Hey paris1x, welcome to bluelight :D

I'm sorry but we do not allow "what did I take?"-threads. Please take a moment to read the forum rules. It's almost impossible to determine what drug you took just by a description. Because of this, guessing at it might create dangerous situations if we get it wrong. For example suppose someone on here tells you "oh no worries, that's MDMA alright, you just didn't take enough", you believe them and end up ingesting something toxic. You might have the common sense to not believe everything you read on the internet but we have to take into account the inexperienced, the naive and the plain reckless people. You should definitely buy yourself a testkit. That way you can figure out for yourself what you're taking, which adds safety for yourself and can even avoid being ripped off by shady dealers if you test before you buy. I'm going to close this thread. If you have any questions about this don't hesitate to send me a message and if you have other questions that fall within the forum rules don't let this keep you from asking them.
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