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MDMA Abuse. Mental state


Sep 23, 2015

So bassically recently ive abused mdma in the last three months hard and i think it has affected me in a negative way. i feel like i may have lost confidence in myself. i feel stupid somtimes like i feel i cant 'think properly' find it hard to concentrate, feel like i cant even converse on a somewhat intelligent conversation anymore if im not completely comfortable with the person and even sometimes if i am.

I almost feel cloudy in the head. i feel like ive been struggling with things in work that would normally be an easy task. i bassically feel like ive taken a huge step back in my personal growth and its damaging my work career aswell. Also my memory has become atrocious.

I was just wondering if anyone knows if this could be permanent damage to the brain or just a thing for know. (BTW im only 17)
Appreciate all the support and feedback guys!
Nothing is permanent with mdma, but if you were abusing it super hard (like every weekend) Then youll need years of a break to feel normal again. But this is the thing, it DOES get better over time. Just wait it out, you done some really bad damage to yourself that needs time to heal. Eat healthy organic foods, get sunlight, and try to do something physical that you enjoy.
Hi dan, MDMA can mess with you if you're young, the changes aren't horrible permenant damage but you should definitely quit drugs and do some cardio a couple times a week. You will feel better eventually and back to normal down the road, eating healthy is important (can try a supplement called 5-HTP to help restore the chemical MDMA releases called serotonin, but watch out if it's making you anxious/not sleep or whatever, I would take 50mg twice a day for a little while and see if that helps if you want) but I recommend cardio most of all. Sleep is also important for recovering from some hard rolling too, if you can't sleep or focus I recommend mindful meditation where you try to shut off your thoughts and focus only on the way breathing feels and the way your body feels, relax everything and shut off your thoughts. Just focus your attention on your breathing, every time a thought comes, return your attention to your breath. this could be very hard at first but it does help many. Goodluck man, any questions fire away, but just know that in time you will heal. Likely much faster with aerobic exercise/meditation.
It seems tough and scary now but you're young and you'll be ok.

Just... stay away from MDMA for a YEAR and drugs in general....
Memory is soo soo important. :)
hey guys thanks for all the support it means alot! thanks for all the advice aswell!! does anyone know what affect it has on the heart? because i get heart pains and somtimes feel my heart beating hard and fast when relaxing and get heart flutters. Also how is a good way to get motivated again. atm i feel very unmotivated and lazy.
The heart stuff sounds like palpitations ? possibly physical symptoms of anxiety. Try to abstain from stuff like caffeine. Also exercise (cardio) and meditation could be helpful.

In terms of motivation, a lot of us struggle with that problem. For me i just have to force myself to do stuff... I also got the same problem you have with conversations and social interaction, hopefully it improves over time, but it makes me feel like i got autism or something. I hate it !

Anyways, you could go to a doctor and just get the heart stuff checked out just to be on the safe side.