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Mcat panic attacks

Grendon Kneeshaw

Jan 15, 2022
Heyooo! I'm a big big fan of mephedrone, however I had a massive panic attack after using last year. Since then it had often resulted in palpitations and either full panic attack or slight ones . So I took about a 10 month break and had some last nite (like quite cautious amount ) and same deal. HR was 130 for a while ! Slowed it down with breathing exercises then had the usual panic attack in bedroom after going to bed.
Would appear mcat is no longer an option for me , but was just wondering does anyone else have either experience of either

Suddenly developing a sort of hysterical physical reaction to a drug you were always fine with . Ie palpitations after child size not-even-remotely-high dose.

Or a drug triggering panic attacks

Sort of not sure if was just such a traumatising event that now my body just goes back into panic mode when mcat is present cos of the association
It never happened to me but sadly it's known to happen to some users of stimulant drugs.
Some are even worse off and can get psychosis even with small dosages after a period of abuse.

Please be aware that it's possible that other stimulant drugs may trigger a similar response now, so you may want to abstain from taking coke, speed, MDMA, psychedelics, pills, RC stims etc.
It never happened to me but sadly it's known to happen to some users of stimulant drugs.
Some are even worse off and can get psychosis even with small dosages after a period of abuse.

Please be aware that it's possible that other stimulant drugs may trigger a similar response now, so you may want to abstain from taking coke, speed, MDMA, psychedelics, pills, RC stims etc.
:( it sucks!

I have been struggling with quite intense anxiety for the last year or so , and there was a point where even walking up hills would set off a panic attack , was like anything that raised my heart rate would immediately make my body sieze up and would be convinced I was about to die . A doctor told me I have some sort of hyperstimulation from being anxious for so long , but I thought I had got better but if I think about it properly i haven't really . Was foolish in the extreme to attempt the mcat really. I was worried before taking it but sort of relied on it to make me feel just Better, which is did for a few hours! But then the panic responses started . I dearly love the drug but I think I should probably wait until I'm not worried before doing it, before I do it again, which means getting past some anxiety , which might never happen ! But might in some hopeful future
mephedrone has some nasty metabolite hence racing heart ad vasoconstriction

its very bad for side effects

plus it fucking stinks terribly
mephedrone has some nasty metabolite hence racing heart ad vasoconstriction

its very bad for side effects

plus it fucking stinks terribly
It's weird , feel like it didn't used to have those effects on me, could be just I was different in the past or was wondering if it's being made differently.
Forgive my ignorance but could the metabolite used have changed at all (between 2017 and now )?
How do you know it was mephadrone? It looks like the majority of powders out their are of the 'bath salts' class of bk-pentylamine class. After all, they are 5 or 6 times more potent so people can make 5 or 6 times as much profit.
Guys I hate to be a bearer of bad news but there is no good clean mephedrone (MMC-4) out there..it was last synthesised in China and then got banned there..then other so called mephedrone producers like India had good stuff and then boom it went from mephedrone to God nos what..please stop thinking it mephedrone it's not..
It very very hard to synthesize hench why it's so rare or gone..much easier to make other products and call it meow or mephedrone..trust me it's not!!! Have tried a load of vendor's and had the same feeling you had. Never had any bad feelings on mephedrone at all even on a few days binge..now I sufferer bad anxiety and panic..and never once had one on mephedrone..apart from when I was coming off it...maybe I was just lucky..but I do believe there is no mephedrone around..correct me if am wrong!!
It's actually quite straightforward and cheap to produce but it's now controlled in China. Their drug laws only cover a few compounds but they are quite harsh. I'm old enough to remember when Chinese K manufacturers caught exporting were executed.

The Chinese manufacturers want to make as much money as possible and to remain alive to enjoy said money. If the US/EU customers (RC vendors) will buy 'bath salts' then they will produce them.

There are some quite surprising things available in China. Medicines so obscure that they were never legally controlled and yet are very good. Looking at the pricing, I suspect a few people are doing a stealthy trade in them.
Would love some good mephedrone..like when its was when it 1st come out..just cant get the good stuff and when i think yes this sounds great..it comes and is complete rubbish..no strong chem smell..just rubbish..am looking in the wrong places..rite??
Guys I hate to be a bearer of bad news but there is no good clean mephedrone (MMC-4) out there..it was last synthesised in China and then got banned there..then other so called mephedrone producers like India had good stuff and then boom it went from mephedrone to God nos what..please stop thinking it mephedrone it's not..
It very very hard to synthesize hench why it's so rare or gone..much easier to make other products and call it meow or mephedrone..trust me it's not!!! Have tried a load of vendor's and had the same feeling you had. Never had any bad feelings on mephedrone at all even on a few days binge..now I sufferer bad anxiety and panic..and never once had one on mephedrone..apart from when I was coming off it...maybe I was just lucky..but I do believe there is no mephedrone around..correct me if am wrong!!
it's not rare at all or unpure these days chief, go check wedinos.org, you'll see almost all of the samples are coming out as mephedrone
It very very hard to synthesize hench why it's so rare or gone..much easier to make other products and call it meow or mephedrone..trust me it's not!!!

Mephedrone is no more and no less difficult to make than ANY of the cathinones - which are ALL very simple synthetically.