maybe she died from mixing dxm with mdma>>>>its possible>>>>>

ok, this is going to sound realy... new of me (though I am not)... but I am wondering, what *IS* DXM, why is mixing it bad? does the test kit that is available test for it? got any links on the subject? I feel I should know...
[This message has been edited by PaRaDoX (edited 04 January 2000).]
not a dumb question at all paradox, everyone should be aware of it, so they dont get sick, if you do a search on it you will find lots of stuff but as a brief overview, its basically an active ingredient found in robitussum dm, nyquil and some other stuff, when taken in the right amount it makes you trip pretty hard, the tricky part is, it tastes and can look alot like E, so its hard to detect unless you know of the pill (usually a lookout list going around the board somewhere) the reason its dangerous is cause when its mixed with E, it can make you very sick, and sometiems even kill you
, keep an eye out on the board to watch out for pills that are dxm.
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