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May have messed up with MDMA. How long should I leave it before doing it again?


Nov 3, 2015
Ok so I did MDMA for the first time at the beginning of October. It was my first time and i took just under half a Gram (in total), second time was about 6 weeks later at the end of November. This time I did a third of a gram in total, and the high wasn't as intense or long lasting, but it was nice, felt controlled and somewhat chilled whilst still having the other effects of MDMA. The third time was two nights ago (so a 2 week break after the second time)! This time I had a great come up and an initial high which lasted an hour, after that hour the high changed! It changed from a euphoric, traditional MDMA-type high, to a feeling of being isolated and disassociated from the social situation. :? Not MDMA-like at all!:? By this point id taken 2/3rds of a gram, so i dropped another quarter of a gram and felt euphoric and chilled (but we were out the club and in a house at this point so I wasn't expecting to ping). In total that night i did just under a gram!

SO did it do too much, or didnt space the times out enough? How long should i leave it til next time! Thankyou :D
Have you tested the MDMA you have taken with a reagent kit? The doses you are talking about should have you gurning up a storm and being unable to see due to eye wiggles if they were pure MDMA. Though you probably didn't have MDMA it sounds like you had some sort of serotonin releasing agent so I would wait at minimum a month before trying any (tested) MDMA.
Thanks for the reply! First time I tested it, came back as MDMA - second and third time i didn't. Plus i was an idiot for not testing it as I got it from a dealer i didn't know at all!
Even half a gram of MDMA for your first time is kind of ridiculous. How did you space out the consumption? Any noticeable negative affects?
Chill out dude. You should only roll once or twice a year maximum, never more than a tenth or two of a gram.

Don't believe me, check out the MDMA recovery thread. There's a reason that thread is longer than recovery threads for any other drug. MDMA is the only drug that if you screw it up can fuck you for life in one dose. You don't need to be an addict or habitual user to get screwed by it. Not trying to scare you, but please be safe and do more research.
First of all research mdma as your doses are plain ridiculous making me think your no slim to nothing about the substance.
As for waiting the longer the better!
FTR i did research my doses and the drug extensively! I am quite an obsessive person so I did spend hours/days/weeks reading up on MDMA and everything surrounding it! I live in a, relatively, rural area of the UK and go to Uni in an isolated city in the UK (awkward links to any major city, basically countryside in every direction,) everyone at my Uni and in my home town does similar dosages to me, and they ain't fucked up on it. When I visited my friend who goes to uni in Leeds (one of the druggiest cities in the UK ;) ) he said that he does a lot less per roll in leeds compared to our home town. So I do not believe it to be the dosages, the quality of our product is awful here in rural,-ish, UK.
Sounds like you got a shit ton of bad info from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Where did you get your info from...The people that are taking huge amounts of mdma along with you? A quick Google search and you could have easily found what proper dosing is for your weight.

You need a long break. 6 months at least. If you don't you can expect a huge tolerance for ever, a shit memory, depression...The list goes on.
FTR i did research my doses and the drug extensively! I am quite an obsessive person so I did spend hours/days/weeks reading up on MDMA and everything surrounding it! I live in a, relatively, rural area of the UK and go to Uni in an isolated city in the UK (awkward links to any major city, basically countryside in every direction,) everyone at my Uni and in my home town does similar dosages to me, and they ain't fucked up on it. When I visited my friend who goes to uni in Leeds (one of the druggiest cities in the UK ;) ) he said that he does a lot less per roll in leeds compared to our home town. So I do not believe it to be the dosages, the quality of our product is awful here in rural,-ish, UK.

takes two second to see the erowid dosing guidelines

everyone else is right mdma is nothing to toy with I have my abuse stories which i took a break of 13 years and did get the magic back this year-after a 13 year wait-after i lost the magic-however i got the back on another empathogen-since then i waited 3 months in between and have not gotten it back so I think just going to wait longer than three months maybe 4-6 months , then if that doesnt work once every 6-12 months

and yes if your not getting much off of 120-150 mgs your stuff is low quality, bunk or something else. did you test your compound...
FTR i did research my doses and the drug extensively! I am quite an obsessive person so I did spend hours/days/weeks reading up on MDMA and everything surrounding it! I live in a, relatively, rural area of the UK and go to Uni in an isolated city in the UK (awkward links to any major city, basically countryside in every direction,) everyone at my Uni and in my home town does similar dosages to me, and they ain't fucked up on it. When I visited my friend who goes to uni in Leeds (one of the druggiest cities in the UK ;) ) he said that he does a lot less per roll in leeds compared to our home town. So I do not believe it to be the dosages, the quality of our product is awful here in rural,-ish, UK.

Don't use UK uni students as a model for how to MDMA because believe me they are the worst for abusing it. They may not seem fucked or even be fucked right now, but the amount of people I know at my uni who are hiding serious anxiety and depression issues, falling grades, and use MDMA at high doses very regularly is ridiculous. And they refuse to link it to the MDMA. One common thing I find with MDMA abuse is that the individual suffering as a result of their abuse will blame literally everything except the MDMA for their problems and go out of their way to try and rectify these things whilst continuing use of MDMA. It's an incredible and safe drug when used responsibly, as any informed person will tell you, but what people miss is that 'responsible' in this sense means 100-200mg of pure MDMA, a few times a year.
Test everything you get. A lot of ppl are selling rc's as MDMA. Or someone is cutting it to next to nothing. Ether way test everything and find a new supply. Ppl get hurt like that.Till one day he Buys tru MDMA and its to late he's all ready done to much. Test everything if it don't look good don't get. Most of the time if you turn them down they will pull the tru stuff out. Why make 50 when you can make 500. If Dr.t sells tires and someone asked to buy a tire and he sell them a bad tire and they come back wanting another tire. Is Dr.t going to hook them up with a good tire or give them another bad tire. It might hold air, it might not leak. It might even look the same as a good tire. But because it got dude 20 miles up the road. He came back wanting another tire. Cause if dude buys junk that's all he will ever get. Get the point. Don't buy the tire cause it might last a few miles. Buy a good tire a tested tire and dude can drive around the world. Cause the amount that was said to be taken would have had dude driving high and mighty around the world twice. And still enough gas in the tank for another trip. But like a lot of ppl they will buy it anyway just to have something to put on and hope it will last longer than the same crappy tire they got last week. be smart test everything and just cause you put a half in the tire last week doesn't mean it can handle that much next week.