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Maturity, Bend-Over-Boyfriend, and Relationships


Aug 31, 2015
I am an African American heterosexual male who is interested in pegging (being on the anal receiving end of a strap-on dildo from my female partner). Quite interested actually. Been that way for a while. My girlfriend brought the subject up and I later learned she was joking, but it struck a bit of a chord with me and we have been discussing it for a little while now. She knows that I love her and is still in the midst of getting over the "Does that mean he's gay?" question... she knows that I desire her exclusively, it's just a tough adjustment; it was also tough for me to accept that I am as much the man I've always been with some wild interests. So we're building up to it slowly. It isn't something she desires but she is willing to try which I appreciate immensely and we have already worked out a few compromises for the "What if's" that naturally arise in such a culture shock type of interest.

My questions are for the men and/or women who have engaged in, or are still in the midst of, a relationship where pegging was involved. Did you break up? Why? Are you still together? Married? Engaged? How has the relationship been? Did anything change and how? In all the research I've done you always hear about the sex part. I want to hear about the relationship. It is more important to me to have a mature discussion on love and how our sex (pegging) may affect it.

Thank you in advance for your responses. I know I have much to learn and that is the most enjoyable part of life; the learning and growth. If you have any questions, please ask and if they are mature and sensible I have no problem answering. Thanks again.
I have not been in this situation. However I have been in situations where my partner surprises me with things that he's into. We talk about it, like mature adults, and go from there. Is it possible? Am I comfortable with it? Maybe it will just take time for me to become more comfortable with it. If I'm not okay with it, is it a dealbreaker?

Lady here! I've actually done this for my current bf. It was a while back (maybe a year or so ago) that we tried it. He is bisexual and had been with another man before we started dating, he told me that he liked anal sex and that it was a huge turn on for him. He thought it would be hot if I pegged him, so I decided to give it a go. Honestly I didn't care much for the experience because I am a submissive in the bedroom.

However it didn't negatively effect our relationship. I feel like if your SO is willing to try it then you should give it a go. Worst thing that happens is she's not into it. I think your partner should be mature enough to just accept the situation as it is. A lot of men enjoy anal play and prostate stimulation, it doesn't make you gay or feminine to desire that. I'm usually open to trying new things when it comes to sex, I think it makes for a healthy relationship :)
I've had a couple gfs that have either fingered me while giving me a blow job or otherwise expressed interest in playing with toys.
In those cases the girl would finger me when we were having sex if it allowed. The tonal shift from you penetrating her to her pegging you is not something I could ever get over. I mean that when it came time to bend over it was weird. We couldn't find the sexual intimacy in it and we moved on.
My advice would be to start with fingering during a blow job and see if it goes from there. Communication is key. Have you experimented on yourself?