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Lsd psychotic episode


Apr 25, 2016
So last time a friend took lsd they were having a great time then snapped in mid conversation and became violent and hateful and delerious for hours. She ended up being safe the situation was handled. Can this just happen? They have taken lsd many times before and had no issues. Does this mean they should never do lsd again? Why did this happen? Ive never seen anything like it.
Yes this can happen and theres a good chance this will happen every time they do LSD from now on. Talking from experience.
on the dose curve, after adequate and fulfilling inebriation - more than enough substance provides blackout or delirium - delirious behavior and no memory of the events afterwards (AKA amnesia)

this will happen on all psychedelics given a strong enough dose.
During the ramp up, she was doing great and then it was too much...

Amnesia is most common with Salvia - it is the "ultimate" state of mind (overload).

She should use less, titrate up from 1/8th (at separate sessions, not additive during the same day), and only use material that has been vetted by others while titrating up to find a dose that is suitable. I do not agree that she is a person who should not use lsd but she needs to use some caution when dosing.
Yeah this can happen. I'm really glad everything was handled and everyone's safe now.

Who knows about ever doing LSD again, it's kind of a coin toss, nobody knows what'll happen in the future, but it happening puts it on the table to happen again. A firm re-integrating back into reality and exploring some of her demons there and figuring out what it means to feel safe/etc there could be a good idea before tripping again. But I'm sure she has her own ideas about what to do and her own ideas about what happened.
Yep, it can happen. If she wants to take LSD again she should halve her dose.