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LSD - Changing personality

cool that you come back to your thread :).

What I think on your situation: This substances have revealed a new perspective. Seeing things from a new perspective (as in a book or a film or a conversation) does not put you in a different place.
What happened is: You have experienced how things are from this novel perspective.
Lasting change does not come from taking some substance or the other. It may certainly start with a substance. Lasting change comes from you.
If you don't lose the will to change, if you continue to try to become what you want to be, you will do so.

Psychedelics can probably help with insight, with motivation, can probably be a catalyst - but not a solution on their own.
The image of a tool comes to my mind: Something you use to create something. You can use a brush to apply paint to a canvas.
Brushes seem to be a good tool for that. You can paint great as well with no tool, only using your fingers.
When you paint a lot, you become skilled.
Using a brush or not.
But to become skilled, the only thing that can help is practice.

tl;dr: The change you seek, you'll find it in practice.
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As Lennon said "The trip is the trip. What you do with it afterwards is what you do with it afterwards".

Exactly...psychedelics can give you an idea of what to change and a direction to go...they(psychedelics)don't change your life, but theydo help get you on the right path to you changing your life.