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LSD and lithium orotate


Jul 26, 2013
I see in the psychodelic forum sticky info that it's considered dangerous to combine lithium and LSD. By "lithium" I assume they mean the pharmaceutical lithium carbonate, which is used for bipolar in doses around 400 to 800 mg.

I am taking an over-the-counter supplement called "lithium orotate". The amount of lithium I take daily is around 30 mg. (Each tablet has 120 mg of lithium orotate which means 5 mg of elemental lithium -- I take 6 of these per day.)

Would this amount of lithium orotate be dangerous with LSD?
There might be a risk of serotonine syndrome, so I wouldn't recommend this combination.
Do you mean with any lithium, or is the risk specifically with lithium orotate? Does it matter that the amount is 20 times smaller than the typical pharmaceutical lithium dose?

Also I didn't realize there was any risk of serotonin syndrome with LSD. Is this a general risk? I'm on an SSRI too. In the psychedelic forum they have a listing of dangerous combinations with LSD and they don't have "SSRI" on that list, but if you are saying there is some general connection between serotonin and LSD then I would wonder about it.