• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Losing things every minute!


Dec 5, 2015
Hello BLers! Today I am wondering if anyone else has dealt with the issue of forgetfulness.

In my case, I have fibromyalgia and I believe the cognitive difficulties associated with the syndrome is a big part of this as well as my lack of concentration.

I wish I could tell you how many times I have gotten my phone and keys to leave, get in my car, realize I need my cigarettes. Well, where the heck did I last leave those? I had one just half an hour ago! So I retrace my steps and throw things all over my room until I can find them and get to work on time. Then I'm heading out and realized I set my phone down somewhere, why didn't I put that in my pocket?

It just happens over and over. I buy a sac of bud and smoke some and suddenly it is no where to be found in the middle of the session. I'll find it like a day or two later. Every day at some point I manage to drop one of my prescribed pills on the ground and lose it in my pile of mess in my room.

Easy fix would obviously be to clean up my room and organize it, but you guys need to see my bedroom. Everything I own is out of place and thrown somewhere. I will even spend time cleaning up (It hurts my body far too much to do it one day, but even half hour sessions of cleaning, I mess it up when I need to find something all over again.)

As for dropping things, my hands seem to be shaky/jittery a lot and I believe I cannot get a good grip on anything. I even have trouble typing on keyboards, like I swear my dexterity all over my body is just deteriorating. All I want is to get this room cleaned, get rid of all the junk I don't need, and figure out a way to organize it so that everything is with each other in an efficient way. I am just so lost at where to start.

Mehh.. my parents think I'm so lazy. They know of my pain but if I ever say "I'm not as in so much pain today!" they will bring that up later and ask me why my body is hurting so much. It just about always does.. so when I try to explain it they get fed up again. They've still done much to understand my situation, and my dad deals with chronic lyme flare-ups and many of the symptoms as I do, so it sucks that I don't get as much benefit of the doubt. But really, no one in my house can handle my room.

I am this close from being defined as sloppy to being defined as a packrat hoarder lmao. Please help if you have any suggestions on how to break it down into easier process... Thank you everyone!!
My brain has always operated like a pinball machine so I lose things all the time. Two things that have helped me immensely are keeping my space neater and more organized and SLOWING DOWN. I have finally trained myself to hang my keys by the door (it took years but I'm mostly successful with that one now) and to keep my phone on the charger when I'm at home. Recognizing that if I slow down and try to be in the present instead of three steps ahead of where I actually am has made a big difference.
I definitely have this issue. Never been the most focused guy but really walk about in a fog at times...years of drug abuse have made ot worse. Psych meds add to it I think (BZDs and Lamictal) but they're necessary. Thing is just gotta be disciplined. Write things down (and a smartphone can be a boon here although I am of the opinion they generally speaking make us dumber.) As for misplacing objects again it's really about discipline and having a system...if you consistently put, say, your phone or your keys in one spot, then it's actually a different kind of memory that's used to sort of pick it up automatically. Again it takes effort and discipline and I'm one to talk cause I'm not the greatest at it but what can you do...all positive self changes are really gonna take effort. Build a system for yourself and so on
After getting back to civilian life from army I tend to forget my keys and other stuff just because I had lived for years by having a pouch or similar carrying device on my uniform for everything that can be imagined. Couldn't forget anything as they had a place they belong to. Also everything on the barracks had a place where they belong.

After losing few keys and paying for the locks to be changed I wen't into a store that sold stuff for security operatives and bought key lanyards, pouch for the cell phone etc. and kept them organized that way. Although I look like am semi off-duty SWAT operator all the time I don't lose my stuff anymore.
CBT is also a good option, as it seems to be for almost anything these days.
I'd say it comes down to organisation.

If one has been addicted to a particular substance, they would have had that substance as a main focus, while all other priorities, like knowing where your car keys are, go out the window.

As one recovers from this affliction, it is paramount that things which need doing get done - making the bed, having a shower, being organised, knowing where your wallet and keys are...
Hm, I think you should try making a set place for your phone, keys, and wallet. Like have pictures on your wall with arrow, and like a specific place like a phone holder, key ring on the wall, etc. You can even get those holders for multiple items and then have a picture on the wall with an arrow. Then, practice. When you get home, look at the picture on the wall, ok, phone here, wallet here, keys here.
Do u take any meds for fibromyalgia? Gabapentin and lyrica,the usual meds for your disease,can cause short term memory impairment if taken for a long period..also jittery hands as u describe can be caused by these drugs