Lived so much in 25 years....ready to die


Jul 10, 2015
Friends, girlfriends, 'add meds' such bs, expelled 4 times from high school because I had too much fun. Now with a wife that has turned awful. This female is evil. Literally too much back story of my life...I have a 16 month now I must keep so's strange. Life is awful, I hate my wife, I pictured flipping over my railing right? My neck will forsure snap. BOOM! no my son is amazing so I am chained up in a way omg. Its lame coming on here I'm just literally so drained..I would love a nice girl. Dear god
Hugs lovey :) you seem in a real bad way, was there anything in particular that triggered this off?
be grateful you have a wife and a son... I'm sure they both love you very much. Don't take the things you have 4 granted
You may think a "nice girl" is what you need right now but in reality you probably wouldn't be ready for her if she showed up. Do yourself and your child a huge favor and go to couples counseling. One way or another you and your wife are in each others lives for good. Even if divorce is the best thing for you both to move forward you are going to be connected financially and in decision-making when it comes to your child. Children are hurt far less by their parents splitting up in a healthy way than by their parents staying in a toxic and resentful relationship. Having a child brings a lot of stress into any relationship. You are going to have to figure out how to not see your life as a trap.
Look at what you do have. You have a son. There's a lot of people/addicts out there with nothing. Sometimes when i feel sorry for myself i think to myself that i could have it a lot, lot worse. Be grateful for what you have. Write a list. Put things into perspective and remember things change, nothing is permanent.