List of steroid products info


Apr 23, 2011
Hi Bluelight,

I'm currently reading up on steroidal preparations/products and in which context the different compounds are used.

Does anyone have a good page of a list on where you can read up on preparations, different testosterone compounds, doses, (side)effects, cycle lengths etc?
Just type steroid profiles into google buddy, I got a couple for ya....

Sounds like you've never used Roids before, in that case you should start off with making a thread posting your diet, training routine, age, lifting history etc...

If that's all good then you can ask about starting a cycle, and the best 1st cycle for anybody is normally about 500mg Test E/C Per Week for 8 - 10 weeks, with Post Cycle Therapy afterwards (PCT), something else you will need to educate yourself on,

You start off with Testosterone only to see how your body reacts before putting any other un-natural hormones into your body, because if you done your 1st cycle using 2 different hormones and got some side effects (I.E. Gyno) then you wouldn't know what hormone did it to you, therefore what agrees with you and what doesn't,

Anyways you should get the info you need here ;)
Thanks for your reply. No I've never used AAS before, but I've used Ostarine twice. I know the first cycle should be Test E only. Currently I'm just sucking up all the infomation I can about doses and compounds.

Bonus question is 250mg/weekly for 10 weeks do anything, or is this dose too low? I'm pretty sure I'm very prone to gyno.
I have no experience with the likes of Ostarine just straight AAS, how is your diet?, age?, how long have you been training and what are your goals ?

250mgs Test IMO is not worth suppressing your natural Test for unless you have very low natural Test it is basically a TRT dose.

Why do you think you're prone to Gyno ?
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Thanks for your reply. No I've never used AAS before, but I've used Ostarine twice. I know the first cycle should be Test E only. Currently I'm just sucking up all the infomation I can about doses and compounds.

Bonus question is 250mg/weekly for 10 weeks do anything, or is this dose too low? I'm pretty sure I'm very prone to gyno.

The above links are reasonably decent guides, the better one of the 3 IMO is taken from a book Ultimate Research Guide by Anthony Roberts..
Kinda old school now but generally informative...

Regards your question 250mg/week.. Without any info on your body size or training history its difficult to give a definitive answer... If your 70kgs @ 10% BF with diet and training in check, Yes you should see results.... If 120kgs @ 10% BF results might be somewhat less...

Its double TRT dose, so although LH may be suppressed to some degree you may experience noticeable gains... (if you eat and train correctly)..

How do you know you are gyno prone..?? Injecting half the dose twice per week with a longer acting ester should keep blood plasma levels more stable thus reducing the chance of aromatization or DHT conversion...
Traning history/stats: Been training for 4 years being more and more serious as time went by, I'm 21 years old. I'm currently cutting, as I've bulked up from 62kg to 103kg. I'm 2 months into my cut and my BW is now 95kg, BF is 14% and height 189cm, arms 43cm, thighs 65cm and waist 80,5cm. At the moment everything is pinpoint perfect with the training, diet and sleep.

Regarding gyno prone, it's ofcourse something I can't be enterily sure about, but my dad, my brother an I already have slighty puffy nipples.
Well for your 1st mandatory cycle it should be Test alone, Test E/C at 500mgs per week, Even Sustanon/A Test Blend of esters would be ideal,

2x 10ml vials and you have a 10 week cycle,

Have Nolvadex for your PCT and Letrozole on hand incase Gyno occurs, I got Gyno from Deca and 1 box of 30x 2.5mg Letro per day destroyed it.

Once you know how you react to Test at that dose and duration you can take things from there in terms of adding other hormones and cycles/stacks, Test should always be your base of a cycle regardless, after all it IS the natural male hormone, plus from my experience cutting out everything but Test for the last couple of weeks of any cycle makes my body recover so much faster, it took me 3+ months to recover from a Test and Deca combo and the Test was a good deal higher than the Deca as well !
Traning history/stats: Been training for 4 years being more and more serious as time went by, I'm 21 years old. I'm currently cutting, as I've bulked up from 62kg to 103kg. I'm 2 months into my cut and my BW is now 95kg, BF is 14% and height 189cm, arms 43cm, thighs 65cm and waist 80,5cm. At the moment everything is pinpoint perfect with the training, diet and sleep.

Regarding gyno prone, it's ofcourse something I can't be enterily sure about, but my dad, my brother an I already have slighty puffy nipples.

You've done well.. At 21 with those statistics I'm wondering why you think you need AAS..?
If you were to decide on AAS, I'd try and get BF% down from 14% (closer to 10%)... As the aromatase enzyme responsible for conversion of Testosterone to Estrogen is located largely in adipose (fat) tissue.... Less BF%, less possibility of too much conversion to E2.... (estradiol)....

Nolvadex would be fine if gyno did appear on cycle, its greater affinity for ER-alpha (ER= Estrogen Receptor) combined with a lower affinity for ER-beta makes it an ideal compound to deal with early gyno...

I personally wouldn't worry about it.... It can mostly be controlled via sensible injection protocol (regular injections 2 X/week with half the dose on long esters)...

At your size 375mg-500mg/week may be more beneficial than 250mg.....