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Opioids Liquid morphine 1Omg/ml - do and do nots?


Apr 4, 2022
Hi guys,
There are storms and shit down here so the only Opiod I could get my hands on is this Dimorf in liquid version, basically drops. So I wonder : one drop- one pills? One many drops to get something remotely similar to a high ( Ive kinda a perma tolerance to opis, even when clean I need at least 80 mgs of oxys to feel that something) and not dying in the process?
Diamorphine is heroin not morphine. It should say the dose on the bottle
" Dimorf" is the commercial name but it s sulfato de morfina ( morphine sulfate?) . Any chance of getting high with this thing you reckon ( I don t IV and it s in ' drops" anyway. Cheers!
Update, I ve found these drops way more euphoric than the pills. Maybe it s also because I did a line of blow but ....