Legal issues regarding adultery?


Dec 29, 2005
I'm not sure where to put this, but it's more of a legal nature, so I figured here would be the best place.

My best friend has been seeing this... man (I don't like to call him that because I think he's just a piece of shit) that is twice her age for about 9 years now. They met online and have been engaged somethng like three times, breaking up and getting back together at various intervals (it is a mostly long distance relationship). The wife knows all about her, but only recently hired a P.I. to follow them and now has a ton of pictures and "evidence" (don't know what it consists of) from the last time she was in Virginia. Apparently there, adultery is illegal. She's now worried that she'll be in legal trouble even though she's (or says she is) finally done with him. We live in a midwestern state, so she doesn't know much about the laws in VA regarding this and any legal ground the wife has. Can the wife REALLY do anything to my friend? If so, when should she lawyer up?

Probably not, regardless of what state law says. The thing about "laws" like that is that the burden of proof is going to be very high with regard to the "proof" of adultery in a criminal court.

It sounds just like an empty threat. I don't know a cop in the world that would waste her/his time enforcing a law like that in the first place, let alone a Judge or a D.A. catering to such an absurd case for even five minutes. The fact is: nobody cares (in a criminal court).

The wife does have her husband by the balls with regard to any pre-nup agreement that was signed (somehow I doubt this couple pounded out a pre-nup agreement), and she also has his money to the fullest extent allowed by Virginia law in a divorce hearing, regardless of whether or not there was a pre-nup.

Tell your friend to go talk to a VA lawyer just for kicks (don't spend more than $300). Or, even better, wait until a criminal case gets put forth against her and then she should go at it like the police stole her kids or something. Oh my, how the case will get dismissed.
Theres lots of states in the USA where adultery is illegal, or oral sex, anal sex, unmarried couple cohabitating, unmarried couple having sex, etc etc.

The point is none of this shit is enforced, and if by chance it would be take it to the supreme court and get some of this crap cleaned up.

Now the person who needs to worry is the married guy, with pictures of him cheating he is gonna be SCREWED in the divorce.
Thanks, guys! I'm sure she'll be ok, but she was worried about it and I don't want her to freak unnecessarily.

As far as the married guy, I hope the wife takes him for all he has and doesn't stay with him (though the latter is probably what's going to happen. If not just because of his infidelity, but also for the two kids they have.
the only reports i could find for adultery prosecutions in Virginia involved a person who was married.

the fornication statute -- prohibiting sex between two unmarried persons -- was tossed by the state's supreme court in Martin v. Ziherl.
Thanks, Banquo! I got your reponse while I was with her and she feels a lot better about it now.
if they would be in louisiana you could MABYE get an indicment for crime against nature yes yes buggary (anal sex) along with any type of oral sex is ILLEGAL even between consenting adults but you must have proof anyway but i doubt it will pass the grand jury
egizzle said:
if they would be in louisiana you could MABYE get an indicment for crime against nature yes yes buggary (anal sex) along with any type of oral sex is ILLEGAL even between consenting adults but you must have proof anyway but i doubt it will pass the grand jury

Not so much any more...

Did you guys all miss Lawrence V. Texas?

Sodomy is not illegal anywhere it is done privately.

Adultery - that's a little different.
I don't know of a ruling on that one.

The wife could claim that her rights to her husband (as a marriage license is a legally binding contract) were infringed upon - charging the "new girl" with theft.

I don't think it would play out that way in court, but charges could presumably be pressed.
However this would mean the husband was nothing more than property... so it would get a little tied up there as well.
I think this is all moot now as my friend appears to (hopefully) have wised up and left the bastard. Thanks again, all!