lacing weed w/ E


Nov 25, 1999
has anyone ever done this? do the effects of each drug sort of negate each other? im curious to see what the effect is...
Everybody sing! 1..2..3..4..
"Waste waste waste yer E
Quickly with a bowl,
Merrily, merrily,
Merrily, merrily,
I would rather roll.."

~*~ Ashke ~*~
Ashke...tooo funny!!! I actually want to thank you for introducing me to this site. I was searchin' stuff on eBay and clicked on your "me" page...and well...since i love to rollerskate (hehehe)........... Anyway,I absolutely love this site. I've been reading everthing for the past 2 days. It's so enlightening. I'm too ...on so many threads. IT's great!! ANyways, I was gonna email you..but since I saw your post..I thought now would be a good time. the way...I luv your wings....beautiful!
I'd be curious to an answer to this question. Me and Lane are rolling this weekend with some friends who will most definately have pot. Should we save a pill or two and crush it up in the bowl? Or maybe, sniff a pill once high? Any suggestions from the experienced would be appreciated. I've smoked when coming down, but I'd much rather drink. Anyone ever tried drinking when coming down. It's the BEST!!!!
Wooo! This is the first time anyone's got turned on to bluelight by my ME page! At least first I've heard, anyway.

Welcome lilbeaner!
~*~ Ashke ~*~
Listen, weed is INCREDIBLE with E- I rather like it after the peak though. We stretched a couple of hits of E out from 11 pm till 9 am with a single joint. I dunno--seems to bring the roll back for me. AND I never smoke pot by itself. Normally it just dopes me out and I get really stupid, hungry and sleepy and generally have NO energy the next morning. However, different story while rollin.
IT's great--but I def wouldn't waste a pill like that.
well...i have never smoked e..... (but i would imagine it might be a big waste....?!) as for snorting a pill...(i have done that on many occations...and i find...that the pill seems to hit me faster (but for a less amount of time....)AND IT BURNS like a hot crack pipe!!
your nose pulsates with pain...*giggles*... what i usually do..(if i feel like snorting something...*giggles*) is to take a pill.....and then if i have that "snorting" urge...(i crush up a HALF a pill) (and safe the other half for later....)
*giggles* *nibbles*
oooo---hehehe that made me remember....
smoking weed while comming down from E is grrr-8
) *licks*...
Well, it seems to depend on the pills. I smoked half a 98 Mitsubishi once (in a joint, with some hash), and was UTTERLY FUCKED. I'd already been out and had 1-2 (I think), and fancied giving it a bash, because I read about it on the old board.
The high was quite different, much more intense, but much shorter lived.
I spoken to others who have done the same with other pills and that got nothing out of it. Apparently, you can smoke them by 'chasing the dragon', heroin-style. Don't ask me how, because I really don't know.
I know how. Jonsey's suggestion would prolly work, or at least it'd work better than a bowl. So like smoke the weed and chase the E I guess... You'd still waste a lot of it though.
Here's how you chase shit. You'd prolly hafta crush the pill up some.. You'd put a few drops of water on it -- uh I would assume you would anyway so it could sizzle right, but admittably I've never done with E, or seen it done -- but anyway, do all this on a piece of foil. Get a glass chase pipe, or I guess any solid piece of tubing would do but the times I've witnessed this, they always had a glass piece specifically for dragonish purposes.

Turn the lighter up high as it will go. Put the pipe in your mouth, coz you'll need one hand to hold the foil and the other to use the lighter. While holding the flame to the foil directly beneath the crunched up pill, wait for it to start to catch and suck up the smoke and let as little get away as possible. *shrug*
It's a horrible waste of perfectly good E, if you ask me... Especially if you have no practice at chasing. A ton of it will float up, up, and away... But I'm sure it'd hit you very fast.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
I think you'd probably find the e burned up too fast on foil to make it worthwhile, it has to be able to slide around a bit, not just fizzle in one spot. But, one of my fave ways of doing a line of e is smoking it on a cigarette, take the filter out, lick one side, roll your line on, let it dry, spark it up, and share it
It definitely gives a buzz, and a line goes a long way, you dont need to be whacking more than a fifth of a pill on there. I have a friend who used to roll hash doobies with half a pill crushed up inside - a GOOD friend
- and that was pretty good fun too. The main reason I like smoking e and doing lines is that you can eat one, and then just top up with little bits over the night.
"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"
For those get paranoia from herb dont mix the two.But for those who like the herb go for it .But for me personally it sucks,before,peaking,and after it all sucked the same!!!!WEAK