Kratom withdrawal... again


Sep 19, 2016
Alright guys. Swim is in the midst of Kratom withdrawal he may or may not be underage. Just for the record. Swim has insane luck of kratom. Swim can take kratom twice per day, and results are fairly considtant results, no need to increase dosage past 4g. Typically swim take's 2.5g kratom, followed by another g 20 min latwr once he starts the day. Spacing it out seems to decrease any potential nausea. He usually goes on to take a dosage of 3-4g, atleast one more time, always a second time, sometimes 3x in one day. The first dose is always the strongest. Swim once hit a point when krstom had litthe to no effect on me. I waited 18 hours without taking kratom, and tolerance was back to ZERO. Perhaps this means swim will heal quickly. Swim doesn't have an intention of quitting kratom completely, although I am a heavy polysubstance user. I comsum at least kratom and marijuana everyday, and takes a third drug about 3 days a week, whether it be alcohol, phenibut, adderall, a micro dose of lsd, or mdma (rarely more than 2x/month). Swim understands this is unhealthy, but he is actively cutting back. Swim has gone through WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY worse withdrawls. In fact one he has withdrawn from cocaine, kratom, phenibut, and been completely depleted of seratonin from a 3 day mdma trip. The AGONNNNNNYYY was beyond comprehension. In terms of intensity, it was like 200mg mdma, but the absolute oppsosite effects. The worst of which was the opposite feeling of a body high. Swim realizes he is rambling about irrelevancies.

Swim wants to know what works well for easing krstom withdrals. Swim had more than enough marijuana, phenibut, kanna, magnesium citrate, potassium, 5htp, l tyrosine, grape seed extact, vitamin c, alcar, alcohol, adderall and lsd. What do you believe would be effective to combat these withdrawls until swim inevitable gets more and decreases his habit to a maximum of 2 doses daily. Do you think swims lack of tolerance build will help me get over this more quickly?
Why don't you just suck it up and cold turkey it? :)

Don't you see how weird it is to mention drugs like phenibut, alcohol & amphetamines when discussing what drugs will ease kratom WD? All of those substances are less benign than kratom.
Kratom wd is a piece of cake, mild at best. Morphine is horrible and benzo wd is a living hell. Just putting that out there. I've been through kratom wd a few times and it felt like light typical opiate wd symptoms. Do some exercising, go for a walk. Take baths. Eat healthily. Putting more chemicals into your system isn't particulary helpful imo.

Take a break and give your body a break.