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Kratom Strength


May 15, 2011
Has anyone here dealt with differing strength between strains/brands? I was originally taking red vein and then green vein of the same brand, but I'm currently trying out "Thai" in a different brand and I think it's less potent. I think it's either that or my tolerance has gone up more. The reason I'm trying the current one is because the brand is about 1/3 of the price of the last one. Thoughts?
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Wtf do ppl find this b I've been searching and no one knows what I'm talkin about
Sry got a little ahead of realising there's no relevant question to ur post
Different color strands are used for different purposes from what I’ve read with me trying the different stands myself. Red is for relaxing and to help with sleep they say even though personal anecdotal experience for me was that I couldn’t sleep on it; my body’s reaction. But White Sumatra strands for example are high energy which I find true. Green is an in betweener; not as intense as White but has pain killer qualities still but shouldn’t put one to sleep.

As tempting as it is to melt the powder with boiling water, that actually removes the effectiveness of the opiate qualities supposedly -so mix with cold juices instead they say.
As tempting as it is to melt the powder with boiling water, that actually removes the effectiveness of the opiate qualities supposedly -so mix with cold juices instead they say.

I start using kratom back in 2003, before it was big AT ALL in the US, there was only one place to get it and no one knew what it was, but I read a report on Erowid and then saw some in a head shop. It was only sold in crushed leaf form back then, no powder. The only information I could find on dosing was the traditional method, which is to brew it: basically you simmer it gently in water for 20 minutes, strain, keep the water, then simmer in new water for 20 minutes again, strain, throw away the leaf and combine the extractions. Once it cools it turns into the color and consistency of coffee with creamer in it, very nasty, much grosser to consume than powder, but damn if the high isn't better. I mean granted, I had only just started to use it and was opiate naive, but it felt like really good and relaxing cocaine on the come-up, and then it settled into a high similar to oxycodone. I would get sparkly vision and those early times were more enjoyable than any opiate experience I've ever had since. I actually noticed a difference when I eventually switched to powder, I got dizzy easier and the high was less fleshed out seeming. But I did it out of the convenience... it used to take about 50 minutes to make.
Has anyone here dealt with differing strength between strains/brands? I was originally taking red vein and then green vein of the same brand, but I'm currently trying out "Thai" in a different brand and I think it's less potent. I think it's either that or my tolerance has gone up more. The reason I'm trying the current one is because the brand is about 1/3 of the price of the last one. Thoughts?
The red stuff is the strongest. Followed by the green stuff. Followed by white. I usually Eye it up. As I have a high tolerance.
It's raw plant material. Just like Cannabis, it's going to vary significantly from plant to plant. Just like Morphine, if you were to refine the raw plant material into its active constituents, Mitragynine and Co. we could easily measure dosages and confirm with accuracy the potency of your material, but that is unfortunately not what we are dealing with.
Well actually the kind I have says mitragynine is 1.1% and 7-OH mitragynine .04% whatever that all means. I think the bali I had was 1.5% mitragynine but I don't know what the other brand was because it didn't say. I don't know how much of a difference 1.1% and 1.5% is. I'm wondering if maybe my tolerance has just gone up more or I just am not noticing the effects since I've been taking it a while now.
The one time I got some Maeng Da Kratom. A powerfull strain from Thailand that supposedly was more like a euphoric timulant then a painkiller/ energizer.

The whole ounce, 20 + grams produced no opiod or other effects. So bad badge or I am somehow immune for that strain. The active ingredients differt from the other's strainś. Like Red vein Borneo and Green Malay, my favorite's.
I've had kratom from four different vendors, I believe. I've had probably around 15 different strains total. To answer your question, there are multiple factors that affect the overall potency of the product you're receiving. First, different vendors will have varying levels of quality across the board (I've gotten the same strain a couple times from different vendors and noticed changes in effects). Second, buying the same strain from the same vendor can be variable if you're buying from a different batch since last time. Third thing is the color of the leaf. I believe the leaf color refers to the age of the plant (white, green, then red in order of increasing age). The color is indicative of the alkaloid profile each strain has. As other people have said, whites tend to be more uplifting or provide a head high whereas reds are more sedating and analgesic with a more pronounced body high then greens tend to fall in the middle of that spectrum (however, the most stimulating strain I've ever had was a green!). The last thing that affects the effects you feel will be the location. In my experience, Thai has been one of the more subtle, almost underwhelming, strains and I'd personally recommend just the white. For red, bali and borneo are MUCH better than Thai based on personal experience (and this seems to be somewhat common for other people from what I've read while trying to choose a strain). I believe there are some communities where people are allowed to discuss vendors and that has been really helpful for me when trying to find a solid vendor with quality kratom.

You also said the price was a fraction of what you previously paid. Let me just remind you that, just like many other things, you get what you pay for. What I typically try to do to lower costs is buy in kilos. That drops the price per gram to just cents, which is dirt cheap, if you think about how long it'll last you. But that's why I try to do a lot of research beforehand because it'd suck to be stuck with weak strains for some months before reupping my stock.

What types of effects are you shooting for with kratom?
I was not aware that they were labeling the potency of this stuff. I hope it's accurate. If you have the alkaloid content by volume you would have a good starting place at least.
What types of effects are you shooting for with kratom?

I started taking it when I was forced to go off my clonazepam and quit drinking about the same time save for once or twice a month. Started with red vein. I think I liked that better because I wanted something a bit calming.
I started taking it when I was forced to go off my clonazepam and quit drinking about the same time save for once or twice a month. Started with red vein. I think I liked that better because I wanted something a bit calming.

I've noticed that whites work really well for taking the psychological edge off things if I'm in a social or active environment since reds tend to be more enjoyable if I'm chilling and sitting. I've definitely taken heavy red doses before presentations and it worked out but I've noticed I prefer whites/green if I'm out and reds if I'm in. Yellows and golds work well in either situation because the duration gives me different effects as the high develops into different stages.

Good on you for quitting the high clonazepam and alcohol use! Cycling through substances is definitely safer physically but it can be just as seductive, psychologically speaking, as using one or two daily/regularly.